1. Tim

    Test Calvary Chapel!! Do they stand against false teachers like Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer etc?

    I find that they are silent on the word of faith cult and do not warn and rebuke wolves.

    Instead they silence ones like myself for purposes of keeping the pasture controlled and free from debate.

    Or free from the sword of the spirit (Bible) from keeping Damnable doctrines mixing with Truth!

  2. Lee

    Yes Calvary Chapel is still sticking to Gods Word but the junk is filtering in.
    Spiritual Formation is alive and well in CC.

  3. Sharon

    Go to a Calvary Chapel church, it teaches nothing but the bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. The pastor takes the congregation through the Bible every year.

  4. Alison

    It’s no different on the island of Oahu – and I’m still in the US and don’t need an interpreter.

  5. Crystal

    Julia!!! Hey……these are increasingly darker days eh? Lovely to hear you….
    Blessings to you
    Crystal 🙂

  6. Crystal Johnson

    we are not alone Pat….I left my church after 22 years last year…it’s painful isn’t it? I was gently dismissed but it breaks my heart for the sheep.
    Thank you too Lighthouse Trails for all you do in His precious Name. He is our vindication.
    Blessings and Shalom

  7. Pat Balsan

    Thanks to Lighthouse Trails Research and God’s Word, I left a church two years ago after being involved for 15 years. When I brought concerns to my group leader and told him what I was seeing and some of the comments the pastor made during various services his response was, “I didn’t hear that”. It is easier to go along with the majority, then to stand alone. I am happy standing alone, because I am not alone. Every time I read these articles and the comments by believers whonare just like me, I know I am on the right path.

    Thank you, Lighthouse Trails and fellow commentors. We are not alone.

  8. Heidi Lavoie

    Amen, you can count me in too. I live in a town with a large number of churches for the town size and there is not one that I can attend. Its my husband and I, we pray, sing hymns, read and study the Bible together. Where two or three are gathered, the Lord is there, its His promise, and it is a church in its simplest form.

  9. Dear Julia,

    Please don’t sink into despair. Sadly, many of us are in the same situation as you are in –including me. I have had to leave four churches since becoming a Christian and am presently churchless after searching for a Biblically solid church for the past 2 1/2 years and not being able to find one. God has given us His Word and His Holy Spirit to comfort us and to lead us in all truth as well as other believers to stand with us. I will be praying for you.♥

  10. John J

    Other signs are when the guards at the door ask you to remove your shoes and encourage you to walk in with your yoga mat and your personal copy of “The Book of Shadows.”

  11. Julia Pomeroy

    Try finding a Bible-believing church with, at least a decent interpreter on this island of Cyprus is like looking for hen’s teeth. We have attended at least six to ten and not one of them hold to the fundamental truths of the Word of God. The one we are attending now doesn’t and the interpreter (volunteer) is not that good either. I am beginning to despair.

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