Progress Report: New Homes for Widows and Orphans in Kenya

LTRP Note: Below Roger’s report on Kenya is a new slideshow, showing the progress that has been made in building new homes in Kenya for the widows and orphans who are part of the Bryce Homes for Children project in Kenya.

By Roger Oakland
Understand the Times, International &
the Bryce Homes for Children, International

It has been almost one year since my first trip to Kenya. One of the main reasons for going there was to investigate the possibility of expanding our Bryce Homes Program, which assists orphans, other needy children, and widows around the world in memory of our son Bryce.

It was at that time that I met Pastor Achilla from Kenya. When I shared my vision with Pastor Achilla, he told me of the great need for such a program in his area. When I came home, I shared this need with our Understand The Times mailing list, and we committed to establish five homes. The objective to help was two-fold: to meet physical and spiritual needs and to proclaim the gospel in the name of Jesus Christ. Lighthouse Trails also got behind this vision with a special one-time Christmas offering which provided resources that helped launch the program.

It was apparent that God’s people were touched by this effort to come alongside faithful Christian pastors in Kenya who had a desire to help brothers and sisters in Christ who were living in hopeless situations. Because of the response, we were able to expand the program beyond the original five homes to twelve. One of the homes, Bryce Home 12, was set up as a special home for teenage girls who are all orphaned.

Bryce Home 12 literally started off from ground zero. There were 12 orphaned girls who Pastor Achilla knew of who were in terrible living situations around that region. In order to establish this new Bryce Home, a dorm house, kitchen building, and bathroom building had to be build immediately. Bunk beds, mattresses, blankets, and pillows had to be purchased. One of the reasons ______was picked for these girls was because there is a Christian school for girls (started by a missionary). The girls were able to start school there. But the needs at Bryce 12 have been great: uniforms for school had to be made, shoes and other clothing, including jackets, had to be purchased, and a matron had to be hired to be a house mom to the girls. We are happy to report that nearly a year after Bryce Home 12 launched, these girls are growing in godly wisdom and virtue and are blossoming in their lives.

In March of 2012, I made a second trip to Kenya accompanied by Pastor Byron Hardy to evaluate our Bryce Homes Kenya program. We visited all twelve homes and saw first-hand the fruit of the ministry. For a video update, which gives an overview of this trip, you can visit our Youtube site at .

Upon our return, we increased the number of homes we were supporting to fifteen. We also deemed it necessary to financially assist the three main leaders who were implementing the program, Pastor Achilla, Pastor Nelson, and Walter (who handles bookkeeping and records).

Besides providing food and basic living essentials, it was apparent that several of the homes needed to be completely replaced. Once again, there was response from our readers, and we have been able to provide five new homes with metal roofs. (See the before and after photos below – a former unlivable shack and a new home with metal roof).

At least five more homes are desperately needed. The cost of building an entire home that will house a family of ten or more is approximately $1950.00.

This includes: a) basic house with metal roof and three rooms, b)plastering on the outside and inside, including the floor, c) a metal cook stove with a chimney (something most of the Bryce homes didn’t have when we met the widows), d) miscellaneous costs associated with building a new house.

We are grateful to those from around the world who have already supported the Bryce Homes Kenya Program. Your dollars are being used to make a huge difference in the lives of over 120 children and caretakers. The testimonies we have received verify the wonderful things God is doing in the ________ area. The quality of lives is being improved while the gospel is being proclaimed, and people are discovering Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Each week we receive numerous e-mails and letters from Christians around the world who tell us they have become disillusioned with their churches and pastors who have turned Christianity into big businesses obsessed with raising more and more funds dedicated towards the establishment of man-made carnal kingdoms. Many have told us they are looking for legitimate ways to invest in genuine mission programs dedicated to proclaiming the gospel and meeting the needs of orphans and widows. If you fit into this category, your support will be used for this purpose. Thank you for your consideration.

Roger Oakland
Understand The Times

(For more information about the Bryce Homes in Kenya or to donate, please click here.