NEW BOOKLET: The Big Picture—How the World and the Church Are Being Deceived: Ten Spiritual Devices by Warren B. Smith is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our Booklets are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use. Below is the content of the booklet. To order copies of The Big Picture—How the World and the Church Are Being Deceived: Ten Spiritual Devices, click here.
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11)
In a front page article in the September 27, 2007 Fresno Bee newspaper, the headline read: “GOING in the WRONG direction.” The article was about hikers who end up getting lost—and even dying—as a result of their stepping off of an established trail in Yosemite National Park. The sub-heading read, “It just takes one misstep for even the most experienced hikers to go missing.” The article begins:
It’s called the “cascade effect”—a catchy name for the way one mistake leads to another, and a quick explanation for how a hiker who takes one step off of an established trail is one step closer to trouble.
The article goes on:
Park rangers and search and rescue experts say that hundreds of hikers take that one wrong step each year. The key, they say, is where that next step takes them—back toward the trail or further down a perilous path.
The Bible also talks of a perilous path—one that has “a form of godliness” (2 Timothy 3:5) but where what should be the “right hands of fellowship” (Galatians 2:9) turns out to be the “right hand of falsehood” (Psalm 144:11). For those who know their Bible and endeavor to keep God’s Word, it is of the utmost importance to not be deceived into stepping off the narrow way onto a perilous broad way that leads to destruction.
Satan’s Tempting Devices
Scripture makes it clear we have a Spiritual Adversary—Satan the Devil—who is constantly tempting us with his cunning “devices.” We are warned that he can come as an “angel of light” and his ministers as “ministers of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Because his deceptive devices can be very appealing, the apostle Paul tells us—“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). He also stressed the importance of not being ignorant of Satan’s “devices” lest he “get an advantage of us” (2 Corinthians 2:11). He said “it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret” but they must be “reproved” and brought to the “light” (Ephesians 5:12-13).
God’s Plan vs. the Devil’s Plan
God has a plan—the plan of salvation—but the Devil has a plan too—a plan of destruction. So, again, we are not to be ignorant of this deceptive plan and its accompanying devices. We must try to understand the “big picture” so to speak. Why? Lest Satan get an advantage of us and we suddenly find ourselves on the path to Antichrist rather than the path to Jesus Christ.
Jesus warned that prior to His return “false Christs” and “false prophets” would “arise” and “shew great signs and wonders” (Matthew 24:24). In that same verse, he said the deception would be so great that—“if it were possible”—even the “elect” would be deceived. So what is the “Big Picture? ”What is Satan’s plan?
Satan’s New Age Peace Plan
All of Satan’s devices are designed to accomplish one major objective—to get his man—Antichrist—into position. The prophet Daniel warned that Antichrist will have a deceptive peace plan and “by peace” “shall destroy many” (Daniel 8:25). He further warned that this deceptive peace plan would “destroy wonderfully” because it will appear to be so wonderful. Who doesn’t want world peace? But peace from what source and on what terms? Presently, this deceptive peace plan is floating under the radar as “God’s Dream” for the world, the church, and the coming “New Age.” But first, what exactly is the New Age?
What Is the New Age?
I was first introduced to the concept of “God’s Dream” and the “God’s Dream” peace plan after being seduced into what has been popularly referred to as the New Age movement. In its simplest terms, the New Age movement was, and still is, a deceptive spiritual movement that goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. It was there, at the beginning of creation, that the serpent cast doubt on God’s Word while simultaneously suggesting that men could be like God (Genesis 3:1-5). Emerging from its semi-veiled occult obscurity, the New Age movement suddenly burst forth amidst a growing drug culture and the social and political unrest of the 1960s and 1970s. It seemed to offer an exciting and adventurous spiritual alternative to what was perceived by many to be a tired, outdated, and obsolete Christian faith.
Gathering momentum in the 1980s and beyond, what was formerly called the occult, and then the New Age, is now mainstream. In the late 1990s and into the new millennium, the term New Age seemed to disappear. But the New Age never went away as most people thought—it was simply repackaged as a New Gospel, a New Spirituality, and a New Worldview. Over the past two decades, this New Age/New Spirituality/New Worldview has not only integrated itself into the world, but it has made great inroads into the church itself. However, as a rose by any other name is still a rose, so the New Age by any other name is still the New Age.
In a nutshell, the New Age/New Spirituality is based on the foundational false teaching that all of humanity is “One” because God is alleged to be “in” everyone and everything. And because God is said to be “in” everyone and everything, we are all “connected” because we are all God. This foundational bottom line of the New Age belief system was captured in a photograph sent to me several years ago by a pastor in southern California. In the photo, a young man is wearing a T-shirt that says—“I used to be an atheist until I realized I was God.”
But man is not God, and God is not “in” everyone and everything. God makes it clear in Hosea 11: 9 when He states, “for I am God, and not man.” Galatians 6:3 states, “For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.” Ezekiel 28:2 says—“yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God.” Nevertheless, all of Satan’s devices are cunningly devised to bring the world—and the church—to believe this foundational lie that God is “in” everyone and everything. But, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3).
Many years ago, I was recruited into the New Age movement to help implement its deceptive peace plan. The same devices used to deceive me into accepting its teachings are the same devices being used today to deceive the world—and the church. These devices are preparing everyone for a seemingly “wonderful” peace plan that is being euphemistically described as God’s Dream for the world. The following are ten of these deceptive spiritual devices.
How the World and the Church are Being Deceived: Ten Spiritual Devices
1) Putting Unwarranted Trust in People
My involvement in the New Age was not initiated by an interest in spirituality but by my interest in a waitress in a local downtown restaurant. One day, she mentioned that a friend of a friend of hers was a psychic and was coming to town to do some psychic readings. She asked if I would be interested in seeing this woman and getting a reading. Wanting to demonstrate my being open to spiritual things, and hoping to gain her favor, I agreed to see the psychic. Had it not been for my friend’s endorsement of this questionable practice, I would never have consented to have the reading. However, my natural suspicion of psychics was overridden by her making it seem so normal. Later as a new Christian, I read in the Bible how spiritually dangerous it is to be involved with psychics, We are not to give any regard to those who consult with familiar spirits (Leviticus 19:31). Psychics and things like Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards, meditation, Yoga, and countless other occult practices can unwittingly open doors to a deceptive and evil spirit world.
This same device of putting unwarranted trust in people rather than the Word of God can also be seen in the church today. Just because a friend or relative has been a Christian for years, doesn’t mean that their endorsement of a particular pastor, teacher, book, or spiritual practice should be accepted without any questions. The Bible warns us not to put undue trust in a friend or a guide. Rather, we are to “try the spirits (1 John 4:1) and rightly divide the Word of God regarding whatever we are reading, experiencing, or being told (2 Timothy 2:15). Like the Bereans, we are to search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are really so (Acts 17:11). Trusting other people and not the Word of God is one of Satan’s many deceptive devices.
Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide. (Micah 7:5)
2) Putting Unwarranted Trust in Spiritual Experiences
During my spiritual reading with the psychic, she revealed many things about me that she had no way of knowing. This made her more credible in my eyes and she gained my immediate respect and definite attention. Toward the end of the reading, I felt an intense whirling sensation over my head that vibrated and tingled and felt very strange. I had never experienced anything quite like it. Without my saying anything to her, the psychic said—“Are you aware there is a ball of light over your head right now?” She proceeded to tell me that the ball of light was there because I had “a lot of help from the other side.” When I asked her what the “other side” was, she told me angels, loved ones who had passed on, and other spirits who were interested in my spiritual well-being. She said if I wanted their help in my spiritual life, I had to ask and give them permission to come into my life.
So that night I prayed—“You on the other side, please come into my life. I want to be more spiritual. I want to grow.” In my naivete, what I actually prayed was a reverse sinner’s prayer that was completely contrary to God’s ways. By doing this, I had unwittingly opened a door to the evil spirit world. When I came to the Lord and gained a better understanding of the Bible, I realized the ball of light that appeared in my psychic reading was not good and was not from God. It was obviously a deceptive spirit that came as an angel of light. It was sent to make me feel special and to convince me that I had a lot of spiritual help on “the other side.” And the psychic told me that part of that help might come from “loved ones” who had passed on. This alleged communication with the dead was very common in the New Age, but it is not usually found in the church.
However, Steve Berger, pastor of Grace Chapel in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee, claims that he and his wife have had ongoing visitations and conversations with their deceased son Josiah. In his book Have Heart: Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth, Berger describes some of the conversations they believe they have had with their son. Endorsements by mega-church pastor Greg Laurie, televangelist James Robison, and others listed in the front of Berger’s book seem to give legitimacy to what Berger is teaching—just as the waitress seemed to give legitimacy to my seeing a psychic. But, again, we are not to put unquestioned trust in people rather than the Word of God.
The Bible is very clear that we are not to communicate with the dead. This is the stuff of séances, channelings, spiritist readings, and the occult/New Age. Deuteronomy 18:9-11 forbids communicating with the dead and calls it necromancy. Certain pastors may have solid reputations as teachers and evangelists, but they are seriously wrong to present this kind of teaching to the church. The evil spirit world is only too willing to counterfeit our loved ones through spiritual experiences that play upon our human emotions and our love of family. Providing deceptive spiritual experiences that can open doors to the spirit world is one of Satan’s chief devices.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. (1 Timothy 4:1)
3) Seemingly “Meant-To-Be” Circumstances That Appear to be From God
Later that same year, I took a girlfriend to Big Sur for a special New Year’s Eve. This rugged California coastal area seemed to be a great way to continue my spiritual pursuits and start the year. Checking into the majestic Nepenthe Bookstore, I was immediately drawn to a book titled Journey Toward the Heart by an Indian master I had never heard of before. His name was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
After a series of incredible, seemingly meant-to-be circumstances that arose immediately after purchasing the book by Rajneesh, we serendipitously landed in a mountaintop cabin with nothing but clouds below us and, incredibly, another book by Rajneesh—Only One Sky—sitting on the bedside table. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh—a man I had never heard of before purchasing his other book an hour previous. Everything seemed to be benevolently conspiring to introduce me to this Indian guru. It all seemed so meant-to-be. But the question I never thought to ask was, meant-to-be by whom?
Many pastors, church leaders, and plain everyday folks are fond of saying: “It’s no accident.” “There is a reason for everything.” “It was meant-to-be.” The inference is that whatever they experienced was good and must have been divinely orchestrated by God. Rarely, if ever, does anyone even hint at the possibility of spiritual deception. But many of today’s spiritual experiences are not from God. It may seem to be God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit when it is not. Thus, whatever one is experiencing or being told needs to be tested, prayed about, and rightly divided by the Word of God. And while God can also orchestrate spiritual experiences, the church should always be on the lookout for contrived meant-to-be circumstances arranged by our Spiritual Adversary. These deceptive, seemingly meant-to-be experiences from God are yet another one of Satan’s clever devices.
These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. (1 John 2:26)
4) The New Age Doctrine of “Oneness”
In 1980, New Age teacher Marilyn Ferguson’s book The Aquarian Conspiracy was published and became an instant cult classic. In her book that is often regarded as a New Age “Bible,” Ferguson wrote somewhat playfully, with tongue-in-cheek, that a growing number of New Age “conspirators” had “a great heretical idea”1— the notion of “God within”—that God was “in” everyone and everything. As I fell deeper and deeper under the spiritual spell of Rajneesh and my other New Age teachers, this God “in” everyone and everything concept of Oneness seemed so simple and true, and felt so right to my misguided heart.
In a booklet titled Be Still and Know That You Are Not God: God is Not “in” Everyone and Everything,2 I showed how this New Age teaching of God “in” everyone and everything is not only in the world but also in the church. It isn’t just New Age leaders who are proclaiming it—I described how church leaders including Rick Warren, Eugene Peterson, Leonard Sweet, Sara Young, Pope Francis, and William P. Young—among others—have brought this God-“in”-everything teaching into the church.
The Bible says that all of humanity is one blood (Acts 17:26) because we all have an original set of parents—Adam and Eve. But Jesus said what “is born of the flesh is flesh” and what “is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6). That is why He then said to “Marvel not” that we “must be born again” (John 3:7). The Bible makes it clear that God and Christ are not inherently “in” everyone and everything. It is only when we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and are born again that His Holy Spirit is sent to dwell within us and that we become one in Him. Christ is not in everyone, but we are one in Christ when we believe in Him and are born again—“for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).
The New Age “Doctrine of Oneness” that says God is “in” everyone and everything is a lie. It is, perhaps, Satan’s chief device to deceive the world and the church. As seen with His response to the Tower of Babel, God demonstrated that He is definitely not into worldly oneness:
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. (Genesis 11:6-8)
5) The New Age Doctrine of Separation
While attending a massage program at the Sacramento Holistic Health Institute, one of my New Age classmates gave me a book titled Love is Letting Go of Fear by a psychiatrist named Gerald Jampolsky. This little self-help manual was very engaging as he talked of love, hope, faith, gratitude, and forgiveness in a decidedly unique and spiritual way. The author said his book had been greatly inspired by a set of books called A Course in Miracles. I immediately purchased The Course at a local New Age bookstore. I was surprised to see that the books were said to be channeled by “Jesus” to a Columbia Presbyterian Hospital psychologist in New York City named Helen Schucman. Not knowing the Bible, I read and accepted much of what this alleged “Jesus” said and taught. I had no idea that mingled with lofty statements about God and love and the Holy Spirit, this false Christ “Jesus” turned the actual teachings of the Bible inside out and upside down. Emphasizing the word “separation,” he taught, “The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself. There is no separation of God and His creation.”3 Emphasizing the word “oneness,” he stated that “The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”4 This counterfeit “Jesus” denigrated the true Christ’s victory on the Cross of Calvary by teaching that “The journey to the cross should be the last ‘useless journey’”5 and that “a slain Christ has no meaning.”6 These teachings reiterated what I had already been learning from Rajneesh and my other New Age teachers—we don’t need an external Savior because we can save ourselves by recognizing that we are all one because God is “in” everyone and everything.
In her book The Revelation, New Age author and futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard quotes the New Age Christ stating that those who oppose the idea of oneness with God are under the “illusion of separation.”7 In A Course in Miracles, the false New Age Christ states, “The mind can make the belief in separation very real and very fearful, and this belief is the ‘devil.’”8 He further states that those who are under the illusion of separation are “dreaming” and need to be “gently awakened” from their hapless dream of “separateness” by God’s “happy dream” of Oneness.9
There is something that should be of great concern to those keeping an eye on how this concept of separation might be coming into the church: On the fifth episode of his TBN television series Restoring the Shack, William P. Young, citing God as his source, stated that the “lie of separation” has prevented the church from being unified, whole, and one.10 That Young would introduce the New Age Doctrine of Separation is not surprising if you read The Shack carefully. The Shack’s “Jesus” openly teaches New Age “Oneness” when Young has him affirm that God is “in” everyone and everything. The Shack’s “Jesus” states, “God who is the ground of all being, dwells in, around, and through all things.”11 In Jesus Calling, Sarah Young’s “Jesus” also teaches this same New Age Oneness when he declares—“I am above all, as well as in all.”12
A more detailed description of this Oneness vs. Separation heresy is carefully documented in my book False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care? and in my booklet titled Oneness vs. Separation Heresy Now in the Church.13 The New Age Doctrine of Separation disparages and denigrates those who refuse to subscribe to the Doctrine of Oneness. God is, in fact, separate from His creation. He is not in everyone and everything. But Satan’s twisted New Age take on separation has been—and will continue to be—one of his main devices. Using the word separation scripturally and properly, the Bible tells us to “be ye separate” from the world and from worldly New Age doctrines like the Doctrine of Oneness versus Separation.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate. (2 Corinthians 6:17)
6) God’s Dream
The term “God’s Dream” has become almost commonplace in the world—and the church. “God’s Dream” is now the subject of numerous Christian books, booklets, sermons, songs, and radio shows. But most people using the term “God’s Dream” don’t realize it is a deceptive New Age term that was introduced over a hundred years ago in a 1916 Theosophical Path New Age magazine article.14 As previously mentioned, the term “God’s Dream” is a crucial New Age concept intimately linked to the New Age peace plan. It is at the heart of everything taught in A Course in Miracles by the New Age “Jesus.” The term “God’s Dream” has been used by the false Christ Maitreya who claims to already be here on Earth waiting for humanity to call him forth. It has been used by New Age channeler and best-selling Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch who claims to speak for God. It has been used and publicly promoted by New Age sympathizer Oprah Winfrey. All these references and many others are documented in my booklet God’s Dream: Satan’s Ultimate Scheme.15
The New Age term, “God’s Dream,” is also used by a wide variety of pastors, authors, church leaders, and worship leaders. “God’s Dream” was first introduced into the church by the late Crystal Cathedral pastor Robert Schuller in his 1974 book Your Church Has Real Possibilities.16 It was then exponentially popularized by Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren. It is now commonly used by a wide array of church figures that include Bethel Church pastor Bill Johnson, Shack author William P. Young, Kenneth Copeland, Brian McLaren, Pope Francis, Joel Osteen, Sarah Young, Leonard Sweet, Mark Batterson, Joyce Meyer, Ravi Zacharias, and countless others. Most of them probably have no idea of its New Age origin and how “God’s Dream” is a strategic part of Satan’s New Age peace plan. Curiously, Rick Warren has introduced his own formal P.E.A.C.E. Plan that he has actually titled—“God’s Dream for You and the World.” Over the last several years he has been pushing “God’s Dream” heavily in his sermons and on his radio program—even writing a booklet titled God’s Dream For Your Life. But “God’s Dream” is a false overlapping New Age concept that has now made its way deep into the church. Thanks to Robert Schuller and Rick Warren, the concept of “God’s Dream” has become so widely popularized in church circles that church references now far outweigh the New Age references that once preceded them. “God’s Dream” is one of Satan’s most cunning devices.
Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:32)
7) Not Testing the Spirits
With Rajneesh, the psychics, and channelers I spent time with, the workshops I went to, and all the New Age books I read—meditation and contemplative prayer were almost always stressed. Being still was supposed to help us attain personal peace and well-being and to hear from God—or what was often called the “Universe” or the “Source.” It was through these meditative and contemplative practices that so many heretical teachings have been delivered into the world by seducing spirits—much of it described as “new revelation.”
Today, there is increased pressure for people in the church to hear the voices of God and Jesus. And while countless books have been written on “how to hear the voice of God or Jesus,” it is hard to find even one that talks about proving the authenticity of who and what they are hearing (1 Thessalonians 5:21)—to “test” and “try” the spirits because there are so many false prophets and deceptive spirits out there in the world (1 John 4:1-3; 1 Timothy 4:1). Sarah Young claims to be getting messages from Jesus, but many of her messages in Jesus Calling have serious New Age implications—like her “Jesus” stating that he is “in” everything—that he is “above all as well as in all.”17 Shack author William P. Young claims to have had conversations with God yet has his “Jesus” teaching the New Age Doctrine of Oneness—God dwelling “in” everyone and everything.18
We can test or try the spirits by measuring or comparing what is being said with the Gospel and the Word of God. If a supposed message (or messenger) from God contradicts God’s Word and the Gospel message, then we know that that spirit is not of God. In the case of the “Jesus” in Jesus Calling and The Shack, where he teaches that God is “in” everything and everyone, this clearly is the teaching of “another spirit” (2 Corinthians 11:4) because it rejects the Gospel wherein God (Jesus) came in the flesh to save man from his sins.
It is yet another one of Satan’s most cunning devices to get Christian leaders and everyday believers to overlook, forget, omit, ignore, or somehow disbelieve in the necessity of testing the spirits.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. (1 John 4:1-3)
8) The New Story
New Age leaders are teaching that we need a “new narrative”—a “new story” to replace what is perceived to be the tired “old story” of biblical Christianity. As mentioned, the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles teaches the alleged “new story” of the necessity of humanity being “awakened” from its “fearful” ungodly dream of “separation” by “God’s Dream” of “Oneness.” The “new story”—“God’s Dream”—teaches that as humanity awakens to the truth of Oneness, world peace becomes a real possibility. But the new story warns that those who are under the “illusion of separation”—those who do not believe that God is “in” everyone and everything—hinder and prevent world peace through their disbelief. Thus, the new story of “God’s Dream” for the world and the church isolates those who do not hold to the New Age Doctrine of Oneness—like Christians—and will ultimately lead to their persecution. Biblical believers are disparagingly referred to as those who believe the “old story” of separation. But the Bible’s story is not old in that pejorative sense. It is as true today as when it was originally written and recorded. Humanity is not God, and humanity is not one with God. God and His creation are separate. “God’s Dream” is not a new story. Rather it is a cunningly devised fable that is just another one of Satan’s clever devices.
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. (2 Peter 1:16)
9) Quantum Spirituality
When I was involved with New Age spirituality, Fritjof Capra’s 1975 book The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism was a New Age classic. Capra contended that quantum physics was in the process of proving that God was a force and an energy field that interpenetrated all creation. And with quantum physics leading the way, a New Age/New Spirituality was gearing up to make both a proverbial and literal “quantum leap” to a “quantum spirituality” and a “quantum Christ”—not the biblical Christ but a New Age “God” and “Christ” who were “in” everyone and everything. Back then, I didn’t know that the Bible warned about those who falsely use science to try and prove their faith (1 Timothy 6:20-21).
Sadly, church figures like Leonard Sweet are joining this march to New Age Oneness by way of quantum physics. In his 1991 book Quantum Spirituality, Sweet openly proclaims his belief in Oneness by quoting Catholic mystic Thomas Merton:
We are already one. But we imagine we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity.19
Sweet’s New Age sympathies become even more apparent when he states that this Oneness and original unity is based on his belief that God is “in” everyone and everything. He writes that his view of postmodern Christianity—spell that New Age Christianity—“entails a radical doctrine of embodiment of God in the very substance of creation.”20 My former New Age teachers couldn’t have said it any more clearly than what Sweet is telling the church. An ordained Methodist who speaks all over the world, Sweet has led workshops with Rick Warren—and is, indeed, teaching the church a “radical doctrine”—the New Age Doctrine of Oneness. Compounding his New Age sympathies, Sweet refers to the father of the New Age movement—Catholic Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin—as “Twentieth-century Christianity’s major voice.”21 Sweet also talks openly about the importance of “God’s Dream.”22 While Sweet and others are clearly New Age sympathizers, their unbiblical New Age teachings remain uncontested in a church that doesn’t seem to understand what is really going on. Trying to use science to prove something that is not true—God “in” everything—is just another clever device being used by Satan to deceive the church.
Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. (1 Timothy 6:19-21)
10) The Planetary Pentecost—a False Last-Days Revival
As part of the New Age movement, we believed we would be part of a worldwide effort to bring about world peace. The New Age “Christ” states—and we believed—that Armageddon doesn’t have to happen—that there is an “alternative to Armageddon” that he calls the “Planetary Pentecost.”23 It is described as an ultimate revival for the world and the church. It would engender everyone’s hope for “God’s Dream”—for world peace. But there is no alternative to prophecy, and the Book of Revelation is presented as direct prophecy from Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1-3). The Book of Revelation does not mention any true revival taking place in the latter times. There will be a false New Age revival that will bring on a false New Age “Christ” and a false New Age peace. But in the end,“God’s Dream” will become a New Age nightmare. They will say peace, but there will be no peace until the true Christ—Jesus Christ—actually returns. Dangling the possibility of world peace through a false planetary revival that will include an apostate “church,” this Planetary Pentecost is perhaps one of Satan’s cruellest devices.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
For my wife, Joy, and I, the end of our New Age involvement came abruptly. Suddenly having to deal with what seemed to be an evil presence, yet holding to our New Age belief that evil was not real, we were at a loss in how to deal with our situation. We tried everything we had learned from our New Age teachings, and nothing worked. In the midst of what we now know to have been spiritual warfare coming through a particular individual who had been a client of Joy’s holistic massage practice, I found Johanna Michaelsen’s Christian book The Beautiful Side of Evil. The reality of evil and Jesus’ victory over evil was clearly presented. The next time the evil presence reappeared, I put what I had learned from Johanna’s book to use. Addressing this presence, I commanded, in Jesus’ name, that it leave—and it did! All the Scriptures in Johanna’s book about Jesus’ victory on the Cross of Calvary and His defeat of sin, evil, death, and the Devil began to click in. After surrendering our lives to the Lord, we knew we had a responsibility to warn as many people as possible about the New Age and its dangerous deception. What we discovered over time was that the same spiritual devices that had seduced us into accepting New Age teachings were seriously seducing the church as well. Through the years, we have watched as the situation has grown worse and worse—just as Scripture said it would (2 Timothy 3:13). The line distinguishing the differences between the New Age/New Spirituality and a growing apostate church have been broken down and seriously breeched. The great deception is upon us. May the Lord have mercy on us all!
1) Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1970s (Los Angeles, CA: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1980), p. 27.
2) Warren B. Smith, Be Still and Know That You are Not God: God is Not “in” Everyone and Everything (Eureka, MT: Lighthouse Trails Publishing, 2015).
3) A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume (Glen Allen, CA: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975, 1992), (Text) p. 147.
4) Ibid., (Text) p. 125.
5) Ibid., (Text) p. 52.
6) Ibid., (Text) p. 425.
7) Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium (Novato, CA: Nataraj Publishing, 1995), p. 233.
8) A Course in Miracles, op cit., p. 50.
9) Ibid., pp. 377, 584.
10) Restoring the Shack television series, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), March 12, 2017, Episode 5.
11) William P. Young, The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity (Los Angeles, CA: Windblown Media, 2007), p. 112.
12) Sarah Young, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2004), p. 199.
13) Warren B. Smith, False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care? (Magalia, CA: Mountain Stream Press, 2011); Warren B. Smith, Oneness vs. Separation Heresy Now in the Church (Eureka, MT: Lighthouse Trails Publishing, 2018).
14) Katherine Tingley, Editor (Theosophical Path magazine, Volume X, No. 2, February 1916), p. 159.
15) Warren B. Smith, God’s Dream: Satan’s Ultimate Scheme (Eureka, MT: Lighthouse Publishing).
16) Robert H. Schuller, Your Church Has Real Possibilities (Glendale, CA: Regal Books Division, G/L Publications, 1974), pp. 176-179.
17) Sarah Young, Jesus Calling, op. cit., p. 199.
18) William P. Young, The Shack, op. cit., p. 112.
19) Leonard Sweet, Quantum Spirituality: A Postmodern Apologetic (Dayton, OH: Whaleprints for SpiritVenture Ministries, Inc., 1991, 1994), p. 13.
20) Ibid., p. 125.
21) Ibid., p. 106.
22) Leonard Sweet, SoulTsunami, Sink or Swim in the New Millennium Culture (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1999), p. 34.
23) Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation, op. cit., p. 157.
To order copies of The Big Picture—How the World and the Church Are Being Deceived: Ten Spiritual Devices, click here.
To read more material by Warren Smith, including his spiritual biography, The Light That Was Dark: From the New Age to Amazing Grace, visit his website at:
An eye awakener!! If we don’t know the Word of God, and His Holy Spirit, we WILL all be deceived. I came over Charlie Freak from Afreaksenseworld. read a little, (I believe he is honest about his belief, but blind for the whole truth). BUT NOW I am sure he is mixed up with New Age spirituality. We need the gift of discernment. Thank You, Warren – my husband and I have read your warnings over the years. Especially Another Jesus Calling was a good one!!
How do you feel about Wayne Jacobsen book so you don’t want to go to church. Written with Dave Coleman ? Curious since Wayne was editor of the shack? Thank you Andrea
My husband and I have been reading books and booklets that you published for over 9 years. God bless you, Mr Warren for your testimony about you and your wife and how God brought you to the truth in God’s Word. Also your book The Light That was Dark , we gave to a dear friend of ours that was into Paranormal things and didn’t realize it was the wrong path. She read your book and repented. She was a Christian but deceived. Again God Bless you and your wife, ( Joy )
Anna Rosa, what song were you referring to, re: “song came on the news again and it is like the new age anthem; “Imagine”…? I agree about that song; it has ruined the Olympics for me.. I must have missed something about the other one.
Rom. 3:9-19 is a description of what happens when you step off the narrow path. It is a description of what happens when you allow any leaven into the lump of dough. Things that are almost true are far deadlier than things that are obviously false. The great delusion is being sent. So deceptive that if possible even the elect might be deceived. The cultural Christians will gleefully embrace it.
Yes, and it is interesting that today that song came on the news again and it is like the new age anthem; “Imagine,’ where practically every lyric is anti Christian and pro new age if one takes the time to actually listen and not merely sing along. I see all of these things going on in the church all over and it all fits in to the end times antichrist plot, like this says so clearly. It all ties in; Dominionism (kingdom building, actually for the devil), and only Jesus can restore paradise at His return, a false revival (without repentance) that brings ‘oneness’ when we need to be separate, embracing apostasy, false religion, sin, etc, in ‘oneness,’ ‘all is god’ divinity, eastern mysticism, shunning the truth and those who hold to it (Biblical Christians), and all these things leading to a one world tyranny under antichrist, only the church is sold all of this as ‘Christian’, when it’s satanic!
Deceived on Purpose was the book I gave my husband to read to inform him what was going on in the churches. He didn’t believe me until I gave him that book to read. I am not very good about sharing and explaining what was in the book. As soon as he read it, we changed churches and now belong to a true baptist church that follows the Bible and does expository teaching every Sunday. Thank you so much for all your books and insight to Gods word. To God be the glory – great things He has done. Thank you again Mr. Warren, and God Bless you and your wife.
Much appreciated.