1. CW

    Heidi, I know that anything which is not pc is not acceptable anymore, and that pc is not determined by anything Biblical. At the same time, Jesus told us to occupy until He comes, for us to remain “salty”. So I am praying that His kingdom will come and His will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, including Washington state.

    God bless you, dear sister. I always enjoy “seeing” you here. 🙂

  2. Elizabeth Bennett

    My unsaved sister lives in WA State, the most un-churched state in the American Union. We have been praying for her, her husband and son for many yrs. Liberal policies have been proven not to work, but liberals keep on pushing things that do not work. Societies that do not follow God’s laws do not last for very long; they will not prosper.

  3. Heidi Lavoie

    There is only one narrative that is acceptable now in all sectors of society, the narrative of the antichrist, total lawlessness.

  4. CW

    This agenda is obviously pure evil:

    * Decriminalize underage prostitution??? Really?

    * Push the comprehensive sexual education program which was soundly rejected by a majority of Washington state parents late last year??? Why? Aren’t representatives supposed to, well, represent what their citizens want?

    You nailed the Senate Dems’ hypocrisy: They SAY that “representation of both sexes is of great importance”, BUT “their concern regarding sex differences is limited ONLY to the world of business because they spent 2018 scrubbing the words “mother” and “father” from the world of family.” (my caps)

    I would think that decent, law-abiding citizens of Washington state are probably shocked by the first item, in particular, but hopefully are shocked by the whole evil agenda. I will be praying that wiser citizens and leaders will prevail!

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