LTRP Note: We are posting this for informational and research purposes, not as an endorsement for the news source. Please also see related information below to better understand the risk children are at today. It is important to realize that children are being targeted with the “new” spirituality/New Age in their schools, in their churches, in the media, and even in their homes.
The Associated Press
ENCINITAS, Calif. —A group of parents is bent out of shape by free yoga classes at schools in this San Diego County beachside community, fearing they are indoctrinating youngsters in eastern religion.
“There’s a deep concern that the Encinitas Union School District is using taxpayer resources to promote Ashtanga yoga and Hinduism, a religion system of beliefs and practices,” the parents’ attorney, Dean Broyles, told the North County Times ( ).
In an Oct. 12 email to district Superintendent Tim Baird, Broyles called the yoga program unconstitutional and said he may take unspecified legal action unless the classes stop.
The lessons are funded by a $533,000, three-year grant from the Jois Foundation, a nonprofit group that promotes Asthanga yoga. Some schools began classes last month and others will begin holding them in January. Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
PARENTS BEWARE: American Girl Doll Company Recommends Yoga, Mantras, Meditation, and Breath Prayers
CNN reports, “Hundreds of studios across country teach yoga to children”
Christian Parents Beware: Sesame Street Will Teach Your Children Yoga
Little Wave and Old Swell (A Course in Miracles for Children with a Foreword by Ken Blanchard)