1. Pastor Greg

    Yes on Rutherford. Liberty Council (Matt Staver) also. If they can’t take the case, they may be able to advise and direct. This is a serious overstep by tyrannical courts; judges creating law from the bench. Prayers and sending some help for your support.

  2. Jeanne Kotiadis

    Dear Phillip and Cathy,
    You are a modern day Paul…I hope you can email me sometime. Your father would be proud of his son!!
    Jeanne Kotiadis

  3. Concerned and Praying

    What are the statutes of limitations for child abuse in Vermont and Virginia?
    What about the possibility of Isabella filing charges of abuse against her abuser?

    The Lord work vindication for Mr. Zodhiates from all false accusations.

  4. Elizabeth Bennett

    We had a missionary candidate to India at our church last night. There was a miniature wooden labyrinth with 3 metal balls inside. Maybe this is part of their Hindu rituals?

  5. Linda Fallek

    The Rutherford Institute in Virginia provides free legal help for issues such as these. (rutherford.org)

    I have been aware of this ministry for years.

    I will be praying for you!

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