Protestants Who Don’t Unite With Catholics are Guilty of “Spiritual Racism”

LTRP Note: In March, we posted “The Unification of Hyper-Charismatics and the Catholic Church,” an article by Roger Oakland, discussing the recent hearty endorsement Kenneth Copeland gave the Catholic church via his public meeting with “evangelist” for the Catholic church, Anglican Tony Palmer (who claims Pope Francis is his mentor). John Lanagan is now presenting further evidence of this ecumenical uniting taking place under the guise of Christian brotherhood. If you are not sure why the Catholic church is NOT biblical Christianity, please do the homework. We offer countless articles and resources on this subject. Underneath the video below, you can see some of those. Things are moving very quickly right now. Bible-believing Christians watching this video will sense an urgency as we are called racists who are standing in the way of spiritual progress. The stage is being set for persecution on those who do not take the road to Rome.

Tony Palmer with Kenneth Copeland

By John Lanagan
My Word Like Fire Ministries

 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. (2 Peter 2:1)

What are the strands that will be woven together to form the false church?

Tony Palmer states he receives financial support from Kenneth Copeland and claims he has been “consecrated” by Pope Francis to be a bridge for further unity among Protestants and Catholics. You may have seen the message from the Pope that Tony Palmer played at Kenneth Copeland’s convention. It is included in the below video.

According to Palmer, “…the protest of Luther is over. And therefore now we are all living in a post-Protestant era…” (8:00 in video)

The Protestants who disagree are suffering from “spiritual racism.” (8:40)

Important Articles and Resources:

Available Books and DVDs

The New Evangelization From Rome Or Finding the True Jesus Christ

Letter to the Editor: Concerned About Voice of the Martyrs Catholic Promotion

Mrs. Prest – She Said No to Apostasy and Became a Martyr