1. Jeffrey A Wahburn

    We must not look to man in all his knowledge, best we come with clean hands an all the breath within.

  2. Donna Thomas

    A name that was not on the list that should be is Timothy Keller. He is one of the founders of the Gospel Coalition. The church he pastors holds teaching series on contemplative prayer.

  3. CW

    In Moody’s case, the phrase “another one bites the dust” comes to mind. Well-known institutions and leaders/authors are falling like flies. It is MORE important now, more than ever before, for Christians to be more discerning than ever before, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and to be prepared to share the Truth of God’s Holy Word with everyone — believers and unbelievers — so that as many as possible can be spared the destruction to come. Oh how we need the mercy of God. How thankful I am that it is written in His Word — His mercies are new every morning.

  4. Carol

    Most people do not see what is happening in so many churches, ministries and teachings…they are embracing contemplative mysticism…it wears a mask but this is not God and it opens the door to the enemy.

  5. Susan Witt

    Realizing certainly this is not a comprehensive list, the lethal New Age writings of Marianne Williamson would be a worthy addition. Additionally according to the excellent writings of Ray Yungen; Gary Zukav and Iyanla Vanzant are two New Age authors to warn other about.

  6. Cynthia Benon

    Wow! I am shocked! This was an excellent book and helps people get out of the New Age Movement. It is still a big issue perhaps just disguised better.

  7. Lydia

    Ha, it’s not an issue for them because they don’t have an issue with the new age movement, obviously because they decided to swim in it instead of run from it! Yes, it is an issue, because yes, it has flooded the church, and yes, it is dangerous in a deadly way. But they have embraced it so they don’t see the dangers, just like all the other things like that, it just goes with the territory. Sad.

  8. Frankly Frank

    The list should realistically include the late A.W. Tozer, who prolifically read, benefited from, quoted, and valued not only “The Cloud of Unknowing” but other historic mystics of the past. Being self-taught, he loved the early church fathers and mentions them in both “Pursuit of God” and “The Knowledge of the Holy,” true Christian classics.

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