LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has been reporting on the Lisa Miller/Philip Zodhiates case for many years now. See links below for background information. Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella escaped from the U.S. over 10 years ago, and today, Philip is serving a term in a U.S. Federal prison for his role in aiding Lisa and Isabella. As the following letter from Philip describes, please remember him and his wife in prayer. You may also donate to his legal expenses here.

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his
riches in glory by Christ Jesus”
-Philippians 4:19
Thursday, Day 584
Dear Lighthouse Trails Readers:
I constantly must remind myself that God’s promises in Scripture are real and true. My vindication will come from Him alone (Isaiah 54:17; Proverbs 21:31). He acts on behalf of the one who waits for Him (Isaiah 64:4). Therefore, I must be patient and endure (James 5:11), for He is full of compassion and is merciful!
Prayers from you are especially critical now, as Judge Arcara, my sentencing judge, is in the final stages, hopefully, of whether or not to vacate my sentence. The basis for this is ineffective counsel because my attorneys never informed me of the statute 1204(c)(2) defense, which allows for a parent to remove a child from the country to protect he or she from a pattern of abuse. In other words, my belief that Lisa Miller was protecting her daughter from sexual abuse during court-ordered visitations was a legitimate defense for violating any “parental rights” which Janet Jenkins may have had. Please pray that Judge Arcara rules justly and quickly.
In another development, we have hired Michael Hirsh, a Peachtree City, Georgia attorney as defense attorney for my daughter Victoria, my company, Response Unlimited, and myself, in the civil suit filed in Vermont Federal Court against us and other defendants. However, we have not yet secured a local Vermont attorney, as not one can be found to help. We are requesting Judge William Sessions waive this requirement, which he has the authority to do. Please pray in regards to this, as well.
In yet another matter, we have until July 11 to respond to the government’s objection to my request that Judge Arcara overrule the Bureau of Prison’s determination that I am a violent criminal which makes me ineligible for home confinement. I expect to meet this deadline, with the help of “D,” my “jailhouse lawyer,” which will give Judge Arcara another opportunity to send me home prior to or without vacating my sentence. According to the law, I should have already been home based on the “Senior Defender Home Confinement Pilot Program,” passed in conjunction with the First Step Act, and also due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please pray with us about this.
And during these difficult times, Kathie continues to be plagued with physical problems as we remain under lockdown with no visitation privileges. In addition to more oral surgery, she has somehow damaged her Achilles tendon in her heel, and she is hoping to avoid surgery which would keep her off her feet for months! She needs prayer!
Other than that, God sustains us, and we continue to try to be patient and endure, with your prayer support. He alone is victorious! Our little church that meets in our unit every night with between 10-13 men packed into a 7’x9’ cell continues to grow in the Lord and be used of Him. Thank you for continuing to pray!
In His Service,
Philip Zodhiates 18649-084
Ashland Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 6001 Ashland, KY 41105
Related Background Stories:
Philip Zodhiates – Remains in U.S. Prison For Helping Former Lesbian Mother
The Lisa/Isabella Miller Case—”Criminalizing Christianity in America”
The case is about a vulnerable, violated abused CHILD.
Request the DOJ to hold our justice system accountable for mandated child abuse in the case of Isabella Miller.
Request justice for Philip.
Request DOJ for Isabella’s right to be protected from users and abusers..
U.S. Department of Justice
Open your mouth for the dumb, for the rights of all who are left desolate.
Proverbs 31:8
What a sad story for Philip and his wife and Lisa/Isabella her daughter. We need to pray that God will intervene on behalf of all of them. The corruption of the courts grows darker. Sadly many judges take bribes or are threatened. Some also favor certain cases involving homosexuals, lesbians and transgenders. The judge will legislate instead of rule. Sometimes judges are murdered for ruling against say a former President? The Lord can work miracles in many cases and we pray it happens to all of them soon!