NEW BOOKLET: “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme

NEW BOOKLET: “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme by Warren B. Smith is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our Booklets are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use. Below is the content of the booklet. To order copies of “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme, click here.

God's Dream: Satan's Ultimate Scheme“GOD’S DREAM”—
Satan’s Ultimate Scheme 

By Warren B. Smith

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

“God’s Dream” and the New Age/New Spirituality

Google the term “God’s Dream,” and you will immediately find countless references on Christian websites to this popular spiritual term. An ever-increasing number of Christian authors, pastors, youth leaders, evangelists, bloggers, musicians, and everyday believers are using the term “God’s Dream” as if it has some sound scriptural basis. It doesn’t. Keep looking, and you will find that the concept of “God’s Dream” is also presented by a wide variety of New Age leaders, authors, gurus, bloggers, and false Christs. Most Christians using the concept of “God’s Dream” are unaware it is an overlapping New Age term that can be traced at least as far back as the early 1900s where it was referenced in two New Age magazines published for those interested in the occult teachings of Theosophy and the coming of a false Christ named Maitreya. “God’s Dream” was the title of a poem that prefaced an article about practical theosophy in a 1904 issue of New Century Path magazine.”1 “God’s Dream” also appeared in an article about reincarnation in a 1916 issue of The Theosophical Path magazine. The latter read:

We shall think then that this Earth and all her bright companions in the vast space are but drops of joy solidified, and the intense wonder and beauty of God’s dream.2

“God’s Dream” and Maitreya

In 1982, the aforementioned false Christ Maitreya publicly announced through his New Age channel and spiritual spokesperson, Benjamin Creme and worldwide full-page newspaper ads that he was the “Christ” and was already here on Earth waiting for humanity to call him forth..3 Purporting that he—not Jesus—was the Christ, Maitreya reiterated what the 1916 Theosophical Path magazine article said about all of humanity being the spiritual manifestation of “God’s Dream.” He stated:

I am with you as God’s Representative, as the Spokesman for that Divine Being Whose dreams we are.4

Though Creme passed away in 2016, Maitreya’s Share International magazine and organization remains very active as they continue to proclaim that Maitreya is still waiting in the wings ready to reveal himself at any time. However, most people—including most Christians—have no idea who Maitreya is and how intimately he is associated with the New Age movement and the concept of “God’s Dream.” Maitreya says he has a “Great Plan”5 to change the world and that his coming “brings peace.”6 His “Great Plan” is a peace plan that will allegedly unite humanity and create a New World Religion founded on the New Age concept of “Oneness.” Maitreya states that his name is “Oneness”7 and that all of humanity is “One” in him. The New Age doctrine of “Oneness” states that we are all spiritually “One” because God is “in” everyone and everything.8 But the Bible is very clear that God is not “in” everyone and everything.9 God is God, and we definitely are not.

Oneness vs. Separation

Maitreya’s Share International organization has offices in London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, and Los Angeles, and is named after a word that Maitreya’s New Age ministry has as its ongoing mantra and spiritual theme—the word “share.” The Share International website explains that Maitreya brings a New Age message of world peace. It is a message that can be simply summarized as—Save the world by sharing your resources and sharing yourself. But what is essentially being communicated is—Save yourself and save the world by recognizing you are a part of God and a part of “God’s Dream” and then sharing this understanding with everyone you can. However, those who do not subscribe to the concept of “God’s Dream” and “share” in this “immanent” God “in” everything “Oneness” are said to be in spiritual “denial” and are disparagingly referred to as those who are into “Separation.” What becomes apparent as this deceptive concept of “God’s Dream” unfolds is that those who believe in “Oneness” are cleverly pitted against those who are into “Separation.” Giving a New Age slant to the word “share,” Maitreya’s Share International website uses the word “share” to help put forth the unbiblical belief that God is “in” everyone:

The first step is to grasp the meaning and necessity of sharing. Sharing is the key to the solution of all men’s problems, and has behind it the potency of God’s Will, for sharing is the outcome of the manifestation of God’s Love and Will. Maitreya has said: “When you share you recognize the God in your brother.” This is verily so. Without sharing, there is a denial of God, immanent in all Beings. Without sharing, there is endless separation from God and your brothers. Sharing alone confers on men the dignity of true men.10

Thus, unbeknownst to most Christians, the term “God’s Dream” is loaded with Occult/New Age meaning. In reality, “God’s Dream” is a devilish scheme cleverly devised by our Spiritual Adversary to meld together two otherwise irreconcilable worldviews—New Age Universalism and biblical Christianity. The unstated purpose in the popularization of the term “God’s Dream” is to provide all religions and all peoples with a shared “we have a dream” rallying cry for the cause of “Oneness” and spiritual integration extracted and borrowed from Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” rallying cry for racial integration.

A New Age Civil Rights Movement

New York Times best-selling author and New Age channeler, Neale Donald Walsch, writes that “God” personally told him that the New Age/New Spirituality is a divinely inspired “civil rights movement for the soul.” “God” tells Walsch:

I have said repeatedly that the New Spirituality is a civil rights movement for the soul.11

But like Maitreya’s “Great Plan,” this “civil rights movement for the soul” is, in reality, a deceptive New Age Peace Plan that seeks to undermine and ultimately destroy biblical Christianity. Walsch states that this “God’s Dream” Peace Plan will become an accomplished fact when humanity self-realizes we are all “One” because God is “in” everyone and everything. Walsch writes:

God’s “dream,” if you please, is that we will all one day be completely realized [as “God”].12

To promote this “God’s Dream”/“civil rights movement for the soul,” New Age leaders are in the process of co-opting Martin Luther King Jr.’s inspirational “I have a dream” theme for their own “We have a dream”—“God’s Dream”—New Age purposes. Twisting King’s impassioned words and phrases to push their own spiritual agenda, New Age leaders like Marianne Williamson quote King phrases like “beloved community,”13 “a new dimension of love,”14 spiritually “one,”15 and “the birth of a new age,”16 in their effort to use King’s “dream” of eliminating racism to float their own dream—“God’s Dream.” But there is nothing in King’s writings, speeches, or on the Internet to indicate that the Baptist preacher ever used the term “God’s Dream” or would endorse their New Age/New Spirituality/New World Religion.

With a willingness to pull out-of-context phrases from King’s speeches and writings—even from youthful and idealistic college essays—it seems that New Age leaders want everyone to believe Martin Luther King, Jr. was really a closet New Ager—a New Age prophet far ahead of his time. And if King were alive today, he would be the first to champion their “civil rights movement for the soul.” But this is simply not true. King believed in the sinfulness of man, not in the divinity of man. In a 2002 Unitarian Universalist World magazine article, Unitarian minister Rosemary Bray McNatt addressed the subject of why Martin Luther King was not a Unitarian Universalist.17 She cited King’s famous essay, “Pilgrimage to Non-Violence” where King clarified that his liberal theology only went so far. He said:

It was . . . the liberal doctrine of man that I began to question. The more I observed the tragedies of history, and man’s shameful inclination to choose the low road, the more I came to see the depths and strengths of sin. . . . I came to feel that liberalism had been all too sentimental concerning human nature and that it leaned toward a false idealism. I also came to see that liberalism’s superficial optimism concerning human nature caused it to overlook the fact that reason is darkened by sin.18

King’s ardent plea for a “beloved community” and “the birth of a new age” was always in regard to civil rights and racial equality—it was never to promote a New Age/New Spirituality that teaches God is “in” everyone and everything. His hope for a “new order”/“new world order”19 and in people becoming spiritually “one”20 was aimed at abolishing racism—not in establishing a New Age/New World Religion.

In short, “God’s Dream” is a cunningly devised spiritual trap that uses Martin Luther King’s person and message to bring occult teachings into the world and into the church. Given the New Age push for “God’s Dream” and a “God’s Dream” Peace Plan, an important question needs to be asked—“Why are so many Christian leaders using this same New Age concept of “God’s Dream” as they similarly equate it to Martin Luther King and his “I have a dream” speech? For example, controversial emergent author and former pastor Brian McLaren writes:

For all these reasons, “the dream of God” strikes me as a beautiful way to translate the message of the kingdom of God for hearers today. It is, of course, the language evoked by Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. His dream was God’s dream, and that accounted for its amazing power.21

Lou Engle, the founder of the ministry, The Call, delivered a highly charged “God’s Dream” speech in 2008 to thousands of youth gathered at the Washington Mall. He proclaimed:

Forty years ago this year, Martin Luther King sounded a prophetic trumpet to the nation. . . . Gathering at the mall in Washington D.C. the sound was born of “I have a dream” and that same sound still resonates today. Today, the sound is being carried across the pulpits of the pews of America, extending from the senatorial chambers of Washington D.C. to the movie industry of Hollywood. It is the sound of another great movement on the horizon, a prayer and justice movement crying out for God’s dreams to be fulfilled in a generation.22

In a preacher’s commentary written by David McKenna and edited by the late former pastor and senate chaplain Lloyd Ogilvie, we find this same effort to link the concept of “God’s Dream” with Martin Luther King:

Martin Luther King is best known for his speech, “I Have a Dream.” He dreamed of equality of the races and social justice for all people. The Book of Isaiah might be read as God saying, “I Have a Dream.” If so, we would see that God dreamed of a future in which righteousness prevailed among the people and peace prevailed among the nations.23

The accelerated use of the term “God’s Dream” within the church—-particularly in relation to Martin Luther King—-seems to spiritually legitimize what is, in effect, an antichrist, New Age concept. What is being missed by most Christians—-especially Christian leaders—-is that in New Age circles, “God’s Dream” has already become a spiritual device that is paving the way for a false Christ and a New World Religion. And while Maitreya may or may not be the actual Antichrist, one thing is for sure—he and his New Age teachings are a working model and virtual prototype for this prophesied counterfeit deceiver. And it should be noted that most New Age teachers and teachings are in essential agreement with Maitreya’s teachings—“God’s Dream” included. A prime example of this are the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles.

“God’s Dream” and A Course in Miracles

Just as the false Christ Maitreya channeled the concept of “God’s Dream” through Benjamin Creme, “God’s Dream” and A Course in Miracles was similarly channeled—allegedly by “Jesus”—through a psychologist in New York City named Helen Schucman. In fact, “God’s Dream” is the foundational concept of these Course channelings that were published in 1975 as A Course in Miracles. This New Age Course was popularized by psychiatrist Gerald Jampolsky’s 1979 book Love is Letting Go of Fear and New Age author Marianne Williamson’s 1992 book A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles. Oprah Winfrey publicly promoted Williamson’s book, and through her enthusiastic endorsement almost single-handedly made it a #1 New York Times best-seller. In hyping Williamson’s book on the Course, Oprah said the teachings of A Course in Miracles “could change the world”24—New Age teachings that were all based on the concept of “God’s Dream.”

The whole philosophy of A Course in Miracles boils down to this same basic New Age teaching of “Oneness” versus “Separation.” The Course’s New Age “Jesus” teaches that “The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”25 Because all is alleged to be love and because God is love, all is therefore God, and all is therefore “One.” Thus, because all is God, and all is “One,” “There is no separation of God and His creation.”26 Believing that we are “separate” from God—that all is not God and all is not “One”—is described by the Course’s “Jesus” as a “sickness,”27 an “illusion,”28 and the “devil.”29

The Course teaches that “A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct.”30 And how is this sense of “separation” corrected? It is corrected by “God’s Dream.” A Course in Miracles’ “Jesus” teaches that because all fear is delusional and part of a hapless “dream,” we, as dreamers, need to be gently wakened from our hapless dreams by God’s “happy dreams.”31 To deliver us from our hapless “dreams,” we are told by the Course’s “Jesus” that God is now sending us his dreams—“God’s Dreams”—to wake us up to the self-realization that “we are all one” because “we are all love” because “we are all God.” Referring to “God’s Dream” for us, the Course’s “Jesus” states:

Accept the dream He gave instead of yours. It is not difficult to change a dream when once the dreamer has been recognized. Rest in the Holy Spirit, and allow His gentle dreams to take the place of those you dreamed in terror and in fear of death.32

Gerald Jampolsky, now in his nineties, has remained a chief spokesperson for A Course in Miracles for the last five decades—just as Oprah Winfrey and author Marianne Williamson have publicly promoted the Course for over three decades. What becomes obvious is that the Course’s “God’s Dream” teachings on “Oneness” vs. “Separation” provide the spiritual groundwork for a New Age/New Spirituality specifically designed to eliminate and replace the foundational teachings of biblical Christianity. However, because the term “God’s Dream” has no biblical justification and is clearly a New Age device, we must ask the obvious question—“How did the New Age concept of “God’s Dream” ever enter the church?”

Church Leaders and “God’s Dream”

Robert Schuller

I am not fully forgiven until I allow God to write his new dream for my life on the blackboard of my mind, and I dare to believe. . . . God has a great plan to redeem society. He needs me and wants to use me.33

Over forty years ago, the late Crystal Cathedral pastor Robert Schuller began popularizing the New Age concept of “God’s Dream” in the church. Numerous references to “God’s Dream” can be found throughout his televised sermons and best-selling books—from his 1974 book Your Church Has Real Possibilities to his 1982 book Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, right up to his last book in 2005—Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God’s Dream for Your Life. Robert Schuller was all about “God’s Dream” and in passing that concept on to countless Christian leaders and budding young pastors. Incredibly, A Course in Miracles New Age study groups—led by a Crystal Cathedral staff member—met and studied in Crystal Cathedral classrooms during the same period of time that Christian leaders and pastors were attending Schuller’s Institute for Successful Church Leadership.34

In his 1982 book Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, Schuller went out of his way to praise A Course in Miracles’ promoter Gerald Jampolsky for his “profound theology.”35 Jampolsky was even a featured guest on Schuller’s Hour of Power television program in the early 1980s and then again in 2004—with Schuller recommending all of Jampolsky’s “fabulous”36 New Age books. Schullers’ very last book, Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God’s Dream for Your Life, was completely dedicated to the concept of “God’s Dream” and had a back-cover endorsement by the New Age Jampolsky.

While Robert Schuller’s mentor, Norman Vincent Peale stressed the importance of dreaming “big dreams,” Schuller took dreaming to the next level by not only popularizing Peale’s concept of dreaming “big dreams,” but by introducing the even bigger concept of “God’s Dream.” Over the past two decades, “God’s Dream” has been exponentially popularized by Robert Schuller’s chief protégé, Saddleback pastor Rick Warren. Thanks to Schuller and Warren, “God’s Dream” is now a seemingly acceptable Christian term. Rick Warren unconvincingly denies Schuller’s influence on his own ministry and in his use of the term “God’s Dream.” Yet, in promoting the 2004 Robert H. Schuller Institute for Successful Church Leadership, Schuller stated that Rick Warren was a “graduate”37 of the Schuller Institute, and in a televised Hour of Power church service declared that Warren had come to his Institute “time after time.”38 In a Christianity Today interview, Kay Warren underscored Schuller’s strong influence on her husband by disclosing that “He had a profound influence on Rick.”39

Author George Mair, in his best-selling 2005 book A Life With Purpose: Reverend Rick Warren: The Most Inspiring Pastor of Our Time, rightly pointed out the New Age influence of Norman Vincent Peale on the whole church-growth movement. He traced it from the New Age to Peale, Peale to Schuller, and Schuller to Rick Warren.40 And it seems particularly fitting that currently (2018), twice a month, New Age leader Marianne Williamson is teaching the “God’s Dream”-based principles of A Course in Miracles from the pulpit of the late Peale’s Marble Collegiate Church in New York City. George Mair had no axe to grind with Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, or Rick Warren. He just laid out the truth plain and simple. Peale’s New Age influence on Schuller and Schuller’s influence on Rick Warren was huge.

Rick Warren
In an October 27, 2003 e-mail to his church, Rick Warren described his own self-conceived “Global Peace Plan” as “GOD’S DREAM FOR YOU—AND THE WORLD.” He wrote:

This weekend, I’ll begin a series of five messages on God’s dream to use you globally—to literally use YOU to help change the world!

In that same week, Rick Warren had author, speaker, and friend Bruce Wilkinson give a series of talks on the importance of “God’s Dream.” Wilkinson preached from his brand new book The Dream Giver that had over fifty direct references to the term “God’s Dream.” On the same day, October 26, 2003, that Wilkinson spoke at Rick Warren’s church, he was also Robert Schuller’s featured guest on his Hour of Power television program. Praising Schuller as the “patriarch of dreams,” Wilkinson talked all about his new book and “God’s Dream” for the world and the church.

Over the ensuing years, Rick Warren has kept the term “God’s Dream” in constant play through his talks, writings, devotionals, radio programs, and YouTube clips. Warren wrote a Daily Hope devotional titled “God’s Dream for Your Life” that was word for word out of the subtitle of Robert Schuller’s 2005 book Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God’s Dream For Your Life. Charisma magazine published a Rick Warren article titled, “How You Can Realize God’s Dream for Your Life.”41 In another devotional piece titled “Dream Big,” Warren stated that if you want “God’s blessing,” you “must dare to ask” for “God’s Dream” and then “start dreaming.” Echoing Robert Schuller, Warren writes:

Faith is choosing and believing God’s dream for your life. Nothing starts happening in your life until you start dreaming.42

If you want God’s blessing on your life this year, you must dare to ask for it. You must say, “God, what’s your dream for my life?43

Robert Schuller’s influence—particularly through Rick Warren with regard to “God’s Dream”—can be seen in the ministries of so many of today’s church leaders.

Joel Osteen

God’s dream for your life is much bigger than your own.44

Kenneth Copeland

God’s dream is bigger than your dream.45

Sarah Young’s “Jesus”

I may infuse within you a dream that seems far beyond your reach.46

Dream your biggest, most incredible dream—and then know that I am able to do far more than that, far more than you can ever ask or imagine. Allow Me to fill your mind with My dreams for you.47

James Robison

I have been working prayerfully and diligently to encourage and inspire God’s dream to be fulfilled. I long to see the prayer and dream of Jesus fulfilled.48

Leonard Sweet

The time to save God’s Dream is now. The people to save God’s Dream are you.49

Ravi Zacharias

You’re the dream of God. He fashions you into his dream.50

Mark Batterson

God’s dream for your life is so much bigger, so much better than breaking even.51

Shane Claiborne

The end of war begins with people who believe that another world is possible and that another empire has already interrupted time and space and is taking over this earth with the dreams of God.52

New Age and “God’s Dream”

Oprah Winfrey
At one of Oprah’s Live Your Best Life seminars in 2016, she said:

I live inside God’s dream for me. . . . God can dream a bigger dream for you than you can dream for yourself.53

In July 2016, the same month Rick Warren posted his “Dream Big” devotional about “God’s Dream,” Oprah Winfey presented this same “Dream Big”/”God’s Dream” concept to a huge audience gathered at the annual Essence Festival in New Orleans, Louisiana. In his “Dream Big” article, Rick Warren told his readers to ask—“God, what’s your dream for my life?” Oprah told her New Orleans audience to ask the same question:

What is God’s dream for you? What does the creator’s dream hold for you.54

Theosophical Path Magazine

We shall think then that this Earth and all her bright companions in the vast space are but drops of joy solidified, and the intense wonder and beauty of God’s dream.55


I am with you as God’s Representative, as the Spokesman for that Divine Being Whose dreams we are.56

Neale Donald Walsch

God’s “dream,” if you please, is that we will all one day be completely realized [as “God”].57

Wayne Dyer

Who is the ultimate dreamer? Call it as you will: God, higher consciousness, Krishna, spirit, whatever pleases you.58

Paramahansa Yogananda

That is the philosophy the great masters of India teach—that this world, this creation, is the dream of God.59

Sri Chinmoy

During your meditation God will present you with His infinite Joy, Peace, and Bliss. During your concentration God will transform your ignorance sea into the sea of eternal Light. And then, unmistakably, what you will have is conscious oneness with God. Then what you will be is God’s Dream fulfilled and Reality manifested.60

Catholics and “God’s Dream”

Pope Francis

We are the dream of God who, truly in love, wants to change our life through love…God thinks about each one of us, loves us, dreams of us, dreams of the joy that He will rejoice with us. Have you ever thought, “The Lord dreams about me.”61

Jean Vanier

God’s Dream for humanity is the gradual realization that we can become One.62

“Moonies” and “God’s Dream

Sun Myong Moon

God’s dream still remains unfulfilled. . . . We don’t want to confine that fulfillment to our Church, but to expand it all over the world. Wouldn’t that be the Kingdom of God on earth?63

Jim Jones, Disciples of Christ, and “God’s Dream”

Thomas Curtis Clark (1877-1953), the son of a Disciples of Christ minister, was a singing evangelist, writer, poet, and hymnist. He wrote a poem—and a book—titled God’s Dreams. In the book’s title poem, he wondered how anyone could say “no” to the idea of “God’s Dreams” and implores the reader to let “God’s Dreams” “claim us.” He writes:

Dreams are they—but they are God’s dreams! Shall we decry them and scorn them? That men shall love one another, That white shall call black man brother. . . .

Dreams are they all, But shall we despise them—God’s dreams! Dreams are they—to become man’s dreams! Can we say nay as they claim us? That men shall cease from their hating. That war shall soon be abating. . . .

That the pride of dominion and power shall fail, that the love of humanity shall prevail. Dreams are they all, But shall we despise them—God’s dreams!64

Little did Thomas Curtis Clark know that a preacher of his own family’s Disciples of Christ denomination—the “Reverend” Jim Jones—would also have a dream. Jones would establish a Disciples of Christ church called The People’s Temple that originated in the Midwest, operated for over a decade in Redwood Valley, California—Rick Warren’s hometown at the time65—then moved to San Francisco. Jones’ utopian “dream” eventually self-destructed in a South American jungle with the 1978 mass suicide and murder of over 900 people. In a unique take on the concept of “God’s Dream,” Jones saw himself as “God” as he pursued his self-professed socialist “dream”—a spiritual community dedicated to racial equality and civil rights. Yet, behind the humanitarian front, Jim Jones was manipulating, abusing, and spiritually controlling the minds of the very people he was purporting to help. What is so darkly ironic and downright chilling is that just one year prior to the mass suicide and murder ordered by Jones in Guyana, he had been publicly praised by San Francisco civic and religious leaders and awarded the prestigious Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award for his civil rights activism and work with the poor.66

In answering Thomas Curtis Clark’s idealistic but defiant challenge to anyone who would question the concept of “God’s Dream”—“YES!,” we should question the concept and say no to “God’s Dream” when the noble ideals it puts forth are only a smokescreen for a deeper darker evil agenda. “God’s Dream” should never be presented as untouchable and sacrosanct, and something that offers automatic protection for those who use it. When Clark issued his challenge, how would he ever know that a preacher of his own family denomination would perpetrate such utter madness in the name of “God” and in the pursuit of a “dream.”

Beware of “God’s Dream!”

The idea of “God’s Dream” has done nothing but increase in popularity over the last decade or two. A sampling of avowed Christian leaders using the term “God’s Dream” in the title of their books or booklets include Robert Schuller, Rick Warren, Bill Johnson, Max Lucado, Joyce Meyer, Sheila Walsh, Tommy Tenney, and Desmond Tutu. In addition, a few of the church figures and organizations who have also used the term “God’s Dream” in their ministries include Chip Ingraham, Greg Boyd, Cindy Jacobs, Erwin McManus, Reinhard Bonnke, Michael Curry, Marcus Borg, James Robison, Kenny Luck, Sally Lloyd-Jones, Desiring God Ministries, Fuller Seminary, Christian Broadcasting Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and Charisma magazine. The list goes on and on.

The true Jesus Christ warned that spiritual deception—not a “God’s Dream” Peace Plan—will precede His return (Matthew 24:3-8). The prophet Daniel stated that Antichrist’s Peace Plan will seem wonderful because it will “destroy wonderfully” (Daniel 8:24)—and “by peace shall destroy many” (Daniel 8:25). The apostle Paul warned about a “peace and safety” that will precede “sudden destruction” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). We are living in treacherous times. The Bible warns us repeatedly not to be deceived.

There is nothing in Scripture to even hint at, much less substantiate, the concept of “God’s Dream.” God doesn’t dream in any way, shape, or form. The “old men” prophesied by Joel to “dream dreams” in the last days are not today’s New Age and Christian leaders dreaming “God’s Dream.” Rather, “God’s Dream” is a spiritual device that is in the process of shifting everything toward a New Age/New Spirituality/New World Religion.

The concept of “God’s Dream” has been cleverly designed to bring everyone in the world and the church into spiritual alignment—into “spiritual formation”—into a “Oneness” with the coming false Christ. “God’s Dream” presents an inescapable “Oneness” vs. “Separation” dichotomy that pits biblical truth against the lies of the Devil. The immediate challenge for today’s church, therefore, is to expose “God’s Dream” for the dangerous device that it is—not to present it as an acceptable Christian term and concept. The prophet Jeremiah warned about those who prophesy false dreams like “God’s Dream”:

Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:32)

The Bible tells us to “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). It warns about false prophets whose dreams are not from God (Jeremiah 23:25-27), “filthy dreamers” (Jude 1:8), and “dreamer[s] of dreams” (Deuteronomy 13:1) who end up being deceived by their dreams and “go after other gods”—like the New Age “god” of “Oneness” who is said to be “in” everyone and everything.

If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. (Deuteronomy 13:1-4)

To order copies of “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme, click here.

1. New Century Path, Volume Vll No. XlV, 1904, p. 16. Katherine Tingley, Editor, New Century Corporation, Point Loma, CA. (
2. N. L., “Reincarnation” (The Theosophical Path, Volume X, No. 2, February 1916), p. 159, New Century Corporation, Point Loma, CA., Katherine Tingley, Editor. (
4. Messages from Maitreya the Christ: One Hundred Forty Messages (Los Angeles, CA: Share International Foundation, 1980, 1992 Second Edition, Second Printing, February 2001), p. 42.
5. Ibid., p. 44.
6. Ibid., p. 150.
7. Ibid., p. 203.
8. Warren B. Smith, Oneness vs. Separation Heresy Now in The Church (Eureka, MT: Lighthouse Trails Publishing, 2018,
9. Multiple Bible references in Warren B. Smith’s booklet, Be Still and Know That You Are Not God: God is Not “in” Everyone and Everything (Eureka, MT: Lighthouse Trails Publishing, 2013, can be read at:
10. Share Magazine, ”The Coming of Maitreya, the World Teacher” (Maitreya’s Priorities,
11. Neale Donald Walsch, Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (New York, NY: Atria Books, 2004), p. 262.
12. Neale Donald Walsch, “Should We Let Go of Our Dreams—A Message From God Channeled by Neale Donald Walsch” (Spirit Library, May 1, 2008,
13. Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul of America: Reclaiming Our Voices as Spiritual Citizens (New York, NY: Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, 1997, 2000), p. 13; Editors of Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume III Birth of a New Age, (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1997), p. 344.
14. Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul of America, op. cit., p. 41; Editors of Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume III, op. cit., p. 458.
15. Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul of America, op. cit., p. 33; Editors of Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume III Birth of a New Age, op. cit., p. 342.
16. Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul of America, op. cit., p. 41; Editors of Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume III, op. cit., p. 456.
17. Rosemary Bray McNatt,“To Pray Without Apology: Why Martin Luther King Jr. Wasn’t a Unitarian Universalist” (UU World, November/December 2002,
18. Ibid.
19. Editors of Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume III, op. cit., pp. 340, 342, 456.
20. Ibid., p. 342.
21. Brian McLaren, The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth that Could Change Everything (Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group, 2006), p. 142.
22. This speech can be read at:
23. David L. McKenna, Lloyd J. Ogilvie, General Editor, The Preacher’s Commentary: Volume 17, Isaiah 1-39 (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1993), p. 20.
24. The Oprah Winfrey Show, February 4, 1992.
25. Helen Schucman, A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume (Glen Ellen, CA: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975, 1992), (Text) p. 125.
26. Ibid., (Text) p. 147.
27. Ibid., (Teachers Manual), p. 56.
28. Ibid., (Text) p. 344.
29. Ibid., (Text), p. 50.
30. Ibid., (Text), p. 14.
31. Ibid., (Text), pp. 377, 585.
32. Ibid., (Text), p. 584.
33. Robert H. Schuller, Self-Esteem: The New Reformation (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1982), p. 104.
34. Personal notes from author Johanna Michaelsen’s October 3, 1985 telephone call to the Crystal Cathedral. Used with permission. More detail in Warren B. Smith’s book Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church (Magalia, CA: Mountain Stream Press, 2004), pp. 92-93.
35. Robert H. Schuller, Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, op. cit., p. 123.
36. Robert H. Schuller, Hour of Power, October 17, 2004.
37. Originally found in Powerlines: Monthly News for Hour of Power Spiritual Shareholders and Friends (
38. Robert H. Schuller, “What Will Be the Future of This Ministry?” (Hour of Power, #129, May 16, 2004,
39. Tim Stafford, “A Regular Purpose-Driven Guy” (Christianity Today, November 18, 2002, Vol. 46, No. 12,, p. 4.
40. George Mair, A Life With Purpose: Reverend Rick Warren: The Most Inspiring Pastor of Our Time (New York, NY: Berkley Books, 2005), pp. 93, 98-99, 110.
41. Rick Warren, “How You Can Realize God’s Dream for Your Life” (Charisma magazine, August 1, 2016,–how-you-can-realize-god-s-dream-for-life).
42. Rick Warren, “Dream Big” (Daily Hope With Rick Warren, July 30, 2016,
43. Ibid.
44. Joel Osteen, “God’s Dream for Your Life,” (Joel Osteen Ministries daily devotional, September 9, 2015;
45. “Dream Big Dreams” (Ministry Minute, May 3, 2017,
46. Sarah Young, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2004), p. 6.
47. Sarah Young (adapted by Tama Fortner), Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids (Nashville, TN, Tommy Nelson, 2010), p. 7.
48. James Robison, “The Greatest Dream” (The Stream, April 4, 2018,
49. Leonard Sweet, SoulTsunami: Sink or Swim in the New Millennium Culture (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1999), p. 34.
50. National Day of Prayer Address on May 1, 2008 (Keynote address at The Cannon House in Washington, DC,
51. Mark Batterson, Chase the Lion: If Your Dream Doesn’t Scare You, It’s Too Small (The Crown Publishing Group, Kindle Edition), p. 4.
52. Shane Claiborne, Jesus for President (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), p. 307.
53. Ann Oldenburg, “The Divine Miss Winfrey” (USA Today, May 11, 2006, can be read at:
54. Chelsea Brasted, “7 Most Empowering Things Oprah Winfrey Said at Essence Fest” (Nola Media Group, July 2, 2016,
55. N. L., “Reincarnation,” The Theosophical Path, Volume X, No. 2, February 1916, op. cit., p. 159.
56. Messages from Maitreya the Christ: One Hundred Forty Messages, op. cit., p. 42.
57. Neale Donald Walsch, “Should We Let Go of Our Dreams,” op. cit.
58. Wayne Dyer, You’ll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation (New York, N.Y: HarperCollins, 2001), p. 96.
59. Paramahansa Yogananda, “The Dream Nature of the World” (
60. Late resident guru of United Nations (
61. Lent with Pope Francis: “God’s Dream for Us” (Franciscan Media, 3/18/18,
63. “Reverend Sun Myung Moon Speaks on New Morning of Glory” (January 22, 1978 at Belvedere, New York,
64. Thomas Curtis Clark, “God’s Dreams” (
65. The September 3, 2006 Orange County Register noted: “Jim Jones, the suicidal Pied Piper of Jonestown, housed his People’s Temple less than two miles from Warren’s house, and taught at Warren’s high school. In 1978, dozens of Redwood Valley’s residents—including some of Warren’s classmates—were among the 914 cult members who followed Jones to Guyana and to a metal bucket full of purple, cyanide-spiked Flavor Aid. (
66.,_ Jr._ Humanitarian_Award_-_January_1977.jpg.

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8 thoughts on “NEW BOOKLET: “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme

  1. God and His only Son Jesus Christ do not need dreams; only humans dream. God has a plan for each life, not a dream.

  2. To GJ, That is part of the deception. This truly needs addressing. God has a real, and satan wants to counterfeit it. God brings the real. But most will fall impatiently for the counterfeit. The counterfeit compromises the truth of God, such as Jesus is the only way to be saved, you must repent, etc. Due to the sin nature, ‘world peace’ is not even possible now. The real, which does end poverty, death, sickness, sin, the curse, etc. is brought when Jesus restores all things back to paradise on earth, at His return, AFTER the wrath of God falls upon the earth, and AFTER the evil reign of antichrist, who will deceive all whose names are not written in the Book of Life. Don’t be one of those!

  3. Thank you very much W. B. Smith for the excellent journalism on this malevolent deception. Thank you LTR for publishing it. Staying on top of the devils schemes of deception is a top priority. Sadly the Christians pastors who are commanded by God to keep the sheep educated about it Eph. 4, typically are the least informed and the most resistant to expose it.

  4. Excellent article, very timely, and another warning that many of the most damaging challenges to our faith are coming from within the “church.”

  5. It’s not a dream… it’s how it will be. He declares… He will… Isaiah 40:6-11; 52:6-15; 65:16-18; Revelation 22:11-13 8The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. We can either choose His will… or not. If we don’t, we’ll be separated from what is good forever.

  6. Another wonderful and helpful product from Warren. This also fits with the growing socialism/marxism/social justice that is expanding its sway inside the Church. Read the “sharing” quote from Sharing International and think of how socialism proponents can use this to their advantage.

  7. Yes!!! Heed this advice! The ac is already here, it is not the one referred to as there are many false ‘christs,’ but the ac is here and he has already claimed to have ‘come in his own name.’ Watch and pray!

  8. All Christians: PLEASE READ this Booklet. Take your time. Use your Bible. This is a Booklet for us today. The Lord Jesus tells us in the Gospel of John 5:43 that HE CAME in HIS FATHERS NAME and you RECEIVE ME NOT. Another shall come in HIS OWN NAME, HIM YOU WILL RECEIVE. The Maitreya? Paul tells us in 2nd Thessalonians 2:7-12 that the false Christ will show man great signs and miracles. How close are we to The Lord Jesus coming for His Bride? Even so, come Lord Jesus

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