LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.
“Out of dangerous ignorance, Whoopi and those like her are ushering in a new era of “moral” antisemitism that would make the Nazis proud.”
By Tsvi Sadan
Israel Today
Whoopi Goldberg’s two-week suspension from ABC won’t change a thing. That is because ABC, and Goldberg’s critics, have already accepted the new narrative that has banalized the Holocaust by turning this singular horrific event into one “holocaust” among many.
Consider this exchange between Goldberg and another panelist on The View, Ana Navarro. Goldberg says, “the Holocaust isn’t about race, no, it’s not about race … it’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about.”
But, says Navarro, “the Holocaust is about going after Jews and Gypsies… about white supremacy.”
“But these are two white groups of people,” responded Goldberg, who persisted with her argument that the Holocaust wasn’t about racism but about “how people treat each other.” Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work
The Spirit Behind Anti-Semitism . . . Israel’s Future
(photo from 2017 from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)
Out of sheer curiosity (to see if the show might be any different without her), I turned on The View on the first day of Goldberg’s suspension. The very first thing I heard a woman say (couldn’t tell you which one; I think it was Joy what’s her name) was, “Whoopi is here!” It sounded like she was backstage, giving them her “moral support”, maybe.
IOW, she really wasn’t suspended at all. That was just meant to be a good front. From what I heard them say that day (maybe five or ten minutes, was all I could take), it hasn’t changed AT ALL.
NOTE: I’ve never watched the show. I’m going by all the clips I’ve seen of it on conservative news sites and things I’ve read/seen where they’re quoted in newspapers, news shows, etc.