By Richard Swier
Red County News
Indiana University Zoologist Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey shocked the nation in 1948 with the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.
Since the publication of these two reports Dr. Kinsey and his research have been scientifically debunked.
However, he lives on in the hearts and minds of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender movement as a sage. Gays, when confronted with their behaviors, always say the person confronting them is gay also. This has most recently been used against Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry who has been called gay.
Accordingto Robert H. Knight, “[T]his comes from Kinsey stating that 95 percent of men committed sexual crimes
such as rape, sodomy, incest, homosexuality, adultery, public exposure, fornication or other offenses. If most men were sexual criminals of one sort or another, Kinsey reasoned, then society should redefine what is ‘normal’ and reduce penalties for sex offenses.”
It appears that the Obama administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human services agree with Dr. Kinsey. Time to redifine “normal”, especially in children. Click here to continue reading.