New Book Release: Three Generations of Suffering by Georgi Vins

Lighthouse Trails Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Three Generations of Suffering: A Chronicle of One Family’s Persecution in an Atheistic Society, written by Georgi Vins. The book was originally published in 1975 by David C. Cook Publishing but eventually went out of print. Lighthouse Trails is publishing this new edition under contract with the Georgi Vins’ family. This is the third book Lighthouse Trails has published by former Soviet prisoner, Georgi Vins, who spent a total of eight years in Communist prison camps for his faith and for his pastoral work. The book was written during Georgi’s years as a pastor and leader of the underground church in the U.S.S.R. and as a prisoner. The unpublished manuscript was smuggled out of the country and sent to Keston College, which at the time was working to alert the world to the persecutions taking place under Communism.

From the Back Cover:

“For what are we being tried? For free faith in Christ! In fact, it is not we who are on trial, but Christ! We are merely His twentieth-century disciples, and we are saying and doing nothing new. We continue to witness to the Gospel about the salvation of man and about eternal life in Christ.

“Our interrogators, procurators, and judges have not come very far from those who participated in Christ’s trial in the first century—they use the same methods: slander, falsehood, and hatred for God’s truth.

“I prepare for the trial . . . By now I have pencil and paper. My first thought: we are appearing here (before the court), not for robbery, not for rioting, not for gold, not for hooliganism.

“The trial of Jesus Christ is continuing here today, the trial which was begun in the time of the Roman procurator in Judea, Pontius Pilate.

“It is faith in the bright future of humanity that is on trial. Christ was calm, full of spiritual strength, and confident of the victory of the cause of the Gospel. His confidence is transmitted even to us.”—Georgi Vins

Book Information:
224 pages | Retail Price: $14.95
For toll free ordering, call 866-876-3910.
Release Date: August 1, 2022.

Click here to order online, or call 866-876-3910 (M-F), or mail to P.O. Box307, Roseburg, OR 97470.


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