By Jan Markell
Olive Tree Ministries
I guess the Fox Network really is fair and balanced. They present the good, the bad, and the truly ugly. In this case the “ugly” is a program about Lucifer. That’s right: Lucifer leaves Hell and becomes a resident of Los Angeles. I’m not making this up.
Based on the show’s trailer, the Lucifer character will be offered up to the masses who watch the Fox program as a likable character with moral and ethical convictions, fulfilling the biblical account of this insidious demonic entity. It’s only fitting then, that this modern-day show would portray Lucifer as a type of benevolent god, since this was always his goal. It was to take the place of the real God.One commentator said that the masses are increasingly obsessed with evil so why not make a program glorifying Satan? You might say that Hollywood has done that for decades and featured their offerings to the evil one on the big screen and you would be correct, but this program will be prime time, available to millions with just the turn of a dial or push of a TV transmitter. Click here to continue reading.