1. Brenda

    Amen ~ we are secure because we are “in Christ.” We are “in Christ” because we believe the Gospel (Eph 1:13). 1 Cor 15:1-4 proclaims the Gospel: that Christ died for our sins, was buried, & rose again. Our salvation is all of Him, just as our eternal security is all of Him. Praise Him for His Love.

  2. T. I. Miller

    Foe me the most blatant example of reading into the text, is the notion that all end times prophetic scripture is allegorical not literal. That is how a-millinial ism is taught. another notion built upon mans tradition is assuming that pastors are not only elders but the top dog elder of every church. They are mentioned directly 1 time Eph. 4 and only by mis-translating shepherd (poiemen). My understanding of my eternal state rests primarily upon the promise of Jesus in John 6:38-40. “I will lose none…..I will raise him up” Of course this excludes false converts. Secondarily upon 1 john 2:19 “…if they had been of us they would have remained…” If i have read something into these texts please correct me.

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