1. Osmo Tanninen

    Dear Sirs We are a new born married couple living nearby Helsinki. When Rodney Howard-Browne had fife day conference in Helsinki in August 2016 my wife became very interested in his local bible school and the River church so that she enrolled the school a couple weeks after the conference and also joined the River congregation then in November the same year – regrettably enough without my consent. My wife is now downright ”crazy” about River and their teachings – what means among others that she now spends almost her whole spare time in River. Instead, as for me I myself can´t even consider joining the River-church with my wife after having noticed some their teachings seem me at least partly unbiblical as well as some their practices. How about for instance the compulsory tithes of River´s as well as their practice people being slain in the spirit on the floor and then soaking in the spirit in their meetings? For these things mentioned above I can´t find any foundations neither confirmation in my bible. To crown the lot of all this my wife had been levitated in River at an altar call in one late night meeting in September 2016. She had then been fallen on the floor with the result that her wrist had been broken – but what most amazing she was only delighted about that Holy S

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