LTRP Note: In September of this year, a book publisher in Germany (under contract with Lighthouse Trails Publishing) released a German translation of Trapped in Hitler’s Hell by Anita Dittman and Jan Markell. Anita, 91, grew up in Germany and was 13 years old in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland. From the time she was six, she experienced cruel anti-Semitic treatment, but in the midst of those years, Anita found the Lord Jesus and still serves Him today. We hope and pray that Germans and other Europeans will not forget the Holocaust, but according to this new report below, “the memory of the Holocaust” is starting “to fade.” This is not just happening in Europe but is taking place in Canada and the U.S. as well. There are young people who have never even heard of the Holocaust, and within our western society (including much of pseudo-Christianity), anti-Semitism is on the rise and many proclaiming Christian leaders and pastors say nothing, partly because many of them believe that Israel and the Jews hold no significance in God’s eyes anymore. We are grateful to the German publisher who is trying to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive in Europe.
“‘Shadow Over Europe’ as Anti-Semitism and Fading Memory of Holocaust Rise”
By Eliana Rudee
Israel Media Network
A report by CNN has revealed a “shadow over Europe” in the context of recent polls illustrating anti-Semitic stereotypes that are “alive and well” in Europe as the memory of the Holocaust starts to fade. Pollster ComRes partnering with CNN interviewed more than 7,000 people across Europe, including respondents in Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland and Sweden.
The report maintained that a third of Europeans know “just a little” or “nothing at all” about the mass murder of six million Jews during the Holocaust and Second World War. A quarter believed Jews have too much influence in business, finance, global conflict and wars. One in five believed Jews have too much influence in media and politics and that anti-Semitism is a response to the everyday actions of Jews. Click here to continue reading.
Since the generation of people who experienced the reality of Nazism under Hitler, including the concentration/death camps, and soldiers who were in Europe and liberated those camps, are growing older and dying, their stories need to be preserved for younger generations who are indoctrinated in indoctrination centers popularly called schools and colleges, which includes force-feeding of lies such as this, which feed their agenda. David Horowitz is not a Christian (as far as I know); he is a secular Jew by birth who was reared by extremely committed Communist parents who emigrated from Europe and reared him in New York in the midst of an enclave of other (secretly) Communist families. He grew up just like Obama did and thus has a unique understanding of his background and agenda (along with other leaders who are also committed to Saul Alinsky’s philosophy, including George Soros). His book Radical Son gives the big picture of what is going on in our world. His book The Unholy Alliance explains the alliance between liberals/progressives in this county and Islam. All of his books are eye-opening, and he also has a great website. I highly recommend them.
In this age there is a dumbing down of of knowledge: musical, historical, Biblical, even penmanship. Many people and children do not know how to read cursive writing and it is usually not taught in the public schools anymore. Churches that do not read the entire Bible every year or see the significance of the Jewish people in God’s plans or tell its members about the Holocaust during WWII do not have the wisdom to inform their congregations about the future and the coming Tribulation. I go to a conservative church, but their daily devotional said in today’s reading that the 144,000 witnesses are believers, but fails to say that these 144,000 are taken from the 12 tribes of Israel and they are evangelists who will go around the world preaching the gospel of their Messiah–Jesus Christ. They will be saved during the Tribulation. Many churches are borderline Replacement Theology, sad to say. Rev. 7. How can any believer ignore the importance of Israel and the Jewish people? Of course, salvation is the same for Jews and Gentiles alike. We must all come to faith through the finished work of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. Those who bless Israel will be blessed.
Zechariah 12:3 “It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.” I think there has to be some memory loss and hatred against Israel so that all nations will be gathered against it. I don’t think we should be surprised by this, just like we shouldn’t be surprised that the world will get worse and worse, a one world government, Christians falling away from the faith, an antichrist revealed and a great tribulation resulting in the return of Christ. We should see it for what it is, Bible prophecy coming to pass.