LTRP Note: The following news article is posted for informational and research purposes.
By Heather Clark
Christian News Network
Calling the story “heartwarming,” Disney+ announced on Thursday the release of a new Pixar short film, which centers on the story of a man named Greg who is nervous about revealing to his parents that he is in a relationship with another man. While some have praised the production, others lament that such material aims to normalize sin in impressionable minds.
“Just look them in the eyes and say, ‘Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Manuel,’” Greg (voiced by Kyle McDaniel, who was among the Pixar crew in “Inside Out”, “Brave” and “Monsters University”) says, coaching himself about what to say as he is about to move in with a man who, unbeknownst to his parents, is his homosexual partner. Click here to continue reading.
“[O]thers lament that such material aims to normalize sin in impressionable minds.”
Count me in with them. The LORD told us through Isaiah (chapter 5) that calling evil good invokes His curse on a person’s life. Those who are doing this are doubtless blinded by the devil/god of this world, and I pray their eyes will be opened to the Truth before it is too late for them. In the meantime young people are destroyed by this type of lie (and all others). I pray for them too; my heart hurts for them.
Where are the parents? I saw an interview with Michael Eisner years ago in the newspaper, when he had just taken the reins at Disney, and he said that he was going to take the company in a “new, darker” direction. He did. Did no other parents read that? I’ve often wondered.
I haven’t spent a red cent on anything Disney in many years, and that won’t change.
Satanists own Hollywood , the media, T.V. , most of our Culture, many false churches, Governments, most of the medical field and Banks . Christians need to Preach the Gospel NOW, TODAY!
John J
‘Just look this nonsense in the eye and say, “Mom, Dad, thanks for showing me ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ over and over when I was five.” I knew of parents who did that to their kids to keep them quiet and out of the way.
Disney has always been suspect. To hide behind animated characters to spew evil is despicable, as it’s aimed at kids. Jesus’ words in Matthew 19, verse 14 will come back to haunt the evildoers. In the meantime, let’s look this Disney nonsense in the eye and go for a normal movie (or to the park once coronavirus has packed up and gone home).
Jo D Hylton
this is so, so sad. We know it will continue to get worse. Come Lord Jesus , come…..