LTRP Note: The statement below is written by Menno-Lite, a ministry that focuses on the “New” Spirituality entering the Mennonite church, but the information they provide is affecting all denominations, including the writings of emergent church leader Brian McLaren. You can read some of our research on McLaren here. And if you have never listened to an interview McLaren gave a number of years ago where he called the Cross and Hell “false advertising” for God, it might be a good idea to listen to that to help understand the attack on the Gospel that the New Spirituality is bringing into the church. As you come to realize the huge impact against the Gospel that McLaren has had on untold numbers of people (especially young people), remember who played a significant role in helping to launch McLaren and give him momentum: Rick Warren and Bill Hybels (see Faith Undone).
By Menno-Lite
Mennonites have supported the agenda of the contemplative spirituality and emerging church movements to teach and influence their children. Mennonites have even shown their support of Brian McLaren’s agenda to shape their entire families. In 2012, an announcement by MennoMedia Staff appeared on the Mennonite Church Canada website called Brian McLaren headlines Shaping Families line-up in December.[1] Shaping Families was a radio broadcast for three years but now remains as a faith-based resource website. Linked with Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite church Canada and Mennoninte Missions Network, it continues to offer various interviews that Third Way Media/MennoMedia produced in the last number of years. At Shaping Families, Brian McLaren remains as a family shaper on one of their resource pages.[2]
Since 2012, McLaren has been working very hard on his plan of re-imaging church curriculum. His new book, a retelling of the biblical story, will be released next month… Click here to continue reading and to watch video excerpts of Brian McLaren discussing his new book.