October Update on Bryce Homes in Kenya

Widow Benter – Bryce Home 2

By Lukio
Board member in Kenya

Several miles away from the capital city of Kenya in a remote village is the home of Benter. As you enter the non-gated home, you quickly notice the void left by the demise of the former family’s sole breadwinner. Benter is a young widow living with her six children who look upon her for food, clothing and education. When you look at the children, what comes to mind is the future potential of these partial orphaned children. An interview with Benter reveals the painful experience in her struggle to fend for the family. To be precise, it has been a poverty stricken home.

Throughout the interview, she mentions a program [Bryce Homes] which she testifies brought a new lease of life to her and her children. One wonders how desperate her life had become because of the death of the children’s father. Nearly all the assets she possesses now are from Bryce Homes gifts. Some of these include a durable house, permanent pit latrine and a water reservoir [tank] in which she harvests and keeps rainwater for domestic use. . . .

This report would be incomplete without the mention of the actual genesis of Bryce Homes Program in Kenya. This program began when Roger Oakland from Understand The Times made a trip to Kenya nine years ago. He was touched when he saw the sorry condition of many widows in our area. Click here to continue reading.

LTRP Note: We hope you will consider becoming a support partner with Understand the Times and the Bryce Homes in Kenya mission project for Christian women and children. Lighthouse Trails readers have been an essential part of this program since its inception.

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