New Installment of “Attack of the Evange-hellicals” From My Word Like Fire Ministries

LTRP Note: John Lanagan, from My Word Like Fire Ministries, is a former homosexual. Today, he is happily married and is serving the Lord and contending for the faith. In 2010, John began writing a fiction story called Attack of the Evange-hellicals. He  has been presenting installments on his website for over a year now. Below is another chapter of the story. He has also given a link to all the former chapters for those who haven’t had the chance to read them yet.

By John Lanagan

First, this advertisement –

“New cereal based on hit movie to help kids with universalism, homo-spirituality”

(This made-up product advertisement is brought to you on behalf of the totally made-up Evange-hellicals movie franchise.)

It’s sweet, it’s crunchy, and it is part of the burgeoning line of products associated with the hit movies, Attack of the Evange-hellicals, and the kid-friendly, G-Rated Attack of the Evange-hekkicals.

“We’re doing it for the kids,” said Mary Mae Daphne, spokeswoman for the new product. “With a number of prizes in each cereal box, we hope to educate youngsters about the value of universalism and homo-spirituality.”

Evange-hekkicals Cereal is now on store shelves, and Ms. Daphne noted that many boxes have plastic figures of Episco-contemplatives Linda and Jill Billings, along with tiny labyrinths. The lesbian, Episco-contemplative priests are two of the most popular characters in the hit movies.

When asked about Bible fundamentalist opposition to using a cereal as a teaching tool, Ms. Daphne shrugged, and replied, “Those people all eat oatmeal.”

And now, back to our feature…


The gay community didn’t know what to do about former gay activist Mike Minor. He and his fiance, Charlene, entered gay bars, and events, and attended gay pride parades, where they preached and handed out Bibles. Their testimony astounded many, gave hope to many, and outraged many.

Mike Minor, due to years of unchecked sexual activity, had recently been diagnosed as HIV positive. When he revealed the test results to Charlene, she just shrugged. “You’re the man God gave me.” Click here to continue reading chapter 28 and for links to previous chapters.