1. Jeanne Kotiadis

    Excellent is all I can say as are all of Mr. Smith’s writings. I’m so thankful that you are willing to be a distributor.

  2. Dorothy

    Some time ago my one niece emailed me how excited she was that she was introduced to a place in AZ that was teaching how to pray. We had spoken face to face at my mother’s (106th) birthday party and we talked very openly about all that happened to her within the past year. A few months later she emails me this long account of how she just loves to pray since she has learned how! About the same time a friend of mine outside my area was telling me about the Bible Study she was in…they were studying “Jesus Calling” and how she doesn’t really like it and knows I had formally told her about that book, but it all sounds so convincing. I decided I’d go to the Word and see how many verses I could find telling about prayer and false teachings, sent them to my friend, but still haven’t taken the time to send to my niece. However, after reading Warren Smith’s booklet here on line, I’d like to order 10 of his booklets on Prayer. They are much more conclusive than what I’ve come up with and I want to send one to each of my niece and friend. By the way, my friend dropped out of that ‘bible study’.

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