News Sources for Information on Israel


UPDATED: 10/24/23

For those who have been watching or listening to mainstream media sources to get information on what is happening in Israel, we encourage you to seek out non-mainstream media sources. It’s important to understand that there is great animosity against Israel in most main-stream media sources, which undoubtedly contributes to the growing antisemitism around the world. Below we are providing some links to non-mainstream media sources. These are not necessarily all Christian-based sources, but they are sources that seem to be providing trustworthy news regarding Israel.

We are posting the links below for research and informational purposes and not necessarily as a blanket endorsement of the source itself. As with everything, we always exhort our readers to use discernment and pray for God’s wisdom and guidance so that we, as believes in Christ, will not be deceived or manipulated. For those who criticize or condemn Lighthouse Trails for posting out-of-house secular news, please read our recent statement. For those who would like to know what Lighthouse Trails thinks about Israel and the Jews, please see the link to our statement on this in the “Related Information” section below.

Let us remember to pray for Israel, and in those prayers, pray that during this time especially many Israeli Jews will turn to their Messiah who offers salvation to all who believe on Him.

News Sources for Information on Current Situation in Israel

  1. Jewish News Syndicate
  2. Times of Israel
  3. Breitbart news
  4. Friends of Israel

Pro-Israel/Bible Prophecy Christian Sources

  1. Let Us Reason (Mike Oppenheimer)
  2. Light for the Last Days (Tony Pearce)
  3. Olive Tree Ministries
  4. The Berean Call
  5. Behold Israel (recommended by numerous LT readers)

Notice: If you would like to suggest a media source to our readers, please e-mail us at with your suggestion.

Recent Articles and Videos on Israel’s Crisis:

“The Ghost of Golda” by Jan Markell (Jan is a Jewish believer in Christ and founder of Olive Tree Ministries)

Israel at War – a tumultuous day, a revelatory interview” by Our Jewish Roots

Israel–Hamas War Live Updates: Israel Death Toll Rises to More Than 1,000 in Hamas Attacks, Israeli Embassy in US Says” by The Epoch Times

Map of Middle East (Israel in Red; Arab countries in green)

Map of Middle East. Green indicates Muslim countries; Red is Israel

Related Information:

What Lighthouse Trails Believes About Israel and the Jews

“Social Media’s Antisemitic Underbelly”

Booklet: Israel: Replacing What God Has Not by Mike Oppenheimer

Epoch Times (10/8/23) – In Iowa, Trump Says Biden ‘Betrayed Israel’


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