LTRP Note: The following is posted as a follow up of a previous post from December 2020.*
“Open Letter From the International Board of Directors of RZIM on the Investigation of Ravi Zacharias”
From the RZIM Board:
It is with shattered hearts that we issue this statement about the allegations against RZIM’s Founder, Ravi Zacharias.
Following allegations made in late August of 2020 that Ravi had engaged in sexual misconduct and abuse in connection with two day spas, we commissioned Miller & Martin PLLC, a law firm with experience in corporate and sex crimes investigations, to conduct an independent investigation [see the 2/9/21 full report – caution to readers: contains disturbing and graphic information]. We gave Miller & Martin a broad scope to pursue any avenues that they judged to be relevant to the accusations, and we emphasized that our only purpose for the investigation was to ascertain the full truth.
Having received the results of the investigation, we are publicly releasing the investigation report in the exact form that we received it. We have been waiting to make an extended statement in the hope that the full findings of the investigation would allow us to speak more accurately and meaningfully. We also wanted to ensure Miller & Martin’s independence in their investigation, assessments, and reporting of the findings. . . . Tragically, witnesses described encounters including sexting, unwanted touching, spiritual abuse, and rape. Click here to continue reading.
Note from Lighthouse Trails:
LTRJ Note: The news story above about Ravi Zacharias above is obviously going to be difficult for most to read. Lighthouse Trails editors do not post a story like this frivolously or with malice. And we have always been cautious about publicizing the personal “private” sins of various Christian leaders. However, in the case where a highly popular and strongly followed leader has entered into the role of sexual predator (one who seeks out victims whom he may sexually exploit), we do believe the church needs to be warned so that hopefully there will be fewer victims and a more discerning church in the future.
Lighthouse Trails was criticized severely by some followers of Voice of the Martyrs when we reported (from 2012-2014) on VOM’s poor handling of their investigation into executive director, Tom White’s suicide after discovery of his sexually molesting a young girl. We know that many in the Christian church have made “heroes” out of numerous Christian leaders and organizations even to the point of idolizing them and thus becoming extremely angry when anyone dares to challenge these leaders and groups. But this is wrong, and such a mentality and practice can actually abet and create scenarios where sexual and other types of abuse can more easily occur.
The motto of Lighthouse Trails has always been “bringing light to areas of darkness.” There are few things darker than sexual abuse, and its power lies in its secrecy. We will not be part of that secrecy. In the case of Ravi Zacharias, it appears that his victims were young adult women, but in so many cases, the victims of sexual abuse are children who are almost always completely helpless to protect themselves.
For this man to have had as a way of life the sin of sexual immorality puts into question whether he was actually saved. The sins mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 are not a lifestyle pattern of living after one has been born again. A person might sin in those areas mentioned but it is not a lifestyle pattern after salvation. It sounds as though Ravi’s lifestyle was one of sexually abusing females over years and years and that he wasn’t truly born again. Deception does get worse as we come closer to the end of the church age.
Why was this double life of Ravi not revealed until after his death? Where was common sense and discernment on the part of his family and his organization? Why was this sin allowed to continue for years?
I find this hard to believe, not because I think it is beyond any evangelist/apologist but the questions are: Where was the Board of RZIM when it came to accountability? What about his traveling partners? If the allegations are true, it would indicate negligence of his organization and his family. Maybe compliance? Why did the therapists not speak out earlier? What about his wife? There are always red flags.
I agree. Shut it down. RZIM will be drastically downsizing soon according to them. Transitioning out of ministry should be easy. I have a feeling more information will be coming out in the coming months that won’t be good.
Pray for those victimized by this. Pray for those that will need employment. Pray that the whole truth comes out and RZIM will do what the Bible asks, not what their PR and crisis management teams want. Many believers who came to the Lord through RZIM are struggling so please pray for them.
It’s a vital reminder not to be lifting up any preacher, speaker, writer, church or organisation. It’s a reminder that none of us know what goes on secretly with the people we respect and revere. And a reminder that sin WILL at some point be exposed. 1 Timothy 5.
May God bless LTRP for fixing your eyes on the hope of His appearance for walking the narrow path for boldly defending the faith from doctrinal and spiritual and moral apostasy. How many have fallen because of pride due to success and adoration. How many have fallen by being doctrinal fools . They condone what they ought to have condemned. How foolish of the laity to become theological groupies of a person or ministry. one must ask, is so called success a blessing or a curse from God. How many times did God put Israel to the test? Will He not also put the Church to the test? Will He find any faithful at His appearing? I think that seeker friendly is nothing less than being doctrinaly lukewarm. It is nothing less than fearing mankind more than than God.
Manfred, we wholeheartedly agree with you about RZIM when you said, “RZIM must shut down . . . you can’t have a ministry named after a sexual abuse/predator.” Thank you for stating what will hopefully be obvious to RZIM leaders. Unfortunately, some of those RZIM leaders and writers have been pushing contemplative spirituality for many years so from the way we see it, their issues are insurmountable, and it would be best if that ministry shuts down all together.
Yes as so many ministers before him…he fell from grace. Pity he isn’t alive to face the music and face the consequences. In the charismatic churches leaders are regarded as something special but they’re not…they are ordinary humans with human frailties. In short they are sinners. They get sucked into the vortex of money power and fame. Their followers love them and when they fall often so does the people’s faith fall. I hope this is not the case in this instance. RZIM must shut down and a new ministry begun…you can’t have a ministry named after an sexual abuser/predator