Pronoun Passports Are Coming to Public Schools

By Linda Harvey
Mission America

Insanity over pronouns has hit the Midwest. Children and teachers are being pressured to declare their pronouns, and parents are livid.

In the Olentangy school district near Columbus, a middle school language teacher required all the students to stand up and declare his or her pronouns. A high school teacher in that same district told the class to let her know if she should change a student’s pronouns when contacting parents.

In the Dublin (OH) City Schools, a class of elementary students was asked to name their individual pronouns. At Hilliard Davidson High School (a Columbus suburb), teachers are called to the principal’s office and forced to apologize to a student if an unwanted pronoun is used. At that same school, an assistant principal now signs his correspondence with “he/him” following his name.

How long before children are called to the principal’s office for being unwilling to state their pronouns? Or will all of our children go along with this? They will unless their parents spell it out for them. Click here to continue reading.

Related information:

LT booklet: Transgenderism and Our Children

(photo from; used with permission)

1 thought on “Pronoun Passports Are Coming to Public Schools

  1. Too many mentally ill, demonic
    oppressed teachers “teaching” our children. Better to home school at any cost, to save your child, than for God to tell you, you caused one of His little ones to stumble.

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