LTRP Note: This news story is another reminder that untold numbers of children have been and continue to be sexually abused (and not just in the Catholic Church) around the world. It’s an epidemic that still remains hushed in many cases today. Let us not forget that the power of sexual abuse lies in its secrecy. May we, as Bible-believing Christians, do our part to protect children. If you have never read Seducers Among Our Children by Investigative Sergeant Patrick Crough, we highly recommend it. Crough, a Lighthouse Trails author, is a devoted believer in Christ and a defender of children. His book is a vital resource in knowing how to protect children from sexual abuse.
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. Mark 9:42
By Jennifer Peltz
Associated Press
NEW YORK — It took 30 years for a former student to be ready to report he’d been sexually abused by a respected Roman Catholic priest on high school trips. But it didn’t take long to realize the priest wouldn’t be held accountable in court. . . .
Yet victims’ advocates are wary, noting that the archdiocese hasn’t given any estimate of the payouts or the total it will spend. Some activists see the program as a church tactic to shield information about the handling of problem priests and counter pressure to let decades-old child sexual abuse cases go to court. Click here to continue reading.
Protecting Your Child From Sexual Predators – With Prayer & the Word by Patrick Crough
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