Because of increasing censorship measures by various social media entities, the editors at Lighthouse Trails recommend all interested readers to sign up for our free e-newsletter, which is e-mailed out twice a month (https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/enewslettersignu…) and/or our printed subscription-based research journal (mailed out 4 times a year – https://www.lighthousetrails.com/2036-research-journal).
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This happens with my gmail account too, all Christian as well as critical ofcovid emails end up in spam or promotions folder. Very annoying. I have subscribed to Proton mail as my email account.
Please send me your newsletter. If I need to sign up elsewhere, please let me know. Thank you!
Sad, but obviously necessary.
And how long will it be until e-mail is also put under censorship? There was some news about the EARN IT Act, which would mainly target e-mail services when enforced.
– I have a Hotmail account, and since about a year ago I observe that incoming mails with endtime related Christian content, or other “politically incorrect” content, regularly end up in the spam folder. Even if the sender is in my contact list, and even while other mails from the same sender make it to the inbox. May I soon no longer be allowed to see these mails at all?
Your newsletters throughout the years have been a great source of wisdom and discernment, without which I otherwise would have been ignorant and confused about like many are today.
Thank you, and Praise the Lord for the faithful labourers in the field as you are!
Keep sending me your newsletter
Thank you
thank you very much,
God bless!!!