NOTICE TO PARENTS: Christian Schools Introducing Teens to Mysticism Proponent


The following Audio clip is a sermon by Rob Bell. In this audio, Bell leads the audience through a meditation exercise and talks about various aspects of contemplative spirituality. Please use caution when listening to this audio file (not suitable for children). Click here for audio file.

Lighthouse Trails has been contacted by several concerned parents and grandparents whose teens are being introduced to the teachings and films of emerging church leader, Rob Bell (a strong proponent of mysticism, i.e., contemplative).

Bell, the creator of the Nooma films, is pastor of Mars Hill Bible Churchand the author of Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith.

Christian schools and youth groups are presenting the Nooma films to their youth, and many of these groups are having teens read Velvet Elvis. Because Bell promotes and teaches New Age mystical practices in a Christian context, young people may accept these teachings as biblical Christianity. And when trusted teachers are presenting this material, both teens and parents alike may be caught off guard.

In our recent article Will the Next Billy Graham Be a Mystic?” we documented important information regarding Bell’s spiritual affinities. Here is a small portion of that article:

On March 19th 2006 Bell … invited a Dominican sister from the Dominican Center at Marywood in Michigan to speak at a church service at Mars Hill. The Dominican Center is a “Spirituality center,” which offers a wide variety of contemplative opportunities, including Reiki [an occult-based, i.e., chakra, healing technique], a Spiritual Formation program, a Spiritual Director program, labyrinths, Celtic Spirituality, enneagrams and more.

Zondervan Publishing will be releasing Bell’s new book, Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections between Sexuality and Spirituality, next spring.

For further information:

Our research on Rob Bell

POSTURE TO APOSTASY : Can yogic practices be integrated with the Christian faith?

Breath Prayers

A Time of Departing

“We’re rediscovering Christianity as an Eastern religion, as a way of life.”- Rob Bell, from “The Emergent Mystique

Note: In order to protect the privacy of the families who have contacted us, we are not able to list the names of these high schools. In most cases, the parents who called have very little support from other parents and teachers. If your teen’s Christian school is using the materials mentioned in this article, please contact your school and share your concerns.

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