Lighthouse Trails is now carrying Caryl Matrisciana’s extraordinary new DVD titled Exposing Christian Palestinianism. Lighthouse Trails editors have reviewed this powerful film, which explains what “Christian Palestinianism” is and identifies key Christian leaders who are strongly promoting this anti-Semitic, anti-biblical movement that is gaining fast ground within the evangelical church. We do not have the trailer for this film yet, but the video below from a Berean Call conference presents Paul Wilkinson who is one of the speakers on the Exposing Christian Palestinianism DVD (Dave Hunt is another).
This 3-part DVD is 104 minutes long and sells for $22.95. It is worth every penny. After watching this film, you will realize how frighteningly similar the world stage is today to how it was in the 1930s with regard to the attitude against the Jews and Israel. With propaganda films such as With God on Our Side, Israel is becoming more and more marginalized while Islam (entering the church through Chrislam) is becoming more and more accepted. While we know that the Bible says the day will come when the world will turn against Israel, woe to those Christians who join with the world in doing so. But that is what is happening today.
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The green areas are predominately Muslim countries. Israel is in red.
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