Occultic Practices & Beliefs Crossing Into Charismatic Revivalism by Chris Lawson is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our booklets are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use. Below is the content of this new booklet. To order copies of Occultic Practices & Beliefs Crossing Into Charismatic Revivalism, click here.
Occultic Practices & Beliefs Crossing Into Charismatic Revivalism
By Chris Lawson
In many places today, the church has become rife with spiritual things that bear no resemblance to biblical Christianity. Spiritually blind leaders, excessive false teaching and false prophecy, and experience-driven practices rooted in mysticism and the occult have become common.
Due to biblical illiteracy and the extreme lack of discernment among most popular voices today, churchgoers listen to—and often put up with—the teachings, prophecies, and claims, no matter how outlandish and unscriptural they may be. As a result of Scripture twisting, spiritual manipulation, and the inclusion of satanic manifestations and counterfeits of God’s Spirit, mass confusion ensues in many churches and movements.
Unknown to many Christians, occult (hidden/unseen) demonic spiritual forces (“seducing spirits,” 1 Timothy 4:1) masquerade as the Holy Spirit but are really counterfeit “angel[s] of light” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). New Age/occult practitioners view these powers as “the force,” “energy,” Ch’i, Ki, Qi (Qigong), Kundalini Shakti, Feng Shui, “universal vital/life energy,” an impersonal “it,” and more. Most Christians appear to be utterly ignorant of this.
In counterfeit Christian revivals and “signs and wonders” movements, these demonic powers produce manifestations identical to the paranormal phenomena in New Age/mystical and occult settings. Many Christians are experiencing unbiblical manifestations which can lead to severe demonic oppression. Also, there are varying forms of demon possession among non-Christians. This occult “presence” can be psychically sensed, physically felt, emotionally yielded to, and manipulated at will by gurus, influential magical practitioners, and even false teachers and false prophets within the church.
In 1986, occult author June G. Bletzer penned a massive literary work titled The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary. This work includes over 9,000 metaphysical definitions, and in 875 pages, she defined every term she could find in the fields of parapsychology, the occult sciences, and holistic philosophy. Unfortunately, many things she describes manifest nowadays in Christian churches, albeit under new labels and “Christianized” forms. I have included some of these terms in this glossary.
Regarding Christian teaching and practice, discerning Christians and enquiring seekers of spiritual truth should always consider these critical questions in any setting where the Bible is being cited: 1) Did Jesus Christ teach His disciples and the apostles these things? 2) Does the Book of Acts illustrate the teaching, method, or practice in the early church for Christians? 3) Are the doctrines, practices, and experiences being received consistent with New Testament instruction for God’s church? and 4) Is the instruction in the Bible of “trying [testing] the spirits” being heeded (1 John 4:1)?
As you read the glossary terms, remember many of these terms have been “Christianized,” and the root and fruit of these terms are mystical and occultic. Jesus Christ did not teach or practice these things. Neither did the apostles or the early church. Instead, sound apostolic doctrine was preached and taught to uphold God’s truth and expose error. Furthermore, God has given many scriptural prohibitions and warnings so that Christians will not fall prey to false teachers, false prophets, and demonic manifestations (from both outside—and inside—the church) such as the following:
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. (Acts 20: 28-31)
Activations. This esoteric concept goes together with mystical occult powers and “anointed ones” claiming to be able to assist others in becoming “activated” for Christian service. The purpose of “activating” is to allegedly learn how to be equipped to hear from God, prophesy, and interpret what God is giving an individual. Popularized especially by Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, “activations” are not found anywhere in the Bible. This is a complete distortion of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Individuals are taught principles about “prophecy”; however, much that comes forth through this type of “activating” can lead to direct contact with the spirit world, psychism’s, and New Age/occult methodology. People engaged in this assume they will enter new levels of the “prophetic,” including seeing in the spirit (seers), interacting with angels, prophesying at will, and healings.
Active Ritual/Transference of Power. The purpose of this practice is for a psychically conducive person to discharge “energy” to another person, thereby bringing a Transference of Power. This mysterious power is an unseen “force” that people assume they can “tap into.” However, this power seeks to “tap into humans” as they have capabilities and powers that defy human imagination. Many unbiblical revival and renewal movements have unknowingly acquired these powers, thinking it is the Holy Spirit. Methods related to this transference of power include unbiblical anointings, energy transfers, impartations, Bioelectric Phenomena, Being Electrified, Reiki, Palmed Power, and Therapeutic Touch to name just a few. These transferable powers masquerade under many different names that people have ascribed to them, such as Qi, Ki, Chi, prana, “the force,” orgone, energy, vital life, mana, Kundalini Shakti, Shaktipat, and yin/yang. The demonic forces that generate these powers can induce severe physical and psychological problems and psychospiritual psychosis.
Active Trance. Active Trance occurs during the occult practice of “Supercreativity” (Supercreation). Far exceeding one’s ability to compose music, paint, or write literature, the subject works in a deep, hypnotic, altered state of consciousness, which can look like normal consciousness. Inspirational thoughts and actions come from the spirit world under the guise of deceased artists or whoever else the subject, or spirit entity, claims is making the art, music, or literature.
A Presence/The Presence. Contrary to the divine presence and work of God through the Holy Spirit as found in the Bible, “A Presence/The Presence” is related to manifesting influences that come about through occult energy methods such as energy infusions, hands-on energy work, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, transference, impartation, and more. Many people wrongly assume that “the presence” they have experienced is the Holy Spirit. This is especially true in false revivals and occult groups.
This counterfeit of God’s presence is an unseen spiritual force (spirit beings/demons) that can masquerade as “an angel of light.” Claiming to be the Holy Spirit, manifestations of “the Presence” are identical to the mystical phenomena found in New Age and occultic settings.
This unseen (occult) “Presence” can be psychically sensed and physically felt, emotionally yielded to, and even manipulated at will by gurus, false prophets, and influential occult practitioners. New Agers and occultists consider this power to be “universal vital/life energy” that comes to humans through various forms of phenomena known as “Etheric World Intelligences.” June G. Bletzer’s dictionary defines the term “A Presence” below. Bracketed material has been added to clarify what this “Presence” really is from a biblical standpoint:
A Presence: Any invisible energy field [demon] that is psychically sensed and felt to be a life-form (as man knows life) as opposed to an inert energy field . . . used as an umbrella word if one is unable to discern whether the soul-mind [demon] from the etheric world [layer of demons] is a ghost, a poltergeist, a UFO intelligence, a personal guide, or a deceased friend; . . . can be perceived by clairvoyance, a cold chill in the atmosphere, a fragrance not relative to anything in the vicinity, a touch on the shoulder, a surge of warmth flooding the body, etc. Usage: “I feel ‘a presence’ around me making me feel safe.”1
Abulia. Abulia is recognized in psychic/occult practices as an altered state of consciousness entered during hypnosis. When a consciously clear mind transitions into a state of passivity, this reduced state of consciousness leads to the loss of cognitive abilities. Clarity of mind, thoughtful attention, and the ability to speak and think for oneself become significantly reduced. This altered state can lead to hyper-suggestibility with the ensuing danger of being unable to discern between truth and error and even relinquishing one’s personal will.
Anointed Ones/Anointings. Many personal claims of being “anointed” go together with self-proclaimed apostles, prophets, seers, and visionaries. These claims of being anointed have nothing to do with the ceremonial anointings with oil found in the Bible for recognition and service before God. Nor do they have anything to do with the proper interpretation of the “anointing” of God the Holy Spirit at one’s conversion. Alleged “Anointed Ones” today claim or imply they have been “anointed” by God and can “impart” or “transfer” an anointing (or the “Father’s blessing”) to others. In Hinduism, the identical occult power anointing, the Kundalini Shakti anointing (awakening), has even been known to kill people. Spiritual charlatans masquerade the “anointing” (“it”) as the Holy Spirit, and many unbiblical and chaotic manifestations can follow. Magical occult power is at the root of this counterfeit anointing, and psychic energy and many demonic manifestations are the result. Proponents of counterfeit revivals and the “New Wine” anointing twist Scripture verses to make the “anointing” palatable to others.
Anointing Transfer Techniques. Transferable anointing techniques come in many variations. Some are displayed through the laying on of hands as “impartations” in Christian revival settings. To New Age/occult practitioners, transferable healing methods are recognized under many different names and variations (e.g., Spirit Healing, energy balancing, energy transference, Therapeutic Touch, and Reiki). Those who impart anointings and alleged healing processes to others touch, tap, pat (Shakti pat), or hold their hand(s) over the crown of the head, forehead, chest, belly, and back. These locations on the human body are some of the exact chakra points in New Age/occult Eastern religious beliefs. These techniques have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit of the Bible. They are psychic/occult methods mimicked in unbiblical Christian settings.
Artika Ceremony. An Artika Ceremony is virtually identical to occurrences within excessive Pentecostal revival meetings. In a Christian revival setting, “statues of deities” are just replaced with repetitive songs, drumming, dancing, Christian mantras (Jesus, Jesus, Jesus . . .), or something else to dull the mind. This definition is from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary:
Artika Ceremony [is] a ritual performed in one of the destructive-brainwashing cults to induce a “snapping” state of mind; consists of offering a candle to the deity, jumping up and down, singing, dancing, chanting repetitiously for a prolonged time . . . overindulgence in the above activities forces one’s psychic doors to be open in an unnatural way; one may see visions, pleasant or fierce, but believed (or told) to be spiritual because the individual has never experienced an altered state of consciousness before; the mind has snapped and from that time on the individual floats in and out of the altered state which makes him easier to be controlled by the organization.2
Atmospheric/Celestial Paranormal Phenomena. When unbiblical teaching and rife ignorance of the nature of paranormal occult phenomena abounds, demonically generated signs and wonders can—and do—occur. In the world of psychic/magical lore, this manifestation can come forth as “A Presence” or “The Presence.” It can also manifest in many other forms (e.g., polymorphs, shapeshifters, nature spirits, UFOs, ghosts, and apparitions). A ritual or ceremonial occult-generated variation of this is known as a “Group Elemental.” It is generated by forces that the Bible classifies as demons (Ephesians 6:10-12), and it can be visibly seen. Celestial skyward appearances occur too, such as Marian apparitions. This can happen where there is a large unseen (occult) “Presence” or energy field of spiritual forces (demons), hovering over and influencing like-minded people.
The occult phenomena occur when a mass of people, with one purpose and one mind (so-to-speak), become frenzied through excess gullibility along with repetitious singing and chanting. Emotionally charged into a state of expectancy and ecstatic joy, they are prepared with a religious “high.” When overwhelming exhilaration and the feeling of “oneness” are felt in the crowd, present demonic forces bring about whatever phenomena or manifestation they think will most influence the group, crowd, or masses gathered. The goal of these evil spirits is to mislead humans and generate more interest in further meetings and sightings. Where teachings from false apostles and prophets abound, paranormal phenomena and manifestations of lying signs, wonders, healings, and miracles can easily occur. Peaked out human emotions mixed with false doctrine is a recipe for occult activity. Counterfeit revivals and claims of phenomena include many things. Examples include angel/demon sightings, falling angel feathers, gold dust, fillings of gold in teeth (dental psychism), glory clouds (haze/mist/fog), people being thrown to the ground and across the room by unseen forces, and more. These are identical to the claims found in various non-Christian pagan religions.
Auric Clairvoyance. This is related to Auric Readings, Aura Colors, and Kirlian Effect. Practitioners of auric clairvoyance claim to see auras (electromagnetic energy fields) around people, animals, plants, geographic regions, and even nations. Auric clairvoyance can be deliberate or spontaneous and can manifest among groups that have an excessive preoccupation with forms of prophecy, visions, revelations, and seeing in the spirit (“seers”).
Bantering Spirit/Spirit Possession. Possession is an altered state of consciousness whereby a foreign spirit entity (a demon) inhabits the body of a human being or an animal. This is done with evil intent for the purpose of influencing and causing great harm to the possessed vessel. This phenomenon is known in Christian settings as demon possession and recognized in occult belief systems as things such as “bad energy,” “transformation,” “hostile etheric world intelligences,” or “bantering spirits.” During spirit possession, various stages and levels of consciousness occur. At times, this happens without the possessed subject knowing they are being manipulated and abused by the fallen spirit world. Depending on the level and intensity of possession, individuals will recoil and manifest with deep hostility in some way or another against the thought of Jesus Christ, the blood of Christ shed for our sins, the name of Jesus, and the reality of Christ’s resurrection. True and lasting deliverance from demonic powers can only come through personal saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, His substitutionary, blood-atoning redemptive work on the Cross, and Christ’s subsequent victorious resurrection from the dead.
Baptism By Fire/Surges of Energy. Contrary to the biblical concept of baptism by fire (repentance, judgment, or purification; Matthew 3:7-12; Luke 3: 7-17) this esoteric “baptism by fire” is embraced by occultists and false revivalists alike. This term is related to the Hindu concept of a surge of occult energy coursing through the body and/or extremities. Feelings produced when this power is received include fiery hot heat, burning, feelings of electricity, surges of warmth, and even excruciating undiagnosable burning sensations that can last for months. Recipients experience various feeling manifestations in the hands, feet, sexual organs, head, toes, and even throughout the entire body. This “baptism by fire” is recognized by New Age/occult practitioners as “energy transfer” and Kundalini arousal/awakening. Some even refer to it as “healing” and “transformation” to a higher level of spirituality. In Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, this spiritually catastrophic esoteric experience arises through the chakras (alleged psychic energy centers in the body) with the raising of the Kundalini power (a demonic force). Once “activated” (see Activations), this occult power produces psychic infiltration, spiritual psychosis, mental and physical problems, and spiritual “emergencies” that can destroy a person’s body, mind, and even the personal will to live.
Bioelectric Phenomena. Naturally occurring bioelectricity is an electric current phenomenon generated by living tissues in the body in nerves and muscles. Regarding the experience of Bioelectric Phenomena in esoteric spiritual practices, miscellaneous physical and psychic manifestations can occur. These manifestations of magical power are brought about when massive spirit world infusions of power are added to naturally occurring low-level human bioelectricity. The result produces powerful occult phenomena. False prophets and faith healers often become “activated” with this “energy” and “transfer” anointings through “impartations.” In receiving or giving this transferable “energy,” they experience what psychics experience when infused with excessive amounts of occult bioelectricity. Wrongly attributed as the work of the Holy Spirit or as “the Father’s Blessing,” this esoteric phenomenon can produce painful feelings of electrical waves and currents within the human body, like a high voltage wire conducting electricity. Whoever, or whatever, gets touched feels the reception of this unseen electric current. There are endless claims of this phenomenon occurring at false revivals as human bodies become supercharged with authentic yet dangerous occult power. As people anoint, impart, transfer, and pass on these deceptive spiritistic powers to others, revivalism skyrockets, and lying signs and wonders follow.
Blank Awareness/Blank Mood. Blank awareness is a strange state of consciousness. A person can be wide awake and at the same time experience a feeling that nothing at all is going on around them nor are they usually conscious of anything; they are simply “blanked out,” seemingly “nowhere.” They are unable to discern internal or external stimuli and cannot focus or relate to anything of interest. This phenomenon has happened at false revivals where people are frozen trance-like, either kneeling, or glued to the floor by unseen forces. In these positions, they just stare blankly into the distance. Like blank awareness, a blank, empty mood is one in which the mind is active yet so neutrally passive that personal opinions are void. In this state, one’s ability to discern between truth and error fades away. People who engage in psychic work enter this blank mood stage. The spirits take over their minds and work in, upon, and through them. In Christian settings, this blank, empty mood experience opens mental perceptions to indoctrination into false doctrine and dangerous experiences.
Catalepsy. It is virtually impossible to move when one is in a cataleptic trance state. This altered state of consciousness is one of twelve symptoms of catatonia. The body remains rigid and in a fixed form for some time, and bodily functions remain suspended until one is no longer in the cataleptic state. Aside from known medical causes (such as drug/medicine toxicity, schizophrenia, epilepsy, or Parkinson’s disease), if spiritistic and psychic influences are present in any way, one may find themselves stuck in a cataleptic trance under the influence of unseen demonic spiritual forces.
Convulsions. In revival and renewal meetings, convulsions can be induced though unbiblical, transferable impartations through various so-called anointings. Individuals experience involuntary and uncontrollable convulsions while spasmodically jerking and crunching forward at the mid-section of the body. These can manifest in various ways, and they are identical to the physical kriya manifestation convulsions of advanced Siddhi Yoga practitioners. Esoteric psychospiritual/psychophysical convulsions are produced by occult powers, yet ignorant and misinformed people think that they are from God.
Creative Quiet. This is a creative level of consciousness experienced during an altered state of contemplation/meditation. Very similar to creative visualization and what is perceived, the practitioner believes they are listening to God; however, it is psychic information received from spirit beings. Because the perceived information can be extremely accurate, people are misled to think it is God. As this practice is developed, spirit contact and received information can be almost immediate.
Crunches/Crunching. Otherwise known as “Doing the Crunch,” this uncontrollable crunching over and convulsing (with or without crying, wailing, screaming, or shrieking) is not normal behavior. It occurs at many counterfeit revivals and is not associated with regular and natural body functions. This crunching is a spiritually induced erratic movement with jerking convulsions. These manifestations are identical to the yogic kriyas experienced through advancement with yogic/occultic powers. Other actions experienced in this state can include sobbing, wailing, bawling, howling, sniveling, whimpering, screaming, shrieking, making animal sounds, uncontrollable seizures, and spontaneous Yoga poses. These movements take place during varying levels of Kundalini awakening.
Divine Intoxication. This practice is known in Oriental (Eastern) belief systems and among Eastern gurus as being “Drunk on the Divine.” This manifestation of occult power (or excess mind control) has been made famous in Christian revival settings by self-proclaimed “Holy Ghost Bartender” Rodney Howard-Browne (and others). Signs and symptoms of this type of “spiritual intoxication” are found in occult religions such as Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain Yoga cults, and Yoga Laughter movements. This altered state of consciousness produces the exact opposite of the biblical fruit of the Holy Spirit—self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Spiritual sobriety and clear-mindedness are replaced with the heaviness of “A Presence,” manifestations like drunkards, trance-like states, lack of concern for what others think, variations of epileptiform (jerky) movements, many strange sounds, acting like animals and snakes, and raucous, diabolical, and uncontrolled “holy laughter.”
Dreamwork. New Age/occult practitioners and many unbalanced Christians alike often over-emphasize dreams to the point where they harm individuals and churches. Dreamwork practitioners claim that “dreams” can reflect or influence psychological, spiritual, and even possibly physical realities. God can use dreams, and this is scriptural, but too much speculating about one’s dreams can easily create psychological hazards. While psychotherapists (not recommended) seek to gain psychological insight through dreamwork, “Christian” dreamwork explores the idea of spiritual insight for growth or direction. However, problems often arise due to unbiblical interpretations and “revelations” and “signs” that are clearly not from God. Dreams are often very easily misunderstood and even manipulated for “spiritual growth” and “healing” based on occult (secret/hidden) revelations. (See God’s warnings in Deuteronomy 13:1-3 and Jude 8-10.)
Entrancement. Entrancement (and bewitching) uses influential techniques to gain the trust of others and create an atmosphere of openness and hyper-expectation. Being spiritually manipulated without their knowledge or awareness, victims are abused and become religious pawns. Extended worship services with songs, chants, rhythmic sounds, and an endless array of testimonies of healings and claims of miracles prime the victims for entrancement, which can lead to hyper-susceptibility and gullibility and varying hypnotic states of consciousness. What follows is physical phenomena that generate alleged signs, wonders, and healing miracles. This skill is used in the occult for evil purposes and in unbiblical charismatic settings to gain power, prestige, and the personal gain of the one entrancing others.
Exploitation of Instinct. Emotionally charged charismatic settings often succumb to Exploitation of Instinct. Human emotions, feelings, intuitions, and hunches are used to make decisions. However, these emotions, feelings, intuitions, and hunches are based on not questioning the false teachings they have received. Rather than using common sense, logic, and sound biblical discernment in examining whether teachings, practices, and manifestations are from God, subjects believe they are being guided by God. Their feelings have overridden their intellect, because they—like a psychic’s client—have believed a false teacher, instead of sound biblical instruction.
Flicks. Flicks are hand gestures that bring about varying levels of “Psychic Healing.” Psychics shake, flick, or jerk their hands to allegedly shake off diseased energy vibrations. Like this, but for different reasons, wilder actions can be seen in revival meetings. Seriously misled people can be seen copycatting false teachers that use methods to point, direct, and “send the Spirit” to and upon others. The snapping of fingers, trying to fan the Holy Spirit, swooshing, splashing, blowing, throwing jackets, and even punching and kicking have been used.
Focus Attention. Focused Attention is used by psychics to tune out of all mental distractions that would hinder the flow of psychic reception from the spirit world. When undiscerning Christians use worldly methods of meditation and contemplation to receive information from God—and not according to principles found in God’s Word—psychic forces (demons) can influence the Christian’s mind. When this happens, ideas perceived and received often align with the teachings not found in the Bible, thereby leading the subject deeper into spiritual deception. This dangerous practice can increase the spiritual “Free-Flow” of psychically downloaded information, making the receiver much more susceptible to spiritistic information.
Flow-Free. This activity can be induced as false teachers just “wing it” in sermons and speak forth whatever false doctrines and teachings freely flow into their minds. There is no genuine biblical exposition of sound doctrinal instruction to others, just a mass of unscriptural content and stories. Those who peddle false teachings often claim, “The spirit told me!” or “The Lord Jesus spoke to me!” However, the discerning Christian should ask, “Which spirit?” and “Which Jesus?” (See 2 Corinthians 11:1-4, 13-15.) Instead of teaching sound biblical doctrine, false teachers often let their mouths proclaim whatever thoughts freely flow into their minds. Either through self-inspired error or demonic information that is psychically “free-flowing” (being downloaded) into their minds.
Grave Sucking & Mantle Grabbing. This is a strange contemporary variation of the practice of necromancy. All variations of seeking to communicate with or receive alleged communications and power from the deceased are strictly forbidden and thoroughly condemned in the Bible. Adherents believe they can visit graveyards and gravesites, tombstones, and mausoleums and pray to receive the “anointing” and spiritual “mantle” of the deceased. The alleged “anointing” that the deceased experienced is then “transferred” to the living so the living can carry on a more powerfully anointed ministry.
Holy Laughter. The practice of involuntary, uncontrollable laughing can be seen in many Eastern Laughter Yoga and Kundalini cults, occult based religions and ashrams, and various Pentecostal groups. This is not a form of normal giddiness and laughter. Ecstatic, involuntary, Holy Laughter induces a religious high, replete with extreme manifestations and overt psychic influences. Holy Laughter is passed on to individuals or crowds through impartations, a look, laying on of hands, waving hands, blowing, touching, tapping (Shaktipat), seemingly throwing or “sending the spirit.”
Hypnotic Ecstasy. Those under the influence of Hypnotic Ecstasy can radiate psychic energy (occult magnetism) and greatly influence and even hypnotize others without the subjects realizing they are being deceived. Similarly, charismatic revivals and renewal meetings often include loud and repetitious highly emotional singing, drumming, dancing, whirling, and displays of uncontrollable laughter. Excessively lengthy musical sets are constantly engaged until a congregation is highly suggestive or even in an altered state of consciousness. The crowd doesn’t even recognize it. Manifestations such as talking in tongues, impartations, anointings, people falling over, alleged healings, and many other excesses generally follow.
Impartations. Impartations are passed on to others through the laying on of hands, touches, or pats (Shaktipat) on the forehead, the crown of the head, the back, or the belly/stomach area. This practice has historical roots in numerous occult religions and movements and under many different names. This magical/occult practice is not the Holy Spirit of God, even though people claim and think it is when done in Christian settings. Impartations can have devastating consequences after the initial “bliss” and spiritual high has worn off.
Invocation/Evocation. Not to be confused with biblical prayer, these acts of spiritual summoning and supplication are for calling upon or conjuring spirits, angels, demons, deities, or the deceased. The purpose is to cause unseen spirit beings to appear and/or communicate. Counterfeit evangelists and false prophets often seek to call down Heaven for assistance on Earth, even invoking angels and their unscriptural concept of the Holy Spirit to do their bidding. Seeking to produce healings and miracles, they get lying signs and wonders instead, and in some cases, actual satanically generated gifts and healings. The miracle may occur, but the spiritual trade-off is yielded submission to and bondage to false teaching and lying spirits that produced the healing.
Jesus taught His disciples to pray directly to God the Father (Matthew 6:5-8). Jesus also taught that He, Himself, is the way, the truth, and the life and the only way to the Father (John 14:6), and that He is the only door of salvation (John 10:7-9). Scripture does not teach us to summon, evoke, invoke, pray to, conjure, or call upon angels and spirits to come from Heaven to “invade the earth.”
Kundalini. Kundalini awakening (or arousal) can be deadly. All Yoga, at its end goal, aims to arouse or awaken Kundalini—the “serpent power” of Hinduism. Kundalini (coiled snake) is from two Sanskrit terms, kund, “to burn,” and kunda, “to coil or to spiral,” hence the idea of coiling like a snake. Recognized as Shakti, an occult form of divine feminine energy, this “serpent force” is associated with the Hindu gods and is claimed to be the vital, cosmic, invisible life energy. It is said to be primordial energy that resides in humans at the base of the spine. When aroused or awakened through spiritual transmission by a guru or teacher, this serpent energy moves slowly upward through the spine and chakras and manifests in various ways. The purpose of awakening Kundalini is to achieve Yoga—union with Brahman, the divine “god/consciousness” of Hinduism. The ultimate result, when it has completed its path in the crown chakra of the head, is said to be “enlightenment”—a complete recognition of one’s supposed divinity.
Counterfeit revivals where impartations of transferable anointings are present can produce manifestations parallel to and identical to yogic Kundalini kriyas. Some of those manifestations include ecstatic bliss and joy, uncontrollable laughter, shaking, jerking, twitching, crying, infusion of psychic/occult powers, spiritual drunkenness, animal sounds and animal-like behavior, spontaneous Yoga poses, and more. Kundalini arousal and awakening in every way parallels the occult anointing manifestations found in false revivals. It mocks God, ruins churches, and destroys humans.
Levitation. Levitation has already appeared in the church in the past as a mystical phenomenon attributed to some saints (such as Teresa of Avila4); and today, it has appeared in some Christian settings. These levitation feats have nothing to do with illusions where magicians do stage magic. Instead, it occurs when powerful demonic forces suspend someone, or inanimate objects, in a stable position against gravity, and without solid physical contact in any direction around the subject. Psychics and occultists believe Levitation Psychokinesis (PK) occurs when an individual levitates due to their own concentration powers within the subconscious mind, and Levitation Telekinesis (TK) occurs when mediumistic powers (Etheric World Intelligences) do the work. According to the biblical view however, demonic forces are the power behind both.
Mediumistic Senses. Mediumistic practices are associated with sensing psychic energy not perceptible to the five standard human senses. They are paranormal psychic/occult power tools from demons that lead people into grave deception and potential eternal ruin. If undiscerning Christians submit to using occult sensory snares, they can fall prey to satanic forces while thinking they are “doing the Lord’s work.”
One particular grave danger is that this practice can lead one into a realm where discernment is flipped upside-down, and the participant will, more and more, view good as evil and evil as good (Consider the warning in Isaiah 5:20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.”) Such a flip-side perspective can only lead those involved into a life of delusion. We have witnessed much of this flip flopping within the Spiritual Formation camp, where Christians who began practicing contemplative meditation started having dramatic changes in their spiritual outlooks to the point where many did indeed flip flop on what they thought was good and what they thought was evil.
Pogo-Sticking/Jumping Magicians. The extreme and abnormal experience of charismatic pogo-sticking occurs when revival attendees jump up and down like a pogo stick for extended periods of time. Pogo-sticking can be induced involuntarily and uncontrollably, and emotional states of ecstasy can be experienced while experiencing psychic infusion. Hyper-ecstatic altered states of consciousness and trances can result from this.
Portals/Thin Places. “Thin places” are found in New Age/occult teachings. Proponents believe there are portals to heavenly realms that Christians can access for blessings, power, communications, and angelic visitations. Thin places are believed to be atmospheric portals between the spiritual world and the physical world. The concept of thin places is prevalent during the occult holiday of Halloween. Occultists and many witches believe that the atmospheric veil becomes thin, opening the doorway for spirits to influence humans and animals.
Prognostications (Forth-telling). Like psychic/medium fortune tellers and soothsaying occultists, Christian foretelling/prophesying is the attempt to “prophetically” predict (foretell) future events. Instead of communicating sound biblical theology about past, present, and future prophecies in Scripture, Christian prognosticators (like fortune tellers) focus on personal impressions, visions, revelations, dreams, and being a “seer” for others. These well-meaning people are not true “seers” (true prophets with visions) in the biblical sense but are misled and need biblical correction.
Prophetic Revelations, Visions, and “Words.” Many prophetic words, visions, and revelations are often given and received that have nothing to do with God or anything remotely found in Scripture. This concept is popular with many other spiritual activities within charismatic revivalism, replete with unbiblical ecstatic/gibbering utterances, false interpretations, the revelatory forth-telling of false prophecy, receiving inaccurate visions, dreams, and mental pictures, unconfirmed healings, etc.
Psychic Smells. People have claimed to have smelled fragrances and odors in charismatic revival settings, where physical sources are not present. Spirit entities can produce the smell of roses, incense, perfumes, sweet and sour aromas, and horrible odors like sulfur, rotten eggs, metallic odors, burning odors such as pipe tobacco, and rotting fish. Psychics and mediums that engage in clairalience (“clear smelling”) can smell spirits (demons). Christians have experienced “psychic smells” in false revivals, haunted houses, and when demonic forces are present in the atmosphere.
Raise The Vibrations. The purpose of “raising vibrations” can be to lead a crowd of people into a frenzied altered state of consciousness, to summon spirit beings, to bring about phenomena in a séance, and to generate a religious high. Religious leaders can be seen “raising vibrations” through highly emotional and extended fast-paced music and excessively boisterous testimonies of healings and miracles. The purpose is to open the crowd up to anything the speaker says or claims, whether doctrinally sound or not. Raising the vibrations occurs in many occult settings as well as in many false revival settings.
Repetitious Singing, Chanting, Mantras. These verbal tools can often be a pathway into an altered state of consciousness. Monotone chanting can become utterly mind-numbing, and mantras are repetitive words used as a Point of Focus while meditating. These are also used as vibrational frequencies to align and connect with spirit guides, for psychic healing.
Samadhi. Samadhi is a trance-like state characterized by strong emotions and feelings of delight, laughter, bliss, ecstasy, tranquility, light, peace, and mystic waves of love and joy. This practice is achieved through intense concentration. Accompanying phenomena can include psychic tools, occult gifts, healings, visions, and great infusions of added “energy” that emerge in the recipient’s life. Spiritual forces of darkness seek to influence all seekers of Samadhi because it is regarded as the final stage of Hindu enlightenment. Yogic Samadhi is when the self is in union with the divine—and one realizes their own godhood (Self-Realization).
Seer. Biblically, a “seer” is another name for a prophet. As one of God’s true prophets, a seer could see pictures or scenes in dreams, and in visions with their own eyes. The content brought forth today through many “seers” in the charismatic and signs and wonders movements is often so unbiblical that it should be warned against as dangerous Christian/psychic fortune-telling. Male seers and female seeresses today specialize in clairvoyance and clairsentience.
Shaktipat. Shaktipat, also called shakti pat (shakti-pat), is a Hindu term meaning the conferring or “transference of power.” It describes the occult spiritual power passed on from guru to disciple, or from deity to guru. Energy transfers of this sort are done through touches or pats (hence, Shakti-pat) with the fingers upon one’s forehead or other body parts, and by looks and stares, mantras, or willed thought. Imparting Shakti-pat anointings is said to arouse and awaken Kundalini, Hinduism’s serpent force/power.
Whirling/Spinning. This practice is well known in mystic Islamic Sufi orders, mind-control cults, and false revival movements. People involved in this religious practice are often psychically led and driven by spirits. They whirl, spin, and twirl around like a child’s spinning top toy. An induced altered state of consciousness is achieved through excessive movement, singing, yelling, or chanting. The subject experiences waves and surges of bliss and ecstasy accompanied by intense personal feelings of joy, love, peace, and “energy.” If psychically attuned by attending spiritistic overshadowing, the subject is infused with more occult energy to prevent dizziness and exhaustion.
Yoga-Induced Kriya Manifestations. The practice of integrating yogic poses/postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama) into so-called “Christian” Yoga is very dangerous. Yoga, at its core, is entirely anti-Christian. The goal of all Yoga (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) is to arouse and awaken the Kundalini force, Kundalini Shakti, otherwise known as the “serpent power” of Hinduism. Kriya manifestations are involuntary movements associated with occult spiritual awakening. This syndrome is brought on by unseen psychic forces that can manipulate (and possess) humans and use them like puppets. Sample symptoms include small or massive jerking movements, trembling, shaking, extreme emotional bliss and graceful swaying movements, dancing and spontaneous Yoga poses, violent movements, twitches, feelings of electrical currents, and nearly impossible bodily contortions. These spirit-induced experiences override the intellect, leading to massive spiritual delusion.
To order copies of Occultic Practices & Beliefs Crossing Into Charismatic Revivalism, click here.
(This booklet is from one of the chapters in the new release book by Lighthouse Trails, A New Narrative for a “New” World by Kevin Reeves, Chris Lawson, Warren B. Smith, Mary Danielsen, Carl Teichrib, and Richard & Linda Nathan).
- June G. Bletzer, The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary (West Chester, PA: Whitford Press, 1986), p. 1.
- Ibid., p. 37.
- Suzanne Hinn (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_9Hj85sgaM).
- Carolyn A. Greene, Teresa of Avila—An Ancient Mystic Who Helped Shape Today’s Spiritual Formation Movement (May 2017, https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/new-booklet-teresa-of-avila-an-ancient-mystic-who-helped-shape-todays-spiritual-formation-movement).
- “What is glossolalia?” (https://www.gotquestions.org/glossolalia.html).
Editor’s Note: For an extensive list of terms and definitions, visit Chris Lawson’s website at https://www.spiritualresearchnetwork.org.
Lighthouse Trails Editors
Phyllis, you and your husband’s discernment and courage are to be commended!
My husband and I are missionaries in Malawi, East Africa. At times in the early days of our mission, we invited church groups to come to “help us with our work.” We were there to show the love of Jesus and help people out of poverty, with the end goal of presenting the Gospel and winning rural poor Muslims to Jesus. At times we had to say no to pastors and missions directors who came to visit us, because they were about to introduce some of this experience-driven false teaching that would have deceive new believers. Just last week, here in the US we were invited to present our work to a home group. We didn’t know they were into the Rodney Howard Brown, rolling on the floor giggling, but they talked at length about a series of meetings all of them had just come from. By the end of the meeting, they were saying, “We’re coming to Malawi to help you with your work.” Never, never, never would I trust anyone with these beliefs to be anywhere near precious new believers we have so tenderly cared for. Those of us who oversee the work of God, it is our duty to protect and guard the sheep, because on that Great Day, God will hold us responsible.
POWERFUL and true article. Thankful and grateful for Rua HaKodesh (God the Holy Spirit) for His Discernment.
J. Flowers
When the organized systems of religion that call themselves the church embrace another Jesus, study another Gospel and receive a different spirit other than the Holy Spirit, they have ceased being the Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ…It is that simple…and we should not weep over it, but rejoice that what God says in His Word about His Church is true…that nothing established by man’s good ideas, gimmicks, and advertising techniques to attract crowds will not work…Can thee not hear our Lord shouting, “Come out from among them my people and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing!!!”