Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, often called the “Father of the New Age movement,” is on a list of “40 influential Christian books” on two popular Christian news sites, The Christian Post and The Christian Examiner. The article, which provides the list, states:
Every thoughtful Christian can probably appreciate these 40 volumes in the journey to grow into a deeper understanding of life and existence through the Bible. . . . These books have influenced countless Christians across vast periods of time.
Along with Chardin’s name are other New Age/panentheist-promoting names such as Brennan Manning, Matthew Fox, Henri Nouwen, and Pope Francis.* Any discerning “thoughtful Christian” will understand the implications of Chardin’s and these other names being on a list that purports to represent Christianity and influence “countless Christians.”

If indeed, Chardin and the other men named above have had such a tremendous impact on Christianity, then it is no wonder the church at large is in the condition it is today. The quotes below by Chardin are a picture of where today’s “Christianity” seems to be heading. Some of the other names on the list that we did not mention have played their roles in helping to form a Christianity that would be unrecognizable to the Christianity of the New Testament.
What I am proposing to do is to narrow that gap between pantheism and Christianity by bringing out what one might call the Christian soul of pantheism or the pantheist aspect of Christianity.—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Christianity and Evolution, p. 56
Now I realize that, on the model of the incarnate God whom Christianity reveals to me, I can be saved only by becoming one with the universe. Thereby, too, my deepest ‘pantheist’ aspirations are satisfied.—Chardin, Christianity and Evolution, p. 128.
I believe that the Messiah whom we await, whom we all without any doubt await, is the universal Christ; that is to say, the Christ of evolution.—Chardin, Christianity and Evolution, p. 95. [Amazingly, Leonard Sweet, one of today’s most prolific Christian authors, describes Chardin as “Twentieth-century Christianity’s major voice.”(Warren B. Smith makes the case against Chardin’s “Christianity” in his book A “Wonderful Deception )
*We have documented these things for many years. Use the search engine on the blog and the research site to read material about each of these names.
Thank you for this article and yes it takes much discernment and study to realize what is taking place. It is so visible that the ‘wool’ is being pulled over peoples eyes by the wolves in sheeps clothing. Case in point, an old friend had posted a picture of a book that she was “reading”. The author was Henri-Nouwen! Through private messaging, I gently tried to shed some light on the author and suggested your website for her thorough investigation. Instead I received her very blunt response… ‘I love everything contemplative!’ That ended the discussion and she blocked me. How disheartening not for me but for her to be so blinded and unconcerned and ultimately offended that I would care enough to share truth! In the church today, seekers go only for the experience evident by the worship music and feel good topical sermons. People look at me funny when I try to shed light on what is taking place. The enemy is so crafty and cunning. I see why our Lord stated that the road home is narrow and few find it.
Yeah, influenced them alright, right down the apostasy broad road to destruction! Wow! And we truly see the sad influence this has had when most professing Christians won’t even bat an eyelash at one of these names being mentioned in a positive light within a ‘Christian’ setting when nothing could be further from true Christianity!