1. My husband and I are missionaries in Malawi, East Africa. At times in the early days of our mission, we invited church groups to come to “help us with our work.” We were there to show the love of Jesus and help people out of poverty, with the end goal of presenting the Gospel and winning rural poor Muslims to Jesus. At times we had to say no to pastors and missions directors who came to visit us, because they were about to introduce some of this experience-driven false teaching that would have deceive new believers. Just last week, here in the US we were invited to present our work to a home group. We didn’t know they were into the Rodney Howard Brown, rolling on the floor giggling, but they talked at length about a series of meetings all of them had just come from. By the end of the meeting, they were saying, “We’re coming to Malawi to help you with your work.” Never, never, never would I trust anyone with these beliefs to be anywhere near precious new believers we have so tenderly cared for. Those of us who oversee the work of God, it is our duty to protect and guard the sheep, because on that Great Day, God will hold us responsible.

  2. Richard

    POWERFUL and true article. Thankful and grateful for Rua HaKodesh (God the Holy Spirit) for His Discernment.

  3. J. Flowers

    When the organized systems of religion that call themselves the church embrace another Jesus, study another Gospel and receive a different spirit other than the Holy Spirit, they have ceased being the Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ…It is that simple…and we should not weep over it, but rejoice that what God says in His Word about His Church is true…that nothing established by man’s good ideas, gimmicks, and advertising techniques to attract crowds will not work…Can thee not hear our Lord shouting, “Come out from among them my people and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing!!!”

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