PRAYER REQUEST: Many of you know retired pastor Larry DeBruyn as he has written countless articles over the years warning about spiritual deception in the church, and Lighthouse Trails has posted many of these articles. This week, we learned that Larry has just been diagnosed with Stage 3 Multiple Myeloma and is in serious condition.
Larry will be undergoing various treatments, including some very powerful nutritional I.V. treatments, his wife told us today. Please pray for Larry. We know each of our lives, as believers in Christ, is in God’s hands. We also know that we are told to pray for one another, and the Bible says that God is compassionate and merciful and hears our prayers. Some of you may remember praying for Larry about ten years ago when he almost died of a severe heart attack while on a ministry trip in Budapest, Hungary. Lighthouse Trails readers prayed for Larry during that time, and God restored Larry to health and service.
Please remember also to pray for Caryl Matrisiciana, another Lighthouse Trails author and co-worker in ministry, who has been fighting cancer for over a year now. We know that God can raise both of these defenders of the faith up should He choose. And we know both Larry and Caryl have put their trust and their lives in Him wholeheartedly. Our own prayer is that God would allow these two courageous believers more time to serve Him in a day and age when few voices are actively warning and writing publicly about the coming apostasy.
On a practical level, for those who would like to help either Larry or Caryl financially with the burden of their health treatments (especially the natural health ones not covered by insurance), you may reach out to Caryl by going to her website at; and for Larry, you can mail checks to Lighthouse Trails (in Larry’s name), and we will forward them (see mailing address below).
Thank you for your prayers.
You can read some of Larry’s articles on his website
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