NEW BOOKLET: A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists)

A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists) written and compiled by Chris Lawson is our newest Lighthouse Trails Print Booklet Tract. The Booklet Tract is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail.  Below is the content of the booklet. To order copies of  A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists), click here

A-Directory-Of-Authors-Three-NOT-Recommended-ListsA Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists)

Written and Compiled by Chris Lawson

 It is no secret these days that Christian bookstore and ministry resource databases are often jam-packed with so-called Christian resources that are actually promoting anything but biblical Christianity. Special care may be taken by bookstore owners and ministry leaders alike to ensure that ministry and business are “in order,” but, when a close look is taken, the sale of spiritually unsafe material abounds. This is the primary reason for these three lists—to help warn and protect you, the reader, and to provide a quick reference guide.

You should know that many of the authors listed here profess to follow or glean from “Jesus,” yet at the same time they assiduously reject the biblical Jesus Christ of Nazareth Who is Savior, Lord, and God. In fact, many of these authors teach the absolute antithesis (opposite) of the historic Christian faith. Books rife with New Age occult teachings and practices abound in many Christian bookstores, and many owners and managers are going to sell them, regardless.

Over the past twenty plus years, I have spent thousands of hours researching, examining, and refuting dangerous cultic and occult practices as a missionary, church planter, and pastor. My purpose in doing so has been to help people escape dangerous occult influences, heretical doctrines both inside and outside the church, and the bondage of satanic genius that holds people captive by the powers of darkness.

The Christian literature marketplace has become utterly dangerous in the 21st century. I never thought I would see the day when New Age, occult, eastern-style meditative practices and all manner of aberrant and heretical teachings would become commonplace among Christian bookstores. What’s even worse is that much of this dangerous material is couched in Christian jargon and presented as spiritual paths to deepen and connect more intimately with God.

Considering these things, most of the authors listed in the first two lists profess to be “Christian,” while at the same time writing, recommending, and/or personally endorsing either outright or by proxy, heretical teachings and/or dangerous practices, which are contrary to sound biblical theology.

Discerning believers have expressed deep concern over the apostasy we face in the 21st century churches. The courage to stand firm and “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 3) coupled with a deep personal love for the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word are at the very foundation of these believers’ lives. Their concern for the spiritual welfare of the body of Christ has been a deeply motivating factor in this project.

Our Lord Jesus Christ warned, “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matthew 24:4, Mark 13:5; Luke 21:8). Paul the apostle warned, “Let no man deceive you by any means (2 Thessalonians 2:3). John, the apostle warned, “Little children [believers in Christ], let no man deceive you” (1 John 3:7). Every single New Testament book except one warns about some form of spiritual deception, false teaching, or false teachers. Should we not “take heed,” as God through His very Word has so clearly warned, especially as the days in which we live grow precariously evil.

Scriptural Admonitions, Commands, and Warnings:

Genesis 1:1-12:20; Exodus 19:1-20:26; Deuteronomy 13:1-18; 18:20-22; 1 Samuel 28; Jeremiah 23; Ezekiel chapters 1-3 and 8-11; Daniel 1:8-21; 3:1-25; Zechariah 5:1-11; Matthew 7:1-5, 15-27; 23:1-39; 24:1-51; Mark 9:42-50; 13:1-37; Luke 9:23; John 17; Acts 8:9-25; 19:19-20; 20: 27-31; Romans 16:17-20; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 2 Corinthians 6:14-15; 11:1-4, 12-15; Galatians 1:6-10; 2:4-5; Ephesians 4:11-16; 5:11-12; Philippians 1:8-11; 4:17-21; Colossians 1:28-29; 2:8-9; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-22; 2 Thessalonians 1:3-2:16; 1 Timothy 1:3-11,18-20; 4:1-11; 6:3-5,11-12, 20-21; 2 Timothy 1:13-15; 2:1-7,14-26; 3:1-4:22; Titus 1:9-2:18; 3:9-10; Hebrews 5:12-14 and chapters 11 and 12; James 1:1-5:20; 1 Peter 3:18-5:14; 2 Peter 2:2-3:16; 1 John 2:18-23; 4:1-6; 2 John 1-13; 3 John 9-12; Jude 1:1-25; Revelation 2:1-3:22; 11:1-14; 13:1-18; 17:1-20:15.

#1—The New Spirituality in the Church

Each of the following authors professes to be Christian and/or uses biblical terminology in his or her writing, yet promotes at least one of the following serious false teachings: contemplative spirituality (i.e., Spiritual Formation), the emergent, progressive “new” spirituality, the seeker-friendly, church-growth movement (e.g., Willow Creek, Purpose Driven) and/or Yoga.


Abbott, David L.

Adams, James Rowe

Allender, Dan

Arico, Carl J.

Armstrong, Karen

Artress, Lauren

Assagioli, Roberto


Babbs, Liz

Bakker, Jay

Barton, Ruth Haley

Bass, Diana Butler

Batterson, Mark

Baxter, Mary

Bell, Rob

Benner, David

Bennison, John

Bentley, Todd

Bickle, Mike

Bjorklund, Kurt

Blanchard, Ken

Boa, Kenneth

Bolger, Ryan

Bolz-Weber, Nadia


Bordenkircher, Susan

Borg, Marcus

Bourgeault, Cynthia

Bronsink, Troy

Brother Lawrence

Brueggemann, Walter

Bruteau, Beatrice

Buchanan, John M.

Budziszewski, J.

Buford, Bob

Burke, Spencer


Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg

Caliguire, Mindy

Campbell, Joseph

Campolo, Bart

Campolo, Tony

Canfield, Jack

Card, Michael

Carroll, L. Patrick

Chalke, Steve

Chalmers, Joseph

Chinmoy, Sri

Chittister, Joan

Claiborne, Shane

Coe, John

Coffin, William Sloane

Collins, Jim

Crabb, Larry

Cron, Ian

Crossan, John Dominic

Crowder, David


De Mello, Anthony De Waal, Esther

Demarest, Bruce

Dillard, Annie

Dowd, Michael

Dykes, David R

Driscoll, Mark

Drury, Keith

Dyckman, Katherine Marie


Edwards, Gene

Edwards, Tilden

Egan, Harvey

Epperly, Bruce

Evans, Rachel Held


Felten, David

Fleming, Dave

Flowers, Betty Sue

Ford, Leighton

Fosdick, Harry Emerson

Foster, Richard

Fox, George

Fox, Matthew

Friend, Howard E., Jr.

Funk, Mary Margaret


Garrison, Becky

Geering, Lloyd

Gibbs, Eddie

Gire, Ken

Goleman, Daniel

Goll, James

Graham, Dom Alfred

Greig, Pete

Griffin, Emilie

Griffiths, Bede

Gru, Jean-Nicholas



Haas, Peter Traban

Haight, Roger

Haliczer, Stephen

Hall, Thelma

Hansen, Mark Victor

Hays, Edward

Hazard, David

Healey, Charles

Hedrick, Charles

Hildegard of Bingen

Hipps, Shane

Holmes, Emily

Hougen, Judith

Humphreys, Carolyn

Hunard, Hannah

Hunt, Anne

Hunter, Todd

Hybels, Bill


Ignatius Loyola, St.

Issler, Klaus


Jager, Willigis

Jenks, Gregory C.

Johnson, Bill

Johnson, Jan

Johnston, William

Jones, Alan

Jones, Laurie Beth

Jones, Tony


Kaisch, Ken

Keating, Thomas

Kelsey, Morton

Kent, Keri Wyatt

Kidd, Sue Monk

Kimball, Dan

King, Mike

King, Robert H.

Kraft, Robert A.

Kreeft, Peter


L’Engle, Madeleine

Lamott, Anne

Law, William


Madigan, Shawn

Main, John

Manning, Brennan

Martin, James

Mattioli, Joseph

Matus, Thomas

May, Gerald

McColman, Carl

McKnight, Scot

McLaren, Brian

McManus, Erwin

Meninger, William

Meyers, Robin R.

Miller, Calvin

Miller, Donald

Moon, Gary

Moore, Beth

Moore, Brian P.

Moran, Michael T.

Moreland, J.P.

Morganthaler, Sally

Mother Theresa

Mundy, Linus

Muyskens, John David


Newcomer, Carrie

Norris, Gunilla Brodde

Norris, Kathleen

Nouwen, Henri


Ortberg, John


Pagels, Elaine

Pagitt, Doug

Palmer, Parker

Paloma, Margaret M.

Patterson, Stephen J.

Peace, Richard

Peale, Norman Vincent

Pennington, Basil

Pepper, Howard

Peterson, Eugene

Piper, John

Plumer, Fred

Pope Benedict XVI

Procter-Murphy, Jeff


Rakoczy, Susan

Reininger, Gustave

Rhodes, Tricia

Robbins, Duffy

Robbins, Maggie

Rohr, Richard

Rolle, Richard

Rollins, Peter

Romney, Rodney

Ruether, Rosemary Radford

Rupp, Joyce

Russell, A.J.

Ryan, Thomas


Sampson, Will

Sanford, Agnes

Scandrette, Mark

Scazzero, Pete

Schuller, Robert

Selmanovic, Samir

Senge, Peter

Shannon, William

Shore, John

Sinetar, Marsha

Sittser, Gerald

Smith, Chuck, Jr.

Smith, Elizabeth

Smith, James Bryan

Southerland, Dan

Spangler, Ann

Spong, John Shelby

St. Romain, Philip

Stanley, Andy

Steindl-Rast, David

Strobel, Kyle

Sweet, Leonard


Talbot, John Michael

Tasto, Maria

Taylor, Barbara Brown

Teague, David

Thomas, Gary

Thompson, Marjorie

Thresher, Tom

Tiberghien, Susan

Tickle, Phyllis

Treece, Patricia

Tuoti, Frank

Twiss, Richard


Vaswig, William (Bill)

Virkler, Mark

Voskamp, Ann


Wallis, Jim

Wakefield, James

Ward, Benedicta

Ward, Karen

Warren, Rick

Webber, Robert

Wilhoit, James C.

Willard, Dallas

Wilson-Hartgrove, Jonathan

Winner, Lauren

Wink, Walter

Wolsey, Roger

Wright, N.T.


Yaconelli, Mark

Yaconelli, Mike

Yancey, Phillip

Yanni, Kathryn A.

Yarian, Br. Karekin M., BSG

Young, Sarah

Young, William Paul

Yungblut, John R.


Zeidler, Frank P.


Mystics from the past oftentimes favorably endorsed by “Christian” authors today

Middle Ages (Medieval Times) and Renaissance

Angela of Foligno (1248-1309)

 Anthony of Padua (1195-1231)

 Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

 Bonaventure (1217-1274)

 Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)

 Desert Fathers, The

 Hadewijch of Antwerp (13th century)

 Henry Suso (1295-1366)

 Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)

 Hugh of Saint Victor (1096-1141)

 Jacopone da Todi (1230-1306)

 Johannes Tauler (d.1361)

 John of Ruysbroeck (1293-1381)

 John Scotus Eriugena (810-877)

 Julian of Norwich (1342-1416)

 Mechthild of Magdeburg (1212-1297)

 Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

 Richard of Saint Victor (d.1173)

 Richard Rolle (1300-1341)

 The Cloud of the Unknowing (anonymous, instruction in mysticism, 1375)

 Theologia Germanica (anonymous, mystical treatise, late 14th century)

 Thomas a’ Kempis (1380-1471)

 Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

 Walter Hilton (1340-1396)

Renaissance, Reformation, and Counter-Reformation

Brother Lawrence (1614–1691)

 Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1822)

 George Fox (1624–1691)

 Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556)

 Jakob Böhme (1575-1624)

John of the Cross (Juan de Yepes) (1542–1591)

 Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663)

 Madame Guyon (1647-1717)

 Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582)

 Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894)

 William Law (1686–1761)

Modern Era (19th—20th Century)

Alexandrina Maria da Costa (1904–1955)

 Bernadette Roberts (1931–)

 Berthe Petit (1870–1943)

 Carmela Carabelli (1910–1978)

 Domenico da Cese (1905-1978

 Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)

 Flower A. Newhouse (1909-1994)

 Frank Laubach (1884–1970)

 Frederick Buechner (1926-)

 Karl Rahner (1904-1984)

 Lúcia Santos (1907-2005)

Maria Pierina de Micheli (1890–1945)

 Maria Valtorta (1898-1963)

 Marie Lataste (1822–1899)

 Marie Martha Chambon (1841–1907)

 Martin Buber (1868-1965)

 Mary Faustina Kowalska (1905–1938)

 Mary of Saint Peter (1816–1848)

 Mary of the Divine Heart (1863–1899)

 Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887–1968)

 Pierina Gilli (1911–1991)

 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881- 1955)

 Simone Weil (1909-1943)

 Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

 Thomas Merton (1915–1968)

 Thomas Raymond Kelly (1893–1941)

#3—New Age Movement

Each of the following authors promotes one or more of the following: New Age/Eastern philosophy and/or meditation, New Thought religion, Kaballah, Sufism, and/or Buddhism.


Aaron, David

Adiswarananda, Swami

Aitken, Robert

Alexander, Eben

Amen, Daniel

Anand, Margot

Anderson, Joan Wester

Anderson, Keleah

Armstrong, Karen

Au, Wilkie


Bailey, Alice

Baker-Fletcher, Karen

Ballard, Jim

Ban Breathnach, Sarah

Barnstone, Willis

Beattie, Melody

Berg, Michael

Besserman, Perle

Bestler, Emily

Beversluis, Joel D.

Blavatsky, Helena

Boon, Brooke

Boorstein, Sylvia

Bordenkircher, Susan

Borris, Dan

Borysenko, Joan

Boyce, Tillman

Bradshaw, John

Brandt, Beverly F.

Browne, Sylvia

Bryant, Christopher

Buck, Roland

Buri, Fritz

Burnham, Sophy

Burroughs, Kendra Crossen

Butterworth, Eric

Lorna Byrne

Byrne, Rhonda


Calamari, Barbara

Cameron, Julia

Camp, Carole

Candolini, G.T.

Campbell, Peter A.

Cannon, Noreen

Capacchione, Lucia

Childs, Hal

Chilson, Richard

Chittick, William C.

Chodron, Pema

Chopra, Deepak

Choquette, Sonia

Christ, Carol P.

Clemens, Nancy

Clifton, Chas

Cole-Whittaker, Terry

Conlon, James. A

Connell, Janice T.

Cooper, David E.

Cousin, Pierre Jean

Covey, Stephen R.


D’Arcy, Paula

Dalai Lama, The

Daley, Rosie

Dass, Ram

Déchanet, J.M.

De Michelis, Elizabeth

Dole, George F.

Doniger, Wendy

Dossey, Larry

Downey, Roma

Drosnin, Michael

Dueck, Alvin

Dyer, Wayne W.


Eadie, Betty

Easwaran, Eknath

Egeberg, Gary

Ehlers, Lesley

Eliade, Mircea

Elkins, Rita

Emonet, Pierre-Marie

Epstein, Perle

Evans, Cheryl

Wentz-Evans, W.Y.


Farnham, Timothy J.

Fay, Martha

Ferguson, Marilyn

Fischer, Norman

Ford-Grabowski, Mary

Fox, Emmet

Freeman, Laurence

Fried, Gregory

Fleming, Dave


Gach, Gary

Galdone, Paul

Gawain, Shakti

Gebara, Ivone

Geirsson, Heimer

Goehring, James E.

Goldsmith, Joel S.

Goldwag, Arthur

Goleman, Daniel P.

Good, Deidre J.

Gordon, Jon

Gover, Tzivar

Gray, John

Green, Arthur

Gruagach, Ben

Guenon, Rene


Hamilton, Jeffrey D.

Hamma, Robert M.

Hammer, Olav

Hanh, Thich Nhat

Harman, Willis

Harley, Gail M.

Harris, Paul

Harvey, Andrew

Hay, Louise

Hays, Edward

Hecht, Richard

Heidegger, Martin

Heine, Steven

Hendricks, Gay

Herman, A.L.

Herrigel, Eugene

Hicks, Esther and Jerry

Hinton, David

Hite, Sheilaa

Hoffman, Lawrence A.

Holbrook, George

Hornung, Eri

Hubbard, Barbara Marx

Hulnick, Ron and Mary

Huxley, Aldous

Hyman, Mark


Idel, Moshe

Isherwood, Lisa

Ivker, Robert S.


Jackson, Carl T.

Jacobs, Alan

Jampolsky, Gerald

Janis, Sharon

Jaoudi, Maria

Jesseph, Joe R.

Jobarteh, Sona

Johnson, Ben

Jones, James William

Jones, John Miriam

Jordan, E. Bernard

Jubien, Michael

Jung, Carl


Kabat-Zinn, Jon

Kadowaki, Kakichi

Karma, Glin-Pa

Kaufman, Paul

Kautz, Richard A.

Keizan, Zen Master

Kelder, Peter

Kellert, Stephen R.

Kessler, David

King, Karen L.

Kirvan, John

Klostermaier, Klaus K.

Kraftsow, Gary

Krohn, Katherine

Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth

Kuhn, Christian

Kushner, Aryeh

Kushner, Lawrence


Lawrence, Ronald Melvin

Layton, Bentley

Lefebure, Leo

Leong, Kenneth S.

Levine, Stephen

Littlejohn, Scott C.

Lipton, Bruce

Loori, John Daido

Lopez, Donald S, Jr.

Louthan, Howard

Loya, Joseph A.

Loyd, Alex

Luby, Thia

Ludemann, Gerd


MacInnes, Elaine

Macqueen, Gailand

Maddocks, Fiona

Marshall, S. J.

Martin, Nancy

Mascaro, Juan

Matt, Daniel

McGinn, Benard

McMahon, Edwin M.

Metcalf, Franz

Meyer, Marvin

Momen, Moojan

Morgan, Peggy

Morrissey, Mary Manin

Mozumdar, K.

Muller, Wayne

Mundy, Jon

Myss, Carolyn


Newell, Philip J.

Nichols, Steve

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Northrup, Christiane


O’Donohue, John

O’Flatery, Wendy Doniger

Oliver, Harold H.

Olson, Diane C.

Ornish, Dean

Öz, Mehmet Cengiz, (Dr. Oz)


Palihawadana, Mahinda

Papus (Gérard Encausse)

Peck, M. Scott

Petulla, Joseph

Po, Li


Ramer, Andrew

Rand, William Lee

Randazzo, Anthony, Fr.

Raub, John Jacob

Ray, Michael

Redfield, James

Ribner, Melinda

Richardson, Cheryl

Richardson, Jabez

Robbins, Anthony (Tony)

Roth, Nancy, L.

Roth, Ron

Rupp, Joyce


Sansone, Leslie

Scott, S.M.

Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman

Schucman, Helen

Seidman, Richard

Severance, John B.

Sharma, Arvind

Shaw, Beth

Sheldrake, Alfred Rupert

Siegel, Bernie, Dr.

Silverman, Krishna

Smart, Ninan

Smith, Huston

Smith, Peter

Song, Choan-Seng

Sosa, Ernest

Spangler, David

Sri Chinmoy

Star, Jonathan

Steiger, Brad

Steiner, Rudolph

Stephan, Danette

Storch, Walburga

Stryk, Lucien

Sturtevant, William C.

Sundararajan, K.R.

Swami, Sri Purohit

Swedenborg, Emanuel


Taylor, Jeremy

Taylor, Terry Lynn

Teasdale, Wayne

Templeton, John Marks

Tice, Paul

Tide-Mark Press

Tolle, Eckhart

Tooker, Elisabeth

Tracy, Brian

Tsu, Lao (Lao Tsu)

Tucker, Mary Evelyn


Ulanov, Ann Belford


Van de Weyer, Robert

Van Inwagen, Peter

Vanzant, Iyanla

Virtue, Doreen (Doreen became a Christian believer in 2017 and has renounced all aspects of the New Age.)


Walters, Kerry

Watts, Alan

Walsch, Neale Donald

Walsh, Birell

Weiming, Tu

Weil, Andrew

Weiss, Brian

Wilber, Ken

Williams, Jacqueline A.

Williams, Raymond Brady

Williamson, Marianne

Wineman, Aryeh

Wines, Leslie

Whit, David Gordon

Wilkinson, Philip

Winfrey, Oprah

Wolf, Laibl

Wright, Dale S.

Wyatt, Thomas


Yogananda, Paramahansa

Yoke, Ho Pen

Young, Serinity


Zaleski, Carol

Zaleski, Philip

Zimmer, Heinrich

Zuercher, Suzanne

Zukav, Gary

To order copies of  A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists), click here. 

7 thoughts on “NEW BOOKLET: A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists)

  1. Need to add, John and Lisa Bevere, Francis Chan, Greg Boyd, Preston Sprinkle and Brian Zahnd to the ever growing list. Also reach out to Berean Call. They are working on putting together a flow chart of “who’s who” since the list of names associated with the apostasy is growing beyond what the memory can recall. That needs to be a combined effort. Love you guys! Thank you for all that you do!

  2. You can find out specific information about the names in the booklet at the following websites. Use the available search engines where you can type in a name:

    This particular booklet is just a directory to help people recognize the authors whose teachings and writings do not line up with biblical truth. We know many of the names profess to be Christian and may indeed be very nice people. It is not their personal lives we are challenging but rather the teachings that are being presented in the church as biblical when they are not.

  3. Does the booklet go into any more detail on why an author is specifically added. One I was vaguely familiar with Ann VosKamp has a slick website and seems as sweet as apple pie. Okay I read a post and never really saw a Biblical passage referenced. She professes Christian values and has the obligatory links to the Creeds etc. Are you able provide more detail on the folks on the lists so we can understand more clearly what we are looking for in potentially distracting or harmful sites. Cheers

  4. Thank you June. At the time this booklet was done, we saw the Johnson’s mostly in the hyper-charismatic group which the booklet doesn’t cover. However, since Quantum Physics of Heaven, it definitely brings them into the scope of this booklet. We will be adding their names in the next printing.

  5. You leave off serious names such as Bill & Beni Johnson and that whole crew who just wrote the book Quantum Physics of Heaven.

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