Regarding Kamala Harris: “Affirming the ‘Genocide’ Smear Against Israel Fuels Antisemitism”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.

Taken from a 2-second YouTube clip; used in accordance with the US Fair Use Act

By Jonathan S. Tobin
Jewish News Syndicate

It’s ironic. Vice President Kamala Harris’s efforts to ingratiate herself with her party’s Israel-hating left wing are being drowned out on social media by criticisms that she is too pro-Israel. And because the mainstream liberal corporate media is so desperate to aid her cause and not give coverage to stories that might undermine her, they are ignoring her latest attempt to demonstrate her empathy with those attacking Israel. . . .

Taken at face value, it was not just an indication of her sympathy with the mobs of people whose actions have been the most obvious indication of the post-Oct. 7 surge in antisemitism in the United States. Nor was it the first time she had behaved in this manner.

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