by Chris Pinto with Adullam Films

“Essence of lies, and quintessence of blasphemy, as the religion of Rome is, it nevertheless fascinates a certain order of Protestants, of whom we fear it may be truly said that they have received a strong delusion to believe a lie, that they may be damned.”–Charles H. Spurgeon, “The Sword and the Trowel,” Jan. 1873

The above quote from Charles Spurgeon (the “Prince of Preachers”) is very pertinent to the time in which we live. Many believers are familiar with Spurgeon but are unaware that one of his mottos was “No peace with Rome.”

For the past two years, Adullam Films has been developing a new documentary titled, “A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible.” Thank the Lord, the first edited draft of the work is complete and should be ready for duplication by next week, once the final touches have been made. Our new film records events from the first century onward, showing the history of the Church, and the long war both for and against the Word of God. We document the trials of the saints, along with Rome’s ancient hatred of the Bible and her repeated attempts to “keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures.”

When the Bible began to be translated into the languages of the common man, it resulted in the Protestant Reformation. What few modern day Christians are aware of, however, is that Rome launched a Counter Reformation in 1540 with the establishment of the Society of Jesus (also known as the Jesuit Order). Their purpose was to destroy the work of the Reformers and bring the world back into the Dark Ages. It is our belief that the Counter Reformation continues to this day, and is the real secret behind the Ecumenical Movement, the World Council of Churches, the European Union, and the Emerging Church.

Several years ago, I met with Roger Oakland while we were still based in California. Roger had been teaching on the Emerging Church and its connections to Rome. When I first saw him, I asked: “Do you think this is the continuation of the Counter Reformation?” His immediate answer was, “Yes …”

… which brings us to Rick Warren and Tony Blair.


Rick Warren recently joined with Tony Blair’s Interfaith Advisory Board, which includes leaders from six different faiths. The man called “America’s Pastor” will sit alongside leaders from Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu “faiths,” along with his Roman Catholic counterpart, Tony Blair. To read Warren’s own statement about it, click here.

The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is all part of Blair’s new course in life, since leaving his office as prime minister of England. In 2008, he began teaching “Faith and Globalization” at Yale University. But how and why did he end up at Yale teaching on this particular subject? To find the most likely answer, let’s backtrack a few years.


In June of 2006, Tony Blair went to the Vatican to meet with Pope Benedict XVI. It is worth considering that Blair also met with the Pope on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, an event the U.K. played no small part in. With this, consider that his partner, George W. “Bush … filled the White House with Catholic speech-writers and consultants” and “Before he became president, Karl Rove … invited Catholic intellectuals to Texas to lecture the candidate on the church’s teachings.” (UK Telegraph, “George W. Bush Meets Pope Amid Claims he might Convert to Roman Catholicism”–June 2008)

Now back to Blair at the Vatican: Of their meeting in 2006, the BBC reported:

“Mr. Blair spoke privately in the pontiff’s study for about 35 minutes. Outlining the nature of the discussions held, a Downing Street spokesman said: ‘The prime minister and the Pope talked about the challenges of globalization and the importance of dialogue between the faiths …'” (BBC News/UK, “Blair Audience with Pope Benedict,” Sat. 3 June, 2006)

The following year, Blair bid farewell to the office of Prime Minister and shortly thereafter, converted to Roman Catholicism. Now he is teaching “faith and globalization” at Yale? Is it possible that he’s there under the direction of the Pope? If that is the case, then what does this say about Rick Warren? Is he also working under the yoke of Rome? And could this be why he has been promoting the Emerging Church, which is a movement leading professing believers back to Roman Catholic rituals and philosophies?

We have for some time believed that the current Emerging Church movement is a parallel of the Oxford Movement that took place in England during the 19th century. The Oxford Movement was an attempt to Romanize the Church of England. One of the leading lights of the movement was John Henry Newman, an Anglican minister who converted to Roman Catholicism, and took hundreds of Anglican Protestants with him. Newman became a Catholic priest and was later promoted to cardinal. He was a key figure working to bring England back to Rome. When Tony Blair met with the Pope in 2007 (right before he left office), the National Catholic Reporter noted that:

“Blair gave the pope an interesting gift–three photographs of England’s most famous convert to Catholicism, Cardinal John Henry Newman. One was autographed by the 19th-century cardinal.” (National Catholic Reporter, “Tony Blair in Vatican Confab,” July 6, 2007).

To read Blair’s own words (from “The Office of Tony Blair”) in launching the faith and development seminar series, click here.

“But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape …. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3, 6) (Source: Adullah Films

Related Information:

Tony Blair Converts to Catholicism

Tony Blair’s Interfaith Foundation–Kjos Ministries

Rick Warren joins Tony Blair’s interfaith movement