1. Lisa

    I stopped watching Oprah when she told a lady that since she loved, she knew God. The lady said she didn’t believe in God but Oprah was convinced she did. That was too crazy for me and I didn’t miss tuning in.
    I thank God for His discernment.

  2. Fred, Lighthouse Trails has been warning about the dangers of contemplative prayer and its roots in the New Age movement for over twenty years. If you would allow us to send you a free copy of A Time of Departing, the book we publish that explains it very concisely, please e-mail us at editors@lighthousetrails.com. If you prefer, you may read a couple articles on our site that also explain it. In a nut shell, the roots of contemplative prayer are panentheistic (God in all) and interspirituality (all paths lead to God). The premise of each of these, if true, would nullify the need for a Savior and the reason Jesus Christ died on the Cross for the sins of man. Below are the links to the articles:

    5 Things You Should Know About Contemplative Prayer

    A Serious Look at Richard Foster’s “School of Contemplative Prayer”

  3. helen gray-schiera

    Wonderful video, backed by scripture all the way with large lashings of Christian humility and love and concern for Oprah, other new age proponents and the vulnerable. Let us all pray, pray and pray, for it is never too late until we draw our last conscience breath to believe and repent. Matt. 10:28

  4. Fred

    so, i am not a new ager, and i am no fan of oprah but the ‘examples’ you cite, seem rather odd: contemplative prayer? in what way is this new age? did you check to see what this means? i do not know if new agers have high jacked the term. you ought to spell out the meaning of terms you use, otherwise your article will be read with suspicion.

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