1. Barbara Edmonds

    People have problems and need help so they are supposed to talk to their self as they are gods. It is like a dog chasing his own tail. He never gets it.

  2. Nancy

    Beth Moore and her ilk are no different than Oprah and Ms. Williamson. Ms. Moore’s operation is much more ‘stealth.’ So her deception as well as Joyce Meyer, etc. are much more dangerous to many.

  3. Debebe Bizuneh

    It is really informative. In these dark days, with the biblical Jesus, the future is bright . God Bless you! Numbers 6: 24-26

  4. Elizabeth Bennett

    I happened to turn to the Joel O. program on TBN for a few seconds and saw and heard his wife say, We are not here to glorify God; we are here to glorify ourselves. I could not believe her statement!

  5. Anna Rosa

    That is like the devil holding up a mask which is this book cover of ‘a course in miracles’ and speaking his quotes directly! The total opposite of the truth of God’s Word! And the journey to the cross was the most useful journey in all of history, so of course the devil will say the opposite about all of God’s truth. The new age is straight from the devil and is going right back to the pit of hell at the judgment! One of the most useless (and catastrophic) journeys will be Marianne Williamson’s journey to the presidential election 2020! First it was whisperings of Oprah, and now her. Dark days ahead either way. Yes, cling to the old rugged cross more than ever in the days ahead!!!

  6. Penny Tuck

    Thank you for the information I will be purchasing this book in the near future. Thank you for being Bereans may the Lord Bless You all.

  7. Jen

    ‘But during the interview that day, Williamson and Oprah failed to mention that the “Jesus” of the Course is not the same Jesus Christ described in the Bible..’ It is to these to whom The Lord God will say ‘I never knew you’. The ‘Jesus’ they claim is a figment of their imagination not the Holy, Holy, Holy One whose train of His robe filled heaven, The One seated at the right hand of God. With each of these stunning proclamations Jesus‘s words that the path his narrow becomes more clear to the discerning. For those that have ears to hear…. my sheep know my voice.

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