Out of House Article: For informational and research purposes only. To learn more about Willow Creek, read our article: “No Repentance from Willow Creek – Only a Mystical Paradigm Shift”
Lynn Hybels, wife of Willow Creek pastor and founder Bill Hybels is a regular writer for Jim Wallis’ SoJourners magazine. Wallis is also a “spiritual” advisor to Obama.
By Lynn Sweet
Chicago-Sun Times
(courtesy Ingrid Schlueter)
WASHINGTON–President Obama tapped Willow Creek Community Church’s Lynne Hybels for a spot on the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Hybels, of Barrington, is married to Willow Creek senior pastor and founder Bill Hybels.Lynne Hybels, Appointee for Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Lynne Hybels is co-founder and Advocate for Global Engagement at the Willow Creek Community Church, a religious organization committed to maximizing individual life-transformation as well as encouraging effective leadership of local churches. For two decades, Mrs. Hybels has been involved in Willow Creek’s ministry partnerships in under-resourced communities in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. She has written inspirational books and articles focusing on global poverty, HIV/AIDS, and Israeli-Palestinian peace. Under her leadership, Willow Creek is establishing an Advisory Board on Middle East Engagement. Mrs. Hybels is currently a board member of the Africa Advisory Board at Willow Creek Community Church and recently served on the U.S. Board for World Vision. She holds a B.A. in Social Sciences from Bethel College. Click here to continue reading.
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