Mennonites and World Peace

by Menno-lite

This June, the Canadian School of Peacebuilding will be taking place at Canadian Mennonite University.

The goal?

“We want to create a space where people from different backgrounds and perspectives can connect in positive and respectful ways,” said Valerie Smith, co-director of CSOP.”

A microcosm of peace under one roof
Canadian School of Peacebuilding to be held at CMU in June–119718319.html

One of the trainers for this peace building summer school is Michelle LeBaron, a Professor of Law from the University of British Columbia. According to LeBaron’s bio, she is interested in the role dialogue plays in bridging worldviews, connecting multiple ways of knowing, and relating to spirituality and creativity. She has facilitated many dialogue projects and taught dialogic approaches around the world, and has authored several books, including Bridging Troubled Waters, Conflict Resolution from the Heart and Bridging Cultural Conflicts and Conflict Across Cultures: A Unique Approach for Bridging Differences.

Another trainer is Mark Burch, former lecturer at the University of Winnipeg, former director of their Campus Sustainability Office, and former Co-Director of the Simplicity Practice and Resource Centre (SPARC), which:

“catalyzes the transformation of individuals, communities, and Canadian society, through research, educational programs, and resources that promote the values and practices of voluntary simplicity and sustainable livelihood…

… We envision a world where equity and diversity are cherished, and where the interdependence of people, the Earth, and all living things is reflected in moral and responsible institutions. Click here to continue reading.

Related Information:

On Rob Bell, Hell, and Mennonites

Uniting Religions for World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit