On February 3, 2009, the Department of Peace bill HR 808 was updated and introduced to Congress (http://www.thepeacealliance.org/content/view/278/23) by Congressman Dennis Kucinich. For those who are not familiar with the efforts by prolific New Age leaders to bring to reality a US Department of Peace, these efforts began several years ago at a grassroots level. Support for the new department grew and presently 66 members of Congress are supporting the effort. Just one week after the new president took office, the Department of Peace bill was reintroduced. Lighthouse Trails has set up a research page for those who wish to track the “progress” of the Department of Peace.
Lighthouse Trails has issued a number of reports in the last few years addressing the Department of Peace (DOP). These reports explain that the DOP effort began with the Global Renaissance Alliance with New Age leaders Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, James Redfield, Deepak Chopra, Gary Zukav, Wayne Dyer, and several others. Warren Smith talks about the alliance in his book, False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care?:
[O]ne of the obvious goals of the “new gospel” and of the Alliance organization is to completely “reinvent” (if it were possible) the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. While members teach that all paths lead to God, they know that there is no place in their new spiritual world order for those who insist that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.
The Alliance presents itself as a “grassroots” organization of everyday folks, but it is important to remember that the Alliance is spearheaded by a high level group of “new gospel” advocates who appear to be operating from a general blueprint channeled from the spirit world years ago by esotericist and occultist, Alice Bailey, who is the author of many channeled works. Her blueprint is continually being affirmed and updated by the recent “new revelations” received by Schucman [A Course in Miracles], Hubbard, Walsch, [Benjamin] Creme and others.
Warren explains in his book how the Global Renaissance Alliance eventually changed its name to The Peace Alliance, which is it still called today and is the lobbying group and initiator for the Department of Peace.
While Barbara Marx Hubbard and some of the other high profile New Agers slowly faded from the forefront of The Peace Alliance, Marianne Williamson has remained a crucial influence. Up until recently, her name and photo were seen throughout the Peace Alliance website. And while her photo and name do not appear on the home page of the site presently, a simple search on the website shows she is still involved in the movement. Barbara Marx Hubbard and some of the other New Agers have remained involved to various degrees as well. In 2005 Marx Hubbard received a Peacebuilders award from the Peace Alliance. 1 But clearly having the names of well-known New Agers in prominence would deter the efforts to convince Congress that this is a legitimate trustworthy organization that has an agenda of peace and not of a global change in consciousness for humanity as Marx Hubbard, Williamson, Dyer, Chopra, and others do. This is where personalities like former anchor Walter Cronkite and Hollywood favorite Joaquin Phoenix, both DOP activists, have helped The Peace Alliance’s agenda.
As we stated in an article titled The Election is Over – What About the Department of Peace?, the Department of Peace will be a means to enforce New Age-based hate-crime legislation. And such legislation will ultimately remove the freedom of speech with regard to declaring the biblical Gospel as the only means of salvation. It will also remove the freedom for public figures (including pastors) to say that the homosexual lifestyle is wrong and sinful (something that has already been restricted in Canada). Also worked into the wording of the bill are restrictions on ownership of guns.2 Ultimately, though, this is a plan to silence the messengers of the true Gospel.
As Bible-believing Christians, let us continue defending the faith in the midst of a dark and lost society that has rejected God’s Savior, Jesus Christ, as the only answer to man’s lostness. While bills and laws will pass, continually changing the structure and functioning of our world, nothing can change the truth found in His Word.
Jesus said:
Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Matthew 24: 4-6