We have been shocked and utterly dismayed at witnessing a growing distain for Israel and the Jews by those within the evangelical camp. Sadly, we have learned that even some who read Lighthouse Trails fall in this category. That has been surprising to us because we have been very vocal about where our sympathies lie since our inception. While not everyone who has crossed our path has been upfront about their own views on Israel and the Jews, Lighthouse Trails has never kept this a secret.
Recently, we heard a sermon online by an evangelical pastor who said that those who hold a special regard for the Jews need to repent. In a day and age when anti-Semitism is growing rapidly and were there are only 14 million Jews left in the world, we were very troubled by this pastor’s comments. He elaborated on how much evil the Jews had done to the world as if they were especially evil and wicked. This is a sign of the times.
As a reminder, here is what we believe about Israel and the Jews:
We believe God made an everlasting covenant with Israel. We do not believe the church replaces Israel (replacement theology). We believe there is biblical prophetic significance with Israel today. While we believe that individual Jews need to hear and accept the Gospel just like every human being does, the Bible is clear that Israel and the Jews are the apple of His eye, and as believers, we have been grafted in.
We reject and detest every form of anti-Semitism (which we are shockingly seeing growing strongly within the evangelical church today). We have published two books by living Holocaust survivors and carry numerous other materials about the Holocaust, finding it to be one of the most atrocious acts ever committed against humanity and particularly against the Jews. We believe Satan hates the Jews and Christians with a special vengeance.
We have posted numerous articles in the past several years that illustrate our concern for and interest in Israel and the Jewish people. In 2011, we began carrying Tony Pearce’s book, The Messiah Factor, which we find to be one of the best books we have read regarding Israel and the Jews. Below are a couple extracts from that book. We have also posted some articles by Pastor Bill Randles and Mike Oppenheimer, both who have written extensively about Israel. Below are some of those articles as well as others we have posted. Hopefully, these articles will clearly show our views regarding Israel and the Jewish people.
We realize there are Christians who will not agree with us, and to you we say, there are many websites that will side with you, but Lighthouse Trails is not one of them.
- Israel in comparison to Arab countries: Israel – Red; Arab Countries: Green
LT Statement on Luther and His Later Views Toward the Jews by Lighthouse Trails
Hitler’s Plan to Replace Christianity with a “New” Christianity by Tony Pearce
Who Really Killed Jesus? (A word to those who hate the Jews) by Tony Pearce
Israel/Flotilla Coverage You May Not Hear in the Mass Media – “Israel Should Go Home to Germany!”
Balaam, On Being Paid to Curse Israel by Bill Randles
New York Times: America’s Policy Towards Israel Officially Shifts from The Berean Call
Holocaust Remembrance Day 2012 – Resistance in the Midst of Travesty
Why the Heathen Rage in a World Gone Amiss by Bill Randles
Obama and the Mourning of Israel Video with Bill Randles
Media misleading on Jews evicting Arabs from Jerusalem by WND
Interesting Times? . . . Actually it is the End Times by Bill Randles
Israel and Prophetic Proof by The Berean Call
A Right and Left Hook to the Bible by Mike Oppenheimer
Vatican synod calls for end to Israel’s ‘occupation’ – “no longer a chosen people.” by Jerusalem Post
U.N. Human Rights Council Retaining Its Bias Against Israel
Obama Defends “Robust Support” For Israel – Administrative Record Proves Differently by CSN News
UN Textbooks for Palestinian Children ‘Explosively Anti-Semitic, Anti-American and Anti-Israeli’ by CSN News
It’s Official: Obama Administration Promotes Islamist Regimes; Insists They are Moderate
We love our big brothers, and pray they would come to know their Messiah, Whom we are so very thankful for..!
“Blessed is He Who come in the Name of the Lord”!
All I can say to this article, is: Thank you, and Amen!
“Vengeance is mine sayeth The Lord.” The Satanic Apostate Church is a Abomination to our Heavenly Father. How close is our world to World War Three? Many countries are now training there military’s for war. How long before countries will force their citizens to take a vaccine that will kill them to help depopulate the the world for the New World Order? Time is running out. If you have not trusted The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior you need to do it NOW. Do not put it OFF. We pray for you to Repent of your sin’s and trust Him as your Savior. For God so Loved the World.
I have been to Israel 3 times, love the Jewish people and strongly support what Lighthouse Trails believes
about Israel and the Jews. I believe Yeshua, Jesus is the Messiah. I also learned while in Israel that many Jewish people believe that Yeshua is the Messiah but have not stated it publicly.
Any attempt to transfer the promises given to the nation of Israel to the Church is rooted in anti-Semitism. When the church tries to take for herself the blessings given to the nation of Israel they are guilty of putting themselves in the role of Ishmael. THE CHURCH IS NOT ISRAEL. THE COVENANTS AND BLESSINGS PROMISED TO ISRAEL IN THE OLD TESTAMENT STILL BELONG TO ISRAEL. GOD STILL HAS A PLAN FOR THE NATION OF ISRAEL THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CHURCH. The relationship that God has with Israel is an EVERLASTING covenant relationship that is wrapped up in the Abrahamic Covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant contains everlasting, unconditional promises that were made to Abraham concerning his seed line through Isaac .
Many of the Reformation leaders such as Martin Luther and John Calvin hated Jews. The Reformers and their Roman Catholic mother were guilty of genocide because it was their habit to persecute and murder Jews and Bible believing Christians. Adolph Hitler and his SS first learned their hatred and persecution of the Jews from the Roman Catholic Church. The German government’s idea of tagging the Jews with yellow badges came straight out of fourteenth century Roman Catholicism. Because the Reformers and the Roman Catholic Church hated the Jews, their theology was tailor made to justify the persecution and murder of the Jews and to usurp the blessings and promises that God has given to his chosen people (the Jews). Though this pagan, worldly church is willing to usurp and claim the blessings given to Israel, they are unwilling to claim the curses that come from their disobedience.
If Israel was deserving of persecution and murder because they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, then much more so the pagan, apostate professing church of today that has rejected the Lord Jesus Christ for Satan and the doctrines of devils. We make that statement in a tongue and cheek fashion. We are not advocating violence against unbelievers, apostates, and heretics. It is unscriptural to take up carnal weapons in defense of the faith (2 Corinthians 10:3-4). The violence perpetrated against Jews and Bible believing Christians by the Roman Catholic Church, Martin Luther and his followers , John Calvin and his followers, Ulrich Zwingli and his followers, the Anglican Church in England and America, and any other religious persecutor in any land is worse than the Islamic terror of today because so-called “Christians” ought to know better. God is also going to avenge the persecution, torture, and murder of Christians and Jews at the hands of Muslims.
Any church or denomination that takes upon itself the role of persecuting or setting aside Israel is guilty of being of the synagogue of Satan and is a part of the bride of the Antichrist (Revelation 17). The heresy that says the promises given to Israel have been forfeited to the Church is called Replacement Theology. Replacement Theology is theologically systemized anti-Semitism and is a damnable heresy.
People who profess to be Christians but who are anti-Isra’el and anti-Semitic are obviously not genuine born again Christians, it is impossible for someone who has genuinely believed in and received Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiach (The Lord Jesus The Messiah) as Saviour and Lord and is born again by the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) and therefore has a genuine relationship with Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiach (The Lord Jesus The Messiah) and who has the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) living in them, to be anti-Isra’el and anti-Semitic.
Question: Is John Piper’s Bethlehem College anti-semitic? Christ at the Checkpoint conferences are.
I”m not surprised that many Christians are turning against Israel,The word of God says that the whole world would be against them.Personally i do not have anything against them i know that they need Jesus and i just pray for them. God Bless