by Fred DeRuvo
Study-Grow-Know: Christianity in the End Times
Recently, President Obama made statements about his religious beliefs. Since he made them public, it is certainly permissible to comment on them. On the heels of stating that “Islam is not the problem, Al Queda is the problem,” Obama defines for us, his own particular viewpoint of Christianity. How does it stand up to the Christianity of the Bible? Let’s see…
We know that President Obama spent 20 or so years in a church that is based largely on Black Liberation Theology (Trinity United Church of Christ, with Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.). I don’t want to take the time to explain that, but feel free to look that up as there are plenty of places on the ‘Net. Suffice it to say that to the Black Liberationist, Christianity is a means by which the Black person frees themselves from the rule of others, mainly whites. We also know that President Obama stated that converting to Christianity was hischoice. We must remember that the Christianity he converted to was the one taught by Reverend Wright. Wright is also known for his anti-American statements based on race. Things that have come out of Rev. Wright’s mouth have been by some accounts, vicious. Beyond this, his church apparently gave their top award to an avowed anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan, from the Nation of Islam.
All of this plays into President Obama’s version of Christianity, and it is from this perspective that we begin to understand what he means when he says that he is a Christian. President Obama points to Christ’s death as the epitome of humility. He stated, “understanding that Jesus Christ dying for my sins spoke to the humility we all have to have as human beings, that we’re sinful, and we’re flawed, and we make mistakes, and that we achieve salvation through the grace of God.” This is certainly all well and good, but it does not say enough. President Obama is anything but stupid. He tends too often to speak like a lawyer because of his training. Combine that with the fact that he is a politician, and you have him saying things that can be interpreted any number of ways, just like he did when he ran for office. Click here to continue reading.
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