Out-of-House Commentary—”Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement”

Ryan Bomberger (photo from a 2-second video clip; used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR6hEiLDSro)

LTRP Note: The following out-of-house commentary is posted for informational and research purposes and will hopefully help readers to gain a better understanding of the Black Lives Matter movement.

By Ryan Bomberger
(author of Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong)

Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed (#BlueLivesMatter, too) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd’s horrific death. What about the black lives killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?

“Well, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the #BlackLivesMatter movement,” I’m told. Really? Let’s apply that same logic to another example. I’ve been repeatedly approached to partner with New Black Panthers in anti-abortion billboard campaigns. We agree on the violent injustice of abortion, and that’s it. Our worldviews are diametrically opposed. But, but, but they believe unborn lives matterThat doesn’t matter. Their mission is not my mission. . . .

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter. But Truth matters. As a Christian, the Church should be leading on these issues instead of sheepishly following a movement hostile to the Gospel. Click here to continue reading.

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4 thoughts on “Out-of-House Commentary—”Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement”

  1. Good article Lighthouse. The B.L.M. sounds like a new political party. Chicago’s Father’s Day weekend saw over 40 shootings and 7 deaths. Why are they not concerned about blacks killing blacks? This movement is very disturbing.

  2. Thank you, Ryan for telling it like it really is! So refreshing to see some common sense and actual statistics to back up what he says. Throughout our short history the racists have been the Dems. BLM is the party of violence and hate. So many Christians have been fooled by this movement and are bowing down to their demands. The BLM and its supporters are setting a horrible example for their own children and ours.

  3. This is an excellent article!! I appreciate so much Mr. Bomberger’s expose’ of BLM’s tenets. It is obvious that it is an anti-Christian movement. It is so refreshing to see this issue addressed from a Scriptural viewpoint. I will be passing this along to others so they too can have more understanding of this very important issue.

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