LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has been covering this story for over 2 years. The following commentary discusses Pastor Kenneth Miller’s recent sentencing for helping to protect a young mother and her little daughter from a homosexual activist in Vermont. In February, we reported that Miller was put in jail for refusing to tell a grand jury the names of those who helped him hide Lisa and Isabella Miller (no relation). He has now been sentenced to 27 months in prison for the “offense.” However, according to one report, an appeal has been requested, and the judge in the case has postponed Miller’s prison sentence until that appeal has been tried. That report states that the appeal process could take up to 2 years, during which time Miller will be able to remain with his family in Virginia.
The following is an out-of-house commentary.
A Commentary: by Lois Kempton
“Obeying the law: God’s law vs. man”
Those Puritan Englishmen forsook everything and undertook incredible perils that they and posterity might be free to choose God’s law.
On March 4 in U.S. District Court in Burlington, Vt. — an original Puritan colony — Judge William Session III sentenced a devout pastor to 27 months imprisonment. He had refused to violate his conscience before God.
This alleged crime neither was planned nor occurred in Vermont. Odd! But hear what happened, and Google will give you 29,000 entries.
In 2000 in Vermont, Lisa Miller (no kin to the pastor) and Janet Jenkins contracted a “civil union.” How these can be legal when the Defense of Marriage Act, passed by Congress, is still U.S. law, seems strange to me. But they did it. Two years later, Miller bore a daughter via artificial insemination.
The relationship soured. Miller filed suit for a dissolution in 2003, and got custody of her baby daughter. Logical, I’d think. Miller went to Virginia. There she experienced a born-again Christian conversion and lived a new life. Happy end of story…? Click here to continue reading.
Chronicle of Our Coverage on the Lisa/Isabella Miller Situation:
January 2010: Lesbian-Turned-Christian Mom Fails to Give Up Child to Ex-Partner
January 2010: Lesbian ‘mother’ case presents constitutional issue
January 2010: Vermont Judge Threatens Mother in Hiding With Arrest
March 2010: Former Lesbian, Lisa Miller – Friends Say They Support Her Decision to Go into Hiding with Daughter
February 2012: ‘I promised God that if he would save my baby, I would leave the homosexual lifestyle’
September 2012: Amish Man Convicted For Helping Ex-Homosexual Protect Her Daughter
February 2013: America in Crisis: “Pastor jailed for refusing to testify in Vermont child custody case”
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