“Pope to Focolare-Linked Bishops: Help Realize God’s ‘Dream’ of Harmony in World”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. If you are not familiar with the term “God’s Dream,” please read Warren B. Smith’s “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme. In that booklet/article, you will see how that concept is being used by some of today’s top Christian leaders.

I am not fully forgiven until I allow God to write his new dream for my life on the blackboard of my mind, and I dare to believe. . . . God has a great plan to redeem society. He needs me and wants to use me. – Robert Schuller

Faith is choosing and believing God’s dream for your life. Nothing starts happening in your life until you start dreaming. – Rick Warren

God’s dream for your life is much bigger than your own. – Joel Osteen

“Pope to Focolare-Linked Bishops: Help Realize God’s ‘Dream’ of Harmony in World”

By Robin Gomes
Vatican News

Pope Francis on Saturday encouraged bishops who are friends of the Focolare Movement to help realize God’s “dream” of reconciling and harmonizing everything and everyone in Christ, being “always open, never exclusive”. 

“This is also the ‘dream’ of fraternity, to which I dedicated the Encyclical, Fratelli tutti,” the Pope told some 15 bishop friends of the Focolare Movement.

Some 170 Bishops from 44 countries of the world, belonging to 70 Churches and ecclesial communities, gathered at the Focolare International Mariapolis Center in Castel Gandolfo,  just outside Rome, for a meeting September 24-25, on the theme, “Dare to be one. The courage of unity in a divided world.” Click here to continue reading.

3 thoughts on ““Pope to Focolare-Linked Bishops: Help Realize God’s ‘Dream’ of Harmony in World”

  1. Alice Bailey New Age Matriarch said that one of the characteristics of the coming {Anti-] Christ kingdom is:
    “INCLUSIVENESS.” Imagine that!

    “From Bethlehem to Calvary”

  2. Good info on meaning and background. Interesting the pope is all inclusive as long as you go back to Mother church. Of course anyone who says, “My way is the only way to God” is a heretic and terrorist. He is Antichrist setting up the one world religion, universal digital income (one world economy), and the one world government. World leaders are all playing their roles in the pandemic being used to break our economies, divide the people, and vaccinate the world. Time for Christians to stand firm, this is the patience and tribulation of the saints. Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.

  3. As far as being “always open, never exclusive”, it is good to be clear about the truth of what is to come:

    Revelation 22:14-15
    “Blessed are those washing their robes, that their right will be to the tree of life, and they shall enter into the city by the gates. Outside are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the sexually immoral, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and everyone loving and practicing falsehood.“

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