Stories of school shootings, bus crashes and multiple innocent deaths on a Toronto sidewalk have our minds left bewildered. In moments like these, we search for answers to it all. Some, I believe, go even deeper than that in search of answers to life itself.
It can almost be certain that at least a few of the family members and friends of the victims have reached out to God in their darkest hour. It is possible that some may even have had their lives changed forever as they looked to the Heavens. That one they call the Savior, Jesus Christ, was there to meet them with outstretched arms as they cried themselves to sleep.
The stories of these people who have had a 180 degree turn around are not posted in the papers or talked about on the evening news. This world has never been very comfortable with those who fall in love with God, preferring to write them off as “kooks.”
While there certainly are lots of “kooks” who follow other “kooks” within man-made religion, Jesus Himself can never be accused of being a “kook.” He is the One who brings peace into hearts that can’t make sense of this mixed up world.
This is a song that the Lord gave to me in 2015 (click here). It sums up how I feel in those sad moments when the world tries to take our breath away.
(You can follow Trevor on Facebook.)
Related Articles:
Trevor Baker – Songs For a Troubled Church
The Lonely Road by Trevor Baker – The Cost of Following Jesus
Part 2 They will only see us, whom they have mocked, ridiculed, contemptuously laughed at, inflicted abuse upon, and persecuted in endless cruel ways. But they will see us as His radiant bride, with no spot or blemish, in a garment of glowing white, a crown, and at His side forever. Oh how they will wish they had done things differently then! Now there is still time to repent, but then… there won’t be.
That happened to me too. What it makes me think of is this. You see how evil and crazy the world is and one event or another makes you fall to your knees. As you cry out from that broken place, the hand of Jesus reaches down and picks you up. You open your eyes and He lifts you up. You see the light all around Him. You get a new perspective that all makes sense. You read the Bible, see the fallen world around you on the fast track to hell, and it all makes sense. You thank God that you are now walking right side up. You look down and it is like everyone else is walking upside down, below the pavement in some other dimension. They all laugh at you, pointing at you and mocking as if you are the one who is the ‘kook.’ But you are upright and they are upside down, you see it all clearly, but they don’t. It’s like watching a freak show line up laughing at someone who is normal. But they don’t see what we do, of course. I go through that every day. And I keep smiling because I’m the one with joy in my heart. According to the Bible, we are the ones who will be ruling and reigning with Him, shining like stars forever. Those who don’t take His hand… won’t be. They will still be on the outside looking in. But, they won’t be laughing then. Part 1