1. Janet

    Does psychosis always happen? I’m not sure if my son is using.
    And can a person get over psychosis!

  2. CW

    Doctors told relatives years ago (the late ’70s) that their marijuana usage caused their son’s neurological issues. Everything they said came back to mind as autism seemed to mushroom like an epidemic (something they predicted). I used to wonder why other doctors didn’t say this; then I discovered an article posted online by doctors/scientists/researchers at Harvard University, saying the same thing, PLUS more warnings. WHY haven’t we been hearing these warnings on a regular basis for decades? My guess is these causes: Love of money and Social change and Politics (with a lot of overlap between the three).

  3. Daniel Sedory

    Attempting to reduce the violence caused by drug cartels and gangs is a very good reason for making it legal. But, just because something is legal does NOT make it healthy or wise to do! Cigarettes and drinks with a high alcohol content (that includes almost any wine made today; look at the label about how they ADD additional alcohol to most!) are both legal, but many suffer or have died from them! ALL drugs have a non-natural affect on your body, so it’s best to never use any of them if at all possible. God gave us brains to be wise about what you put inside your body.

  4. Susan

    I live in a part of the world where people grow marijuana. I have seen the devastating effects of it on many people. Best advice to anyone is do not ever even try it.

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