1. admin

    If your son and his wife would be willing to read a booklet about Lectio Divina, we’d be happy to send you one free. We do have a DVD about Harry Potter; however, it may be best to start with something that is broader and discusses spiritual deception as well as the need for discernment in more general terms. Roger Oakland’s DVD Wiles of the Devil does this, and we’d be happy to send you a copy of that too. You can email us your address at editors@lighthousetrails.com if you would like these materials. Just know that E-Free, from the top leadership, has gone into the contemplative prayer (i.e., emergent) movement, and it sounds like the retiring pastor has gone along with flow, sadly. Perhaps the younger incoming pastor will listen to your warnings.

  2. Robert

    My son and his wife have recently started attending an E-Free church is St :Louis. The retiring pastor there led the congregation out of the UCC in the ’90s. He is now a proponent of lectio divina and teaches it to other E-free congreations in the area. The incoming, young, pastors (two of them!) are from Covenant seminary; last Sunday one of them used a Harry Potter character to highlight Chrisitan values. What is my message to my son an his wife?

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