“[E]nd times” prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition, and weapons. These teachings also have been linked with the radicalization of domestic extremist individuals and groups in the past, such as violent Christian Identity organizations and extremist members of the militia movement.–US Department of Homeland Security”
by Joseph Farah
It’s not al-Qaida that has the Department of Homeland Security on edge.
It’s not Hezbollah that has the Barack Obama administration on guard.
It’s not Hamas that has the Feds working overtime on intelligence and security.
Once again, it’s the vast right-wing conspiracy.
Here we go, again.
A newly unclassified report from Homeland Security, sent to police stations and other law enforcement agencies around the country, says the big threat of domestic violence in the U.S. comes from “right-wing extremists.”
Yes, we’ve been here before.
President Clinton’s White House and FBI were out looking for right-wing extremists plotting evil deeds for eight years. There was no Department of Homeland Security back then, because the Islamic terrorists had not yet destroyed the World Trade Center, only attempted once. And, of course, the Clinton administration never saw that coming because, well, they were too busy looking under beds for right-wing extremists.
Now that the Democrats have control of the White House and the executive branch of government, they are determined to put the Department of Homeland Security to use hunting down right-wing extremists.
They are especially concerned about those dreaded military men returning from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are specifically mentioned in the report for profiling.
They are also concerned about annoying people who protest abortion, support gun rights and who think the federal government isn’t doing enough to prevent illegal immigration.
They are also concerned about those weird Christians who believe we’re living in the “end times.” You know how dangerous those people are. Click here to read this entire article.
Department of Homeland Security Being Sued for Right Winged Extremist Policy