Lighthouse Trails Announces New Book Release: Full Assurance by Harry Ironside

Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce the release of Full Assurance: Finding Settled Peace with God by Harry Ironside. This is the third book of Ironside’s that Lighthouse Trails has published, and we believe this new book is going to be extremely helpful to many. You may read a description of the book below. This book includes discussion that Scripturally refutes the Calvinist view on “election” and “predestination” showing how these terms have been misconstrued and thus, leading to much insecurity regarding the state of our salvation as born-again believers. We recommend this book for young believers in the faith, for those who are considering the Christian faith, and even for seasoned believers who sometimes feel unsure about their standing with God. The book includes a Bonus Section: “Charge That to My Account” by Harry Ironside.

Book Description From the Back Cover (Written by Ironside):

In penning the pages of this book, I have but one outstanding object before me—to make as plain as possible just how any troubled soul may find settled peace with God. I am thinking particularly of those people who believe the Holy Scriptures to be divinely inspired and who recognize that salvation is only to be found in Christ, but someway have missed the “peace of a perfect trust” and though earnestly desiring to know the Lord, are floundering in perplexity of mind.

“Full assurance!” What could be more precious? And it is for you if you want it; only you must receive it by faith. For observe carefully, it is not the full assurance of an emotional experience, nor the full assurance of a carefully reasoned-out system of philosophy. It is the full assurance of faith. The feeblest faith in Christ is saving faith. The strongest faith in self, or in something other than Christ, is but a delusion and a snare, and will leave the soul at last unsaved and forever forlorn.

Assurance forever! Is it not a wonderfully pleasing expression? Assurance not for a few days, or weeks, or months—nor yet for a few years, or even a lifetime—but forever! It is this blessed assurance that God delights to impart to all who come to Him as needy sinners seeking the way of life.—Harry Ironside

Retail Price: $12.95 | Softbound | 160 pages | ISBN: 978-1-942423-48-5 | Quantity discounts available. | ORDER BOOK | Will also be available in epub, Mobi, and other digital formats sometime in late January.

In the last chapter of Full Assurance, Harry Ironside answers 26 questions that can hinder one’s assurance of salvation. Here are some of those questions:

  1. “How may I be sure I have repented enough?”
  2. “I do not feel fit for God; I am so unworthy, I fear He will not take me in.”
  3. “But what if I am not one of the elect?”
  4. “Sometimes I am afraid I am predestinated to be damned; if so, I can do nothing to alter my terrible case.”
  5. “I am trying to believe, but I have no assurance of salvation.”
  6. “I can see that God has done His part in the work of my salvation, but must I not do my part if I would avail myself of what He has done?”
  7. “But the Bible says faith is the gift of God and that all men have not faith; perhaps it is not the will of God to give me saving faith.”
  8. “Sometimes I believe I have trusted Jesus and am justified before God, but I cannot forget my sins; they come before me night and day.
  9. “I often come to the point of deciding for Christ then I draw back because I am afraid I cannot hold out.”

Author Bio: Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951)
Harry (Henry) Ironside was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He became involved in Christian ministry and evangelism at the age of eleven and was often called the boy preacher. His devotion to God’s Word and his desire to see many come to salvation through Christ never waned. At the age of 53, he became pastor of Moody Bible Church in Chicago, where he pastored for 19 years. Visit to read more by Dr. Ironside.

Retail Price: $12.95 | Softbound | 160 pages | ISBN: 978-1-942423-48-5 | Quantity discounts available. | ORDER BOOK |

3 thoughts on “Lighthouse Trails Announces New Book Release: Full Assurance by Harry Ironside

  1. I bought this book for Christmas for our family. We’re reading it out loud every night. It is GREAT! I highly recommend this book. I wish we could sit under teaching like this…but reading it together is the next best thing! Thanks LHT!!!

  2. With Calvinism becoming increasingly popular among many churches and seminaries today, it is encouraging to see that you are standing firm against this heresy.
    Thank you, Lighthouse Trails!

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